mapChartVariables: Map chart variables

Description Usage Arguments Value Possible categories Validation rules


Maps which categories chart variables can be assigned to. Minimum and maximum values are also provided when applicable.





A character The name of a dzVis database table containing the variables - the columns - to be analysed.


A character vector The name(s) of the column(s).


A data.frame. The first column represents the names of the variables. The next columns, named after the possible categories, booleans indicating if the variable can be assigned to the category.

Possible categories

  1. TARGET Numeric variables. They are typcally represented on the axis of the chart.

  2. GROUP Character variables. Represent categories by which the TARGET variables are classified.

  3. TIME Date variable. Indicates when the TARGET were observed.

  4. KEY Variables of any type. When combined, they represent the primary key - the id - of the table.

Validation rules

The variables are checked according to the rules estabilished in validation functions and in the following order:

  1. targetVar: validateTargetVariables

  2. groupVar: validateGroupVariable

  3. timeVar: validateTimeVariable

  4. key: validateKeys

talithafs/dzVis-Package documentation built on May 31, 2019, 2:54 a.m.