midwest: Midwest demographics.

midwestR Documentation

Midwest demographics.


Demographic information of midwest counties




A data frame with 437 rows and 28 variables

  • PID

  • county

  • state

  • area

  • poptotal. Total population

  • popdensity. Population density

  • popwhite. Number of whites.

  • popblack. Number of blacks.

  • popamerindian. Number of American Indians.

  • popasian. Number of Asians.

  • popother. Number of other races.

  • percwhite. Percent white.

  • percblack. Percent black.

  • percamerindan. Percent American Indian.

  • percasian. Percent Asian.

  • percother. Percent other races.

  • popadults. Number of adults.

  • perchsd.

  • percollege. Percent college educated.

  • percprof. Percent profession.

  • poppovertyknown.

  • percpovertyknown

  • percbelowpoverty

  • percchildbelowpovert

  • percadultpoverty

  • percelderlypoverty

  • inmetro. In a metro area.

  • category'

tdhock/animint2 documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 4:25 a.m.