

test_that("word accepts only strings", {

test_that("word output has same length as input",
    expect(nrow(word("Katze")) == 1,
           failure_message = "The output has not the same length as the input" )
    expect(nrow(word(c("Katze", "Pferd", "Elch"))) == 3,
           failure_message = "The output has not the same length as the input")

test_that("randomwords stops, on certain conditions",{
    expect_error(randomword(1001), info = "query length")
    expect_error(randomword(1.2), info = "double as n argument")
    expect_error(randomword(-1), info = "negative n")
    expect_error(randomword(10, force=1), info = "non logical force argument")

test_that("randomwords hat the correct dimensions", {
    expect(nrow(randomword(10) == 10),
           failure_message = "randomword output has not the expected no of rows")
    expect(ncol(randomword(10) == 3),
           failure_message = "randomword output has not the expected no of rows")

test_that("prefixword stops, on certain conditions",{
    expect_error(prefixword("fort", min_freq = -2), info = "invalid min_freq")
    expect_error(prefixword("fort", max_num=0), info = "invalid max_num")
    expect_error(prefixword("fort", force=1), info = "non logical force argument")

test_that("all functions stop, if an invalid corpus is selected",
              expect_error(prefixword("fort", corpus = "fantasy_corpus"))
              expect_error(word("fort", corpus = "fantasy_corpus"))
              expect_error(randomword("fort", corpus = "fantasy_corpus"))

tgraf0/wortschatzR documentation built on May 5, 2019, 3:51 a.m.