dtedit: Create a DataTable with Add, Edit and Delete buttons.

View source: R/DTedit.R

dteditR Documentation

Create a DataTable with Add, Edit and Delete buttons.


dtedit - editable DataTable

dteditmod - editable DataTable, adapted for use in modules


dtedit(input, output, name, thedata, ...)

  view.cols = names(shiny::isolate(if (shiny::is.reactive(thedata)) {
    else {
  edit.cols = names(shiny::isolate(if (shiny::is.reactive(thedata)) {
    else {
  edit.label.cols = edit.cols,
  delete.info.cols = view.cols,
  delete.info.label.cols = delete.info.cols,
  input.choices = NULL,
  input.choices.reactive = NULL,
  action.buttons = NULL,
  selectize = TRUE,
  modal.size = "m",
  text.width = "100%",
  textarea.width = "570px",
  textarea.height = "200px",
  date.width = "100px",
  datetime.width = "200px",
  numeric.width = "100px",
  select.width = "100%",
  defaultPageLength = 10,
  max.fileInputLength = 1e+08,
  title.delete = "Delete",
  title.edit = "Edit",
  title.add = "New",
  label.delete = "Delete",
  label.edit = "Edit",
  label.add = "New",
  label.copy = "Copy",
  label.save = "Save",
  label.cancel = "Cancel",
  icon.delete = NULL,
  icon.edit = NULL,
  icon.add = NULL,
  icon.copy = NULL,
  text.delete.modal = "Are you sure you want to delete this record?",
  show.delete = TRUE,
  show.update = TRUE,
  show.insert = TRUE,
  show.copy = TRUE,
  show.search = FALSE,
  callback.delete = function(data, row) {
  callback.update = function(data, olddata, row) {
  callback.insert = function(data, row) {
  callback.actionButton = function(data, row, buttonID) {
  click.time.threshold = 3,
  useairDatepicker = FALSE,
  datatable.options = list(pageLength = defaultPageLength),
  datatable.rownames = FALSE,
  datatable.call = function(...) {



Shiny input object passed from the server.


Shiny output object passed from the server.


(name is available in dtedit only). The name of the outputted editable datatable. The name passed to dtedit is the same as the name passed to uiOutput. Put uiOutput(name) where you want the editable datatable in the ui.R. When using more than one dtedit within a Shiny application the name must be unique. (name is converted to the session argument of dteditmod.)


a data frame to view and edit. can be a reactive


arguments not recognized by DTedit are passed to DT::renderDataTable By default, datatable.call uses DT::dataframe, so this limits the options that can be passed through this method.


Shiny session object (an environment) passed from the server. Alternatively, the 'name' (character) of the outputted editable datatable.


character vector with the column names to show in the DataTable. This can be a subset of the full data.frame.


character vector with the column names the user can edit/add. This can be a subset of the full data.frame.


character vector with the labels to use on the edit and add dialogs. The length and order of code.cols.labels must correspond to edit.cols.


character vector with the column names specifying which values are presented on the delete dialog. This can be a subset of the full data.frame. Defaults to view.cols. If NULL, no data values are shown on the delete dialog.


character vector with the labels to use on the delete dialog. The length and order of delete.info.label.cols must correspond to delete.info.cols.


a character vector where the name corresponds to a column in edit.cols and the value is the input type. Possible values are:

  • dateInput - input changed by date.width

  • datetimeInput - input changed by datetime.width. needs useairDatepicker set to TRUE and requires package shinyWidgets.

  • selectInput - choices determined by input.choices, or the levels of the data column variable (if the column variable is of class factor), or the already present values in the data column.

  • selectInputMultiple - choices determined by input.choices or the already present values in the data column.

  • selectInputReactive - choices determined by a reactive variable, as defined by input.choices and input.choices.reactive.

  • selectInputMultipleReactive - choices determined by a reactive variable, as defined by input.choices and input.choices.reactive

  • numericInput - input changed by numeric.width

  • textInput - input changed by text.width

  • textAreaInput - input changed by textarea.width and textarea.height

  • passwordInput

  • fileInput - type of acceptable file types is defined by input.choices. Maximum file length is modifed by max.fileInputLength

One case where this parameter is desirable is when a text area is required instead of a simple text input.


a list of character vectors. The names of each element in the list must correspond to a column name in the data. The value, a character vector, are the options presented to the user for data entry, in the case of input type selectInput).

In the case of input type selectInputReactive or 'selectInputMultipleReactive“, the value is the name of the reactive in 'input.choices.reactive'

In the case of input type 'fileInput“ this is the 'accept' argument, which specifies the type of file which is acceptable. Can be a case insensitive file extension (e.g. '.csv' or '.rds') or a MIME type (e.g. 'text/plain' or 'application/pdf').


a named list of reactives, referenced in 'input.choices' to use for input type selectInputReactive or selectInputMultipleReactive. The reactive itself is a character vector.


a named list of action button columns. Each column description is a list of columnLabel, buttonLabel, buttonPrefix, afterColumn.

  • columnLabel label used for the column.

