Man pages for tbonne/netTS
netTS: network time series

check.timescaleQuantify how changing window size alters the resulting time...
check.windowsizeBootstrap convergence check with subsampling
check.windowsize.plotPlot function for windowsize check outputs
convergence.check.bootBootstrap convergence check
convergence.check.boot.graphBootstrap convergence check for network level measures
convergence.check.valueConvergence check
convergence.check.varVariance by window size check
cor_between_graphsEstimate similarity between graphs using correlation
cosine_between_graphsEstimate consine similarity between graphs
cosine_between_nodesEstimate consine similarity between nodes in a graph an edge list
create.a.networkCreate a network a network from an edge list using the SRI.
create.windowCreate a window
degree_meanMean degree of a network
df.scansData on observational scans of a vervet monkey group
dist_between_graphsEstimate similarity between graphs using Euclidean distance
dyad_changedyad_change function
dyad_diffdyad_diff function
dyad_meandyad_mean function
dyadTSdyadTS function
dyadTS.plotPlot function for dyadTS outputs
dyad_weightdyad_weight function
edge.weight.skewnessEstimate skewness of the edge weight distribution for each...
effort.focalFocal sampling
effort.scanUnique scan IDs
effort.timeMin/Max time per day
eigen_meanMean eigenvector centrality of a network
extract_lagged_measure_dyadsExtract dyad level measures from a list of networks when the...
extract_lagged_measure_networkExtract measures from a list of networks when the measure...
extract_lagged_measure_nodesExtract node level measures from a list of networks when the...
extract_measure_dyadsExtract dyad level network measures from a list of networks
extract_measure_networkExtract network measures from a list of networks
extract_measure_nodesExtract node level network measures from a list of networks
extract_networksExtract networks from a moving window
extract_networks_paraExtract networks from a moving window using multiple cores
graphTSgraphTS function
graphTS.plotPlot function for graphTS outputs
groomEventsData on grooming events in a vervet group
net.paraExtract networks in parallel using a dataframe of times
net.window.paraExtract one network within time constriants
node_first_lastFirst and last observation time of each node
nodeTSnodeTS function
nodeTS.plotPlot function for nodeTS outputs
order_eventsOrder events alphabetically
perm.edge.degseqPerform edge permutations maintaining the degree distribution...
perm.edge.weightsPerform edge weight permutations
perm.eventsPerform permutation on the events dataframe permutation on the events dataframe, maintaining...
permutation.graph.valuesUse permutation to extract uncertainty some observation data
trim_dyadsTrim dyads.
trim_nodesTrim nodes.
weighted_meanCalculate the weighted average correcting for nodes enter or...
tbonne/netTS documentation built on July 26, 2021, 2:27 a.m.