opts_chunk$set(fig.width=12, fig.height=8, warning=FALSE, 
message=FALSE, echo=FALSE, dev=c('png', 'pdf', 'win.metafile', 'tiff'), 
fig.cap=NULL, cache=TRUE, dpi=300)


Four subjects were subjected to 10g of fiber diet per day first then 40g fiber per diet after a washout period of 15 days. In addition to 16S rRNA gene sequencing, metatranscriptomics was also done from stool samples. Here we aimed to compare gut microbiota composition, taxonomic and functional activies.


m  = melt(apply(metatrans_alimintest$SubCatKegg[1:15,], 1, tapply, c(rep("10g",4),rep("40g",4)), mean))
se = melt(apply(metatrans_alimintest$SubCatKegg[1:15,], 1, tapply, c(rep("10g",4),rep("40g",4)), function(x){sd(x)/sqrt(length(x))}))
m  = data.frame(m,sem = se[,3])

dodge <- position_dodge(width=0.9)

p0 = ggplot(m, aes(fill=Var1, x=Var2, y=value)) + 
geom_bar(colour="black", position=position_dodge(), stat="identity") + 
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=value-sem, ymax = value+sem), position=position_dodge(width=0.9), width=0.33) +
scale_y_continuous(labels = percent) + coord_flip() + 
scale_fill_manual("Dietary fiber\nper day", values=c("yellow","#7F7F00")) +
theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = c(0.8, 0.8)) + 
xlab("") + ylab("average reads proportions assigned") 


pdf("figures/Tap_FigS4_metatrans_kegg.pdf", h=5, w=9)

Fig. 4: Impact of diet on microbial gene expression. The graph pictures the relative abundance of gut microbial cDNA reads assigned to KEGG database subcategories according to diet fiber content. Standard error of the mean are reprensented by error bars. Stars indicate that p. values < 0.05. Yellow bars account for a diet with 10g fiber/day (point 3 on Fig. S1). Green bars account for the 40g fiber/day diet (point 5 on Fig. S1).

tax_levels = c(


) #useful to reorder the taxonomic level for the bar chart plot

metatrans = rbind(
    metatrans_alimintest$tax_metatrans_summary[,c(tax_levels, "method","subject_id", "fiber")],
    metatrans_alimintest$tax_16S_summary[,c(tax_levels, "method","subject_id", "fiber") ]

metatrans = melt(metatrans, id.vars=c("method","subject_id","fiber"))

taxcolors = c("blue","deepskyblue1","yellow","yellow3", "hotpink","hotpink1","hotpink2","hotpink3",
"hotpink4", "palegreen", "grey","black")

#pdf("~/storage/Dropbox/AlimIntest_reloaded/Article/revised_manuscript/Supplementary/FigS6_metatrans_tax.pdf", h=7, w=7)

p1 = ggplot(metatrans) + geom_bar(aes(y=value, x=fiber, fill=variable), stat="identity") + 
facet_grid(method~subject_id) + scale_x_discrete(label=c("10g","40g")) + 
scale_fill_manual("Taxonomy",values=taxcolors) + xlab("fiber amount per day") + ylab("proportions")


Fig. S6 (a): Taxonomic comparison between 16S and metatranscriptomics dataset.

A partial triadic analysis (between 10g vs 40g of fiber) combined with a co-inertia analysis (KEGG metatranscriptomics data vs taxonomic metatranscriptomics) is done. The aime of this analysis is to test the co-structure between taxonomic and functional activities and explore this under different conditions of fiber amount.

tax = t(metatrans_alimintest$tax_metatrans_summary[1:12])
tax.pca  = dudi.pca(,scannf=F, nf=3)
kegg.pca = dudi.pca($SubCatKegg[1:15,]+0.00001))),scannf=F, nf=3)
wit1     = wca(tax.pca, metatrans_alimintest$metadata$fiber, scan = FALSE, scal = "total")
wit2     = wca(kegg.pca, metatrans_alimintest$metadata$fiber, scan = FALSE, nf = 2)
kta1     = ktab.within(wit1, colnames = metatrans_alimintest$metadata$sample_id2)
kta2     = ktab.within(wit2, colnames = metatrans_alimintest$metadata$sample_id2)
statico1 = statico(kta1, kta2, scan = FALSE)

row.names(statico1$co) = gsub("  ", "", gsub("\\.", " ", row.names(statico1$co)))


p2 = ggplot(statico1$li) + geom_text(aes(label=row.names(statico1$li), x=Axis1, y=Axis2), size=3) + geom_text(data=statico1$co, aes(x=Comp1, y=Comp2, label=row.names(statico1$co)), col="red", size=3) + xlab(paste0("PC1 ",round((statico1$eig/sum(statico1$eig))[1]100,1),"%" )) + ylab(paste0("PC2 ",round((statico1$eig/sum(statico1$eig))[2]100,1),"%" )) + theme_bw() + xlim(-3,3)

a = data.frame(cos2=statico1$cos2, fiber=c("10g","40g")) p3 = ggplot(a) + geom_bar(aes(y=cos2, x=fiber),stat="identity") + ylab("co-structure\ncontributions")

p3_grob = ggplotGrob(p3)

p2 = p2 + annotation_custom(grob = p3_grob, xmin = -3, xmax = -1.6, ymin = 0.7, ymax = 1.8) p2

pdf("figures/Tap_FigS6_metatrans_16S_kegg_pta_coia.pdf", h=7, w=16) grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol=2)


Fig. S6 (b): Co-inertia compromise between taxonomic and functional activities in the gut microbiota with 10g or 40 fiber diet. Combined with a partial triadic analysis, the contribution of different fiber amount to the link between taxonomic and function is measured (inset graphic). after 10g of fiber, the link between taxonomic and functional activities is higher than 40g of fiber.


tapj/AlimIntest documentation built on May 31, 2019, 3:48 a.m.