Man pages for tchitchek-lab/MDSRefMaps
What the Package Does in One 'Title Case' Line

computeEntourageScoreComputation of the Entourage Score
computeKruskalStressComputation of the Kruskal Stress
distEuclideanComputation of a distance matrix using the Euclidean metric
distManhattanComputation of a distance matrix using the Manhattan metric
MDSProjectionConstruction of a MDS Projection
MDSReferenceMapConstruction of a MDS Reference Map
MDSReferenceMapwithProjectionConstruction of a MDS Reference Map with a MDS Projection
MDSRefMaps-packageA short title line describing what the package does
plotMDSGeneration of ggplot graphical representations for MDS...
setConstantsSetting of the algorithm constants
tchitchek-lab/MDSRefMaps documentation built on May 31, 2019, 7:28 a.m.