
#' Write identified packages to a new (or append to existing) bibliography file
#' @param libs Character (string) of package name(s) or Dataframe with a column "Package".
#' @param path_out Character. Path to new or existing bibliography file
#' @param append Logical. Determines if package bibliography should be appended or not
#' @param textformat Logical. Determines if plain-text or bibtex format should be used
#' @usage lib_write(libs, path_out, append, textformat = TRUE)
#' @description The bibliography of identified packages can be saved in two formats (plain-text or bibtex). Currently, the function does not recognize the text format from the file ending, so ensure to set the argument appropriately.
#' @export
#' #' @importFrom attempt stop_if

#' @examples \dontrun{
#' lib_write(libs, ".", append = FALSE)
#' }
lib_write <- function(libs, path_out, append = FALSE, textformat = TRUE){

    # safety checks to prevent unwanted over-writing
    attempt::stop_if(file.exists(path_out) && isFALSE(append),

                     msg = cat(paste0(crayon::red("File already exists."), " Set append to ", crayon::blue("TRUE"), " to over-write it.")))

    # open sink to capture output
    sink(file = file(description = path_out,
                     encoding = "UTF-8"),
         type = "output",
         append = append)

    # generate output without list

        cat("% Encoding: UTF-8\n\n\n")

    invisible(lib_print(libs = libs,textformat = textformat, silent = FALSE))

    #close sink

the-Hull/lib2bib documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:35 a.m.