
Defines functions preview_cdw get_cdw.character reset_cdw send_qry prep_output run_qry get_cdw.connection get_cdw

Documented in get_cdw preview_cdw reset_cdw

#' Get data from the CDW
#' @param query A SQL query. This can be either the text of the query, the name
#' of a file that contains the query, or a valid connection that contains the
#' text of the query.
#' @param dsn The name of the connection, as it appears in your \code{tnsnames}
#' @param uid Your username (see details)
#' @param pwd Your password (see details)
#' @param ... Other arguments passed on to \code{dbSendQuery} in package \code{odbc}
#' @details Returns a data.frame if the query is successful, otherwise an error.
#' If you don't enter a username/password, \code{get_cdw} will check the global
#' environment for these values. The first time you run a query against a given
#' \code{dsn}, you will be prompted for your credentials. These will be saved in
#' an encrypted database in your home directory, so that you won't be prompted
#' for them again in the future. If you need to reset your credentials, use the
#' function \code{\link{reset_credentials}}.
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that is.string
#' @importFrom dplyr tbl_df
#' @export
get_cdw <- function(query, dsn = config("default_dsn"), uid = NULL, pwd = NULL, ...) {

#' @export
get_cdw.connection <- function(query, dsn = config("default_dsn"),
                               uid = NULL, pwd = NULL, ...) {
    query <- sql_from_con(query)
    get_cdw(query, dsn, uid, pwd, ...)

# sends the query and retrieves results as a data frame
run_qry <- function(query, dsn, uid, pwd, n = -1L, ...) {
    #send query, attempt to give back informative sql error messages if needed
    res <- send_qry(dsn = dsn, uid = uid, pwd = pwd, query = query, restart = TRUE)

    # fetch results
    resdf <- odbc::dbFetch(res, n = n)

    # convert column names to lower-case, and add tbl_df class for
    # convenient printing

prep_output <- function(res) {
    names(res) <- tolower(names(res))

send_qry <- function(dsn, uid, pwd, query, restart, ...) {
    connection <- connect(dsn, uid, pwd)
    tryCatch(odbc::dbSendQuery(connection, query, ...),
             error = function(e) {
                 if (
                     (grepl("invalid connection", e$message, ignore.case = TRUE) ||
                      grepl("ORA-02396", e$message) ||
                      grepl("ORA-01012", e$message) ||
                      grepl("ORA-03113", e$message) ||
                      grepl("ORA-03114", e$message)) &&
                     restart) {
                     reset(dsn, uid, pwd)
                     return(send_qry(dsn, uid, pwd, query, restart = FALSE, ...))
                 errmsg <- regexpr("ORA-[0-9]+:.*\n", e$message)
                 stop(regmatches(e$message, errmsg), call. = FALSE)

mrun_qry <- memoise::memoise(run_qry)

#' Reset cache
#' getcdw caches query results for better performance. Use \code{reset_cdw}
#' to empty the cache
#' @export
reset_cdw <- function() memoise::forget(mrun_qry)

#' @export
get_cdw.character <- function(query, dsn = config("default_dsn"), uid = NULL, pwd = NULL,
                              ...) {
    if (file.exists(query)) {
        query <- sql_from_file(query)

    if (is.null(uid) || is.null(pwd)) {
        credential <- credential(dsn)
        uid <- credential$UID
        pwd <- credential$PWD

    # use msend to send the query, which will return already known results
    # in the case of a repeated query
    mrun_qry(query = query, dsn = dsn, uid = uid, pwd = pwd, ...)

#' Run a preview query
#' Run a query but only return the first n rows of results. Useful for testing
#' queries that might run slowly.
#' @inheritParams get_cdw
#' @param n The maximum number of rows to return
#' @export
preview_cdw <- function(query, n = 10, dsn = config("default_dsn"), uid = NULL, pwd = NULL,
                        ...) {

    get_cdw(query, dsn, uid, pwd, n = n, ...)
tarakc02/getcdw documentation built on April 2, 2022, 4:13 p.m.