strip_vanilla: Default strips

View source: R/strip_vanilla.R

strip_vanillaR Documentation

Default strips


Strips with the style of vanilla ggplot2.


strip_vanilla(clip = "inherit", size = "constant")



A character(1) that controls whether text labels are clipped to the background boxes. Can be either "inherit" (default), "on" or "off".


A character(1) stating that the strip margins in different layers remain "constant" or are "variable".


A Strip ggproto object that can be used ggh4x facets.

See Also

Other strips: strip_nested(), strip_split(), strip_themed()


# Some dummy data with a long string
df <- data.frame(
  short = "X",
  long  = "A very long string that takes up a lot of space",
  value = 1
# Simple plot
p <- ggplot(df, aes(value, value)) +
  geom_point() +
  theme(strip.text.y.right = element_text(angle = 0))

# Short titles take up as much space as long titles
p + facet_grid2(
  vars(short, long),
  strip = strip_vanilla(size = "constant")

# Short titles take up less space
p + facet_grid2(
  vars(short, long),
  strip = strip_vanilla(size = "variable")

teunbrand/ggh4x documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 5:38 p.m.