
Defines functions getMetricOfType getAffinityMatrix repmat

Documented in getAffinityMatrix getMetricOfType repmat

#' Matlab-Syntaxed Repmat
#' This function mimics the behavior and syntax of repmat() in Matlab
#' it generates a large matrix consisting of an N-by-M tiling copies of A
#' @param A original matrix to be used as copies
#' @param N the number of rows of tiling copies of A
#' @param M the number of columns of tiling copies of A
#' @return matrix consisting of an N-by-M tiling copies of A
#' @export
repmat <- function(A, N, M) {
  kronecker(matrix(1, N, M), A)
#' Negative One Half Matrix Power Operator
#' This function defines operation for negative one half matrix
#' power operator
#' @param x the matrix we want to operate on
#' @param n the exponent
#' @return the matrix after negative one half power
#' @export
"%^%" <- function(x, n) {
  with(eigen(as.matrix(x)), vectors %*% (values^n * t(vectors)))
#' Get Affinity Matrix
#' This function returns an affinity matrix within knn-nearest neighbors from the distance matrix.
#' @param distance2 The distance matrix for each observation
#' @param knn The number of nearest neighbors
#' @param nc The number of observations for data in this class
#' @export
#' @return an affinity matrix - the larger the element in the matrix, the closer two data points are
getAffinityMatrix <- function(distance2, knn, nc) {
  sorted <- apply(distance2, 2, sort) # sort for each column by distance
  if (dim(sorted)[1] < knn + 1) {
    stop("knn is too large, please try to reduce it.")
  kNNdist2 <- t(as.matrix(sorted[knn + 1, ])) # knn-th nearest neighbor
  sigma <- sqrt(kNNdist2)

  localscale <- t(sigma) %*% sigma
  # use only non-zero entries in localscale since this will be used in the denominator
  # to calculate the affinity matrix
  flag <- (localscale != 0)

  # define affinity matrix - the larger the element in the matrix, the closer two data points are
  A <- mat.or.vec(nc, nc)
  A[flag] <- exp(-distance2[flag] / localscale[flag])
#' Get Requested Type of Transforming Metric
#' This function returns the requested type of transforming metric.
#' @param metric The type of metric to be requested
#' @param eigVec The eigenvectors of the problem
#' @param eigVal The eigenvalues of the problem
#' @param total The number of total rows to be used for weighting denominator
#' @return The transformation metric in requested type
#' @export
getMetricOfType <- function(metric, eigVec, eigVal, total) {
    # this weighting scheme is explained in section 3.3 in the first reference
    weighted = eigVec * repmat(t(sqrt(eigVal)), total, 1),
    orthonormalized = qr.Q(qr(eigVec)),
    plain = eigVec
terrytangyuan/lfda documentation built on July 19, 2023, 2:01 p.m.