Pollute: Pollute data

Description Format Source References Examples


This data set consist of mortality rates against socio-economic, meteorological and pollution variables for 60 statistical areas in the USA. For details of the data set, see references below.


The data set have 60 observations with 15 variables. “MortRate” is the outcome variable. The data frame containing:

Rainfall Mean annual precipitation in inches
JanTemp Mean January temperature in degrees Fahrenhiet
JulTemp Mean July temperature in degrees Fahrenhiet
X.Over65 Percent of 1960 SMSA population which is 65 years of age or over
AvHHSize Population per household
YrsEduc Median school years completed for those over 25 in 1960 SMSA
X.GdHouse Percent of housing units which are sound with all facilities
PopDens Population per square mile in urbanized area in 1960
X.NWhite Percent of 1960 urbanized area population which is non-white
WCollar Percent employment in white-collar occupations in 1960 urbanized area
X.Poor Percent families with income under \$3000 in 1960 urbanized area(cm)
HydCarb Relative population potential of hydrocarbons
NOx Relative population potential of oxides of nitrogen
SO2 Relative population potential of sulpher dioxides
RelHumid Percent relative humidity, annual average at 1 PM
MortRate Total age adjusted mortality rate, expressed as death per 100000 population.


Alan Miller at http://users.bigpond.net.au/amiller/


Gunst, R.F. and Mason, R.L. (1980). Regression Analysis and its Application, Mercel Decker: New York, 370 – 371.

McDonald, G.C. and Schwing, R.C. (1973). Instabilities of regression coefficient estimates relating air pollution to mortality.Technometrics, 15, 463 – 482.


data(Pollute, package = "modelSampler")

tanujitdey/modelSampler documentation built on May 5, 2019, 11:01 p.m.