Man pages for tgac-vumc/CGHbase
CGHbase: Base functions and classes for arrayCGH data analysis.

avedistRetrieve regions information from cghRegions object.
CGHbase-packageCGHbase: Base functions and classes for arrayCGH data...
chromosomesRetrieve feature position data from cgh objects.
class.cghCallClass to contain and describe called array comparative...
class.cghRawClass to contain and describe raw or normalized array...
class.cghRegionsClass to contain and describe array comparative genomic...
class.cghSegClass to contain and describe segmented array comparative...
copynumberRetrieve copynumber data from cgh objects.
frequencyPlotVisualization of aCGH regions.
frequencyPlotCallsVisualization of aCGH profiles.
make_cghRawConvert a dataframe or textfile to an object of class cghRaw.
plotPlot aCGH data.
problossRetrieve call probabilities from a cghCall object.
regionsRetrieve regions data from cghRegions object.
summaryPlotVisualization of aCGH profiles.
WiltingCervical cancer arrayCGH data
WiltingCalledCervical cancer arrayCGH data called with CGHcall
WiltingNormNormalized log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.
WiltingRawRaw log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.
WiltingRegionsRegions of cervical cancer arrayCGH data as defined by...
WiltingSegSegmented log2 ratios from cervical cancer arrayCGH data.
tgac-vumc/CGHbase documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:59 a.m.