
bstnode <- function(key, value, n, red) {
    node <- new.env(hash = FALSE, parent = emptyenv())
    node$key <- key
    node$value <- value
    node$n <- n
    node$left <- NULL
    node$right <- NULL
    node$red <- red
    class(node) <- "bstnode"

#' Create a new binary search tree
#' Creates a new, empty, binary search tree. A \code{bst} stores keys and 
#' values. You can \link{insert} new key-value pairs in, and you can 
#' \link{retrieve} values out by providing a key. 
#' @param keys (optional) keys to initially insert into the tree
#' @param values (optional) values should be the same length as \code{keys}
#' @param compare The comparator that the tree should use for ordering
#' @details The default comparator will use \code{<}, so is defined for 
#' any types with which you can use \code{<}.
#' Note that there is no checking for consistency of keys. 
#' @examples 
#' mytree <- bst()
#' mytree
#' # add ("a": 3) to the tree
#' mytree2 <- insert(mytree, "a", 3)
#' # no side-effects
#' mytree
#' mytree2
#' retrieve(mytree, "a") ## returns NULL
#' retrieve(mytree2, "a") ## 3
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
bst <- function(keys = NULL, values = NULL, compare = compare_default) {
    assertthat::assert_that(length(keys) == length(values))
    bst <- new.env(hash = FALSE, parent = emptyenv())
    bst$root <- NULL
    bst$compare <- compare
    class(bst) <- "bst"
    if (length(keys) == 0) return(bst)
    # insert keys and values
    if (any(vapply(values, is.null, logical(1))))
        stop("Can't insert NULL values")
    if (any(is.na(keys))) stop("Keys can not be NA")
    mapply(function(k, v) insert2(bst, k, v), keys, values)

#' @export
print.bst <- function(tree) {
    cat("tree of size", size(tree), '\n')
    if (is_empty(tree)) return()
    catnode <- function(node) {
        if (is.null(node)) return()
        cat('|  ', node$key, ':', sep="")
    if (size(tree) > 3) cat("|  ...")

#' @export
summary.bst <- function(tree) {
    size <- size(tree)
    height <- height(tree)
    min <- if (is_empty(tree)) NA else min_key(tree)
    max <- if (is_empty(tree)) NA else max_key(tree)
    data.frame(size, height, min, max, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
tarakc02/rbst documentation built on May 31, 2019, 3:55 a.m.