
LegendList.gen <- setRefClass("LegendList",
                                  fields = list(listData = "mutalist",
                                    elementType = "character"))

LegendList.gen$methods(initialize = function(elementType = "Legend", ...){
  elementType <<- elementType

LegendList <- function(...){
  vvlst <- mutalist(...)
  if (length(vvlst) == 1 && is(vvlst[[1L]],"mutalist")) 
    vvlst <- vvlst[[1L]]
  if (length(vvlst) == 1 && is.list(vvlst[[1L]])){
    vvlst <- mutalist(vvlst[[1L]])
    vvlst <- vvlst[[1L]]
  if (!all(sapply(vvlst, is, "Legend")))
    stop("all elements in '...' must be Legend objects")
  ans <- LegendList.gen$new(listData = vvlst)
## FIXME: wrong color showed, need to be fixed
## LegendList.gen$methods(show = function(graphics = FALSE){
##   if(!graphics){
##     lapply(listData, print)
##   }else{
##     nlist <- lapply(listData, function(x){
##       length(x$colors)
##     })
##     nlist <- c(0, nlist)
##     n <- sum(unlist(nlist))
##     old <- par(pty = "s", mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
##     on.exit(par(old))
##     plot(c(-1, 2), c(1, -n), type = "n", xlab="", ylab="", axes = FALSE)
##     lapply(1:length(listData), function(i){
##       st <- 0+sum(unlist(nlist)[1:i])
##       text(0.5, -st+1, listData[[i]]$title)
##       rect(1, -(st:(st+nlist[[i+1]])), 2, -(st:(st+nlist[[i+1]]))+0.5,
##            col = listData[[i]]$colors)
##       text(1 - 0.5, -(st:(st+nlist[[i+1]])) + 0.5, listData[[i]]$labels)
##     })
##   }
## })
tengfei/visnab documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:34 a.m.