  • buttonLabel label used for each button

  • buttonPrefix used as the prefix for action button IDs. The suffix will be a number from '1' to the number of rows. Prefix and suffix will be separated with an underscore '_'.

  • afterColumn if provided, the action button column is placed after this named column.


Whether to use selectize.js or not. See selectInput for more info.


the size of the modal dialog. See modalDialog.


width of text inputs.


the width of text area inputs.


the height of text area inputs.


the width of data inputs


the width of datetime inputs


the width of numeric inputs.


the width of drop down inputs.


number of rows to show in the data table by default.


the maximum length (in bytes) of fileInput. Shiny itself has a default limit of 5 megabytes per file. The limit can be modified by using shiny.maxRequestSize option.


the title of the dialog box for deleting a row.


the title of the dialog box for editing a row.


the title of the dialog box for inserting a new row.


the label of the delete button.


the label of the edit button.


the label of the add button.


the label of the copy button.


the label of the save button.


the label of the cancel button.


the icon for the delete button, e.g. icon("trash"). Defaults to NULL.


the icon for the edit button, e.g. icon("edit"). Defaults to NULL.


the icon for the add button, e.g. icon("plus"). Defaults to NULL.


the icon for the copy button, e.g. icon("copy"). Defaults to NULL.


the text shown in the delete modal dialog.


whether to show/enable the delete button.


whether to show/enable the update button.


whether to show/enable the insert button.


whether to show/enable the copy button.


whether to show/enable the add/edit search feature in add/edit modals


a function called when the user deletes a row. This function should return an updated data.frame.


a function called when the user updates a row. This function should return an updated data.frame.


a function called when the user inserts a new row. This function should return an updated data.frame.


a function called when the user clicks an action button. called with arguments data, row and buttonID. This function can return an updated data.frame, alternatively return NULL if data is not to be changed.


This is to prevent duplicate entries usually by double clicking the save or update buttons. If the user clicks the save button again within this amount of time (in seconds), the subsequent click will be ignored. Set to zero to disable this feature. For developers, a message is printed using the warning function.


use shinyWidgets package airDatepickerInput


options passed to DT::renderDataTable. See https://rstudio.github.io/DT/options.html for more information.


show rownames as part of the datatable? TRUE or FALSE. Note that if datatable.call includes ⁠DT::format*⁠ calls, then datatable.rownames must equal TRUE


pre-processing call when calling DT::renderDataTable. Can be defined, for example, to include ⁠DT::format*⁠ calls. dtedit will pass several arguments to the datatable.call function.

  • data a dataframe. may have been processed to add actionButtons

  • options - datatable.options

  • rownames - datatable.rownames

  • escape - escape all columns except those with action buttons.

  • selection - single


dtedit is used in conjunction with uiOutput to create editable datatables. dtedit is used in a shiny application's server definition, uiOutput is used in the UI (user interface) definition.

dteditmod is used in conjunction with callModule and dteditmodUI to create editable datatables in a module environment. dteditmod is called through callModule in the 'server' section of the shiny application. dteditmodUI is called in the 'UI' (user-interface) section of the shiny app.

This object will maintain data state. However, in order of the data to persist between Shiny instances, data needs to be saved to some external format (e.g. database or R data file). The callback functions provide a mechanism for this function to interact with a permanent data storage scheme. The callback functions are called when the user adds, updates, or deletes a row from the data table. The callback must accept two parameters: data and row. For inserting and updating, the data object is the current state of data table including any additions or updates. The row parameter indicates which row from data was modified (or added). For deletions, however, the data represents the data table just before deleting the specified row. That is, if callback.delete returns a data.frame, that will be the new data table; otherwise this function will remove row row from data and that will become the current data table.

The callback functions may throw errors (see e.g. stop) if there are problems with data. That is, if data validation checks indicate data problems before inserting or updating a row the function may throw an error. Note that the error message will be presented to the user so providing messages meaningful to the user is recommended. Moreover, if an error is thrown, the modal dialog is not dismissed and the user can further edit the data and retry the insertion or update.

Callback functions may return a data.frame. When a data.frame is returned that will become the current state of the data table. If anything else is returned then the internal data.frame will be used.


Returns reactiveValues

  • theData - the current state of DTedit's copy of the data

  • view.cols

  • edit.cols

  • edit.count - number of edits to data done within DTedit (does not include changes to DTedit's copy of the data secondary to changes of a reactive thedata)

  • rows_selected - the row number selected. initially set to NULL


fork from https://github.com/DavidPatShuiFong/DTedit

See Also

  • example("dtedit") a simple example.

  • dtedit_demo() demonstration of dtedit.

  • dtedit_reactive_demo() reactive dataframe

  • dtedit_selectInputReactive_demo() reactive selectInput

  • dteditmodUI : the companion user-interface function for dteditmod.

  • example("dteditmodUI") a simple module example with reactive dataframe

  • dteditmod_demo() a more complex module example. Database interaction and interactions between the data of multiple datatables.

  • dteditmod_fileInput_demo() a modular example including binary file input and action buttons.

Other Datatable Edit functions: dteditmodUI()

the-mad-statter/washu documentation built on May 11, 2023, 7:24 p.m.