
Defines functions dteditmodUI dteditmod dtedit

Documented in dtedit dteditmod dteditmodUI

#' Create a DataTable with Add, Edit and Delete buttons.
#' dtedit - editable DataTable
#' \code{dtedit} is used in conjunction with \code{uiOutput} to create editable
#' datatables.
#' \code{dtedit} is used in a shiny application's server definition,
#' \code{uiOutput} is used
#' in the UI (user interface) definition.
#' @param input Shiny input object passed from the server.
#' @param output Shiny output object passed from the server.
#' @param name (\code{name} is available in \code{dtedit} only). The
#' \code{name} of the
#'   outputted editable datatable. The \code{name} passed to \code{dtedit} is
#'   the same
#'   as the name passed to \code{uiOutput}. Put \code{uiOutput(name)} where you
#'   want the
#'   editable datatable in the \code{ui.R}. When using more than one
#'   \code{dtedit} within a Shiny
#'   application the name must be unique. (\code{name} is converted
#'   to the \code{session} argument of dteditmod.)
#' @param ... \code{dtedit} passes options to \code{dteditmod},
#'   re-labelling \code{name} to \code{session}.
#'   Extra options not defined by \code{dteditmod} are passed to
#'   \code{DT::renderDataTable}.
#' @family Datatable Edit functions
#' @seealso
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item \code{example("dtedit")} a simple example.
#'  \item \code{dtedit_demo()} demonstration of dtedit.
#'  \item \code{dtedit_reactive_demo()} reactive dataframe
#'  \item \code{dtedit_selectInputReactive_demo()} reactive selectInput
#'  }
#' @note fork from https://github.com/DavidPatShuiFong/DTedit
dtedit <- function(input, output,
                   ...) {
  dteditmod(input, output, session = name, thedata = thedata, ...)

