Man pages for thackl/thacklr
A Collection of R Functions and Snippets I Often Use.

ancestorCompute the ancestor of a gff feature
as.multiPhylo.listConvert a List into multiPhylo Object
clean_tipsRemove Missing Tips
distanceCompute great circle distances
enable_TODOEnable/Disable TODO() messages
flip_descendantsFlip Descendant Clades
get_childrenGet Child Nodes
gg_color_hueggplot default color vector
ggtreeplotCreate a ggplot next to a ggtree
index_byIndex by keys preserving order
mount_mitMount MIT remote drives
no_gridRemove grid from ggplot
no_legendRemove legend from ggplot
no_x_axisRemove x-axis from ggplot
no_y_axisRemove y-axis from ggplot
pkg_updateDocument and reload dev package
prune_long_tip_branchesPrune very long branches
qwCreate a vector from unquoted words.
read_bedRead a .bed file
read_blastRead a BLAST .tsv files
read_eggnogRead EggNOG-mapper annotation .tsv files.
read_faiRead fasta index
read_gffRead a .gff file
read_hmmerRead a HMMER .tbl/tsv file
read_interproRead InterProScan .tsv files.
read_pafRead a .paf file (minimap/minimap2).
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reroot_by_outgroupReroot Tree by Outgroup
scale_y_treeContinious y-scale with fixed expansion space
session_info_diffCompare sessionInfo()s
set_classModify object class attriutes
split_bySplit by key preserving order
str_which_uniqueKeep strings uniquely matching a pattern, or find positions.
TODOAdd TODO statements. See 'enable/distable_TODO' for control...
tree_yGet tree-based y-coordinates
tree_ylimGet the range of the ggtree y-axis data
thackl/thacklr documentation built on Oct. 16, 2023, 9:15 p.m.