#' Create a DataTable with Add, Edit and Delete buttons.
#' dteditmod - editable DataTable, adapted for use in modules
#' \code{dteditmod} is used in conjunction with \code{callModule} and
#' \code{dteditmodUI} to create editable datatables in a module environment.
#' \code{dteditmod} is called through \code{callModule} in the 'server' section
#' of
#' the shiny application.
#' \code{dteditmodUI} is called in the 'UI' (user-interface) section of the
#' shiny app.
#' This object will maintain data state. However, in order of the data to
#' persist
#' between Shiny instances, data needs to be saved to some external format
#' (e.g.
#' database or R data file). The callback functions provide a mechanism for this
#' function to interact with a permanent data storage scheme. The callback
#' functions are called when the user adds, updates, or deletes a row from the
#' data table. The callback must accept two parameters: \code{data} and
#' \code{row}.
#' For inserting and updating, the \code{data} object is the current state of
#' data table including any additions or updates. The \code{row} parameter
#' indicates
#' which row from \code{data} was modified (or added). For deletions, however,
#' the \code{data} represents the data table just before deleting the specified
#' row. That is, if \code{callback.delete} returns a \code{data.frame}, that
#' will
#' be the new data table; otherwise this function will remove row \code{row}
#' from
#' \code{data} and that will become the current data table.
#' The callback functions may throw errors (see e.g. \code{stop}) if there are
#' problems with data. That is, if data validation checks indicate data problems
#' before inserting or updating a row the function may throw an error. Note that
#' the error message will be presented to the user so providing messages
#' meaningful to the user is recommended. Moreover, if an error is thrown, the
#' modal dialog is not dismissed and the user can further edit the data and
#' retry the insertion or update.
#' Callback functions may return a \code{data.frame}. When a \code{data.frame}
#' is
#' returned that will become the current state of the data table. If anything
#' else is returned then the internal \code{data.frame} will be used.
#' @md
#' @return Returns reactiveValues
#'  * `theData` - the current state of `DTedit`'s copy of the data
#'  * `view.cols`
#'  * `edit.cols`
#'  * `edit.count` - number of edits to data done within `DTedit` (does not
#'     include changes to `DTedit`'s copy of the data secondary to changes
#'     of a reactive `thedata`)
#'  * `rows_selected` - the row number selected. initially set to `NULL`
#' @param input Shiny input object passed from the server.
#' @param output Shiny output object passed from the server.
#' @param session Shiny session object (an environment) passed from the server.
#'        Alternatively, the 'name' (character) of the outputted editable
#'        datatable.
#' @param thedata a data frame to view and edit. can be a reactive
#' @param view.cols character vector with the column names to show in the
#' DataTable.
#'        This can be a subset of the full \code{data.frame}.
#' @param edit.cols character vector with the column names the user can
#' edit/add.
#'        This can be a subset of the full \code{data.frame}.
#' @param edit.label.cols character vector with the labels to use on the edit
#'        and add dialogs. The length and order of \code{code.cols.labels} must
#'        correspond to \code{edit.cols}.
#' @param delete.info.cols character vector with the column names specifying
#'        which values are presented on the delete dialog.
#'        This can be a subset of the full \code{data.frame}. Defaults to
#'        \code{view.cols}.
#'        If \code{NULL}, no data values are shown on the delete dialog.
#' @param delete.info.label.cols character vector with the labels to use on the
#' delete
#'        dialog. The length and order of \code{delete.info.label.cols} must
#'        correspond to \code{delete.info.cols}.
#' @param input.types a character vector where the name corresponds to a column
#'   in \code{edit.cols} and the value is the input type. Possible values
#'   are:
#'  * `dateInput` - input changed by `date.width`
#'  * `datetimeInput` - input changed by `datetime.width`. needs
#'      `useairDatepicker` set to `TRUE` and requires package `shinyWidgets`.
#'  * `selectInput` - choices determined by `input.choices`,
#'    or the levels of the data column
#'    variable (if the column variable is of class `factor`),
#'    or the already present values in the data column.
#'  * `selectInputMultiple` - choices determined by
#'    `input.choices` or the already present values in the data
#'    column.
#'  * `selectInputReactive` - choices determined by a reactive
#'    variable, as defined by `input.choices` and
#'    `input.choices.reactive`.
#'  * `selectInputMultipleReactive` - choices determined by a
#'    reactive variable, as defined by `input.choices` and
#'    `input.choices.reactive`
#'  * `numericInput` - input changed by `numeric.width`
#'  * `textInput` - input changed by `text.width`
#'  * `textAreaInput` - input changed by `textarea.width` and `textarea.height`
#'  * `passwordInput`
#'  * `fileInput` - type of acceptable file types is defined by
#'    `input.choices`. Maximum file length is modifed by
#'    `max.fileInputLength`
#'  One case where this parameter is desirable is when a text
#'  area is required instead of a simple text input.
#' @param input.choices a list of character vectors. The names of each element
#' in the list must
#'  correspond to a column name in the data. The value, a character vector, are
#'  the options
#'  presented to the user for data entry, in the case of input type
#'  \code{selectInput}).
#'  In the case of input type `selectInputReactive`
#'  or `selectInputMultipleReactive``, the value is the name
#'  of the reactive in 'input.choices.reactive'
#'  In the case of input type `fileInput`` this is the
#'  'accept' argument, which specifies the type of file which
#'  is acceptable. Can be a case insensitive file extension
#'  (e.g. '.csv' or '.rds') or a MIME type (e.g. 'text/plain' or
#'  'application/pdf').
#' @param input.choices.reactive a named list of reactives, referenced in
#' 'input.choices'
#'  to use for input type \code{selectInputReactive} or
#'  \code{selectInputMultipleReactive}.
#'  The reactive itself is a character vector.
#' @param action.buttons a named list of action button columns.
#'  Each column description is a list of \code{columnLabel}, \code{buttonLabel},
#'  \code{buttonPrefix}, \code{afterColumn}.
#'  * \code{columnLabel} label used for the column.
#'  * \code{buttonLabel} label used for each button
#'  * \code{buttonPrefix} used as the prefix for action button IDs.
#'    The suffix will be a number from '1' to the number of rows.
#'    Prefix and suffix will be separated with an underscore '_'.
#'  * \code{afterColumn} if provided, the action button column is
#'    placed after this named column.
#' @param selectize Whether to use selectize.js or not. See
#' \code{\link{selectInput}} for more info.
#' @param defaultPageLength number of rows to show in the data table by default.
#' @param modal.size the size of the modal dialog. See
#' \code{\link{modalDialog}}.
#' @param text.width width of text inputs.
#' @param textarea.width the width of text area inputs.
#' @param textarea.height the height of text area inputs.
#' @param date.width the width of data inputs
#' @param datetime.width the width of datetime inputs
#' @param numeric.width the width of numeric inputs.
#' @param select.width the width of drop down inputs.
#' @param max.fileInputLength the maximum length (in bytes) of \code{fileInput}.
#'  Shiny itself has a default limit of 5 megabytes per file.
#'  The limit can be modified by using shiny.maxRequestSize option.
#' @param title.delete the title of the dialog box for deleting a row.
#' @param title.edit the title of the dialog box for editing a row.
#' @param title.add the title of the dialog box for inserting a new row.
#' @param label.delete the label of the delete button.
#' @param label.edit the label of the edit button.
#' @param label.add the label of the add button.
#' @param label.copy the label of the copy button.
#' @param label.save the label of the save button.
#' @param label.cancel the label of the cancel button.
#' @param icon.delete the icon for the delete button, e.g.
#' \code{icon("trash")}. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param icon.edit the icon for the edit button, e.g. \code{icon("edit")}.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param icon.add the icon for the add button, e.g. \code{icon("plus")}.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param icon.copy the icon for the copy button, e.g. \code{icon("copy")}.
#' Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param text.delete.modal the text shown in the delete modal dialog.
#' @param show.delete whether to show/enable the delete button.
#' @param show.update whether to show/enable the update button.
#' @param show.insert whether to show/enable the insert button.
#' @param show.copy whether to show/enable the copy button.
#' @param show.search whether to show/enable the add/edit search feature in
#' add/edit modals
#' @param callback.delete a function called when the user deletes a row.
#'  This function should return an updated data.frame.
#' @param callback.update a function called when the user updates a row.
#'  This function should return an updated data.frame.
#' @param callback.insert a function called when the user inserts a new row.
#'  This function should return an updated data.frame.
#' @param callback.actionButton a function called when the user clicks an
#' action button.
#'  called with arguments `data`, `row` and `buttonID`.
#'  This function can return an updated data.frame,
#'  alternatively return NULL if data is not to be changed.
#' @param click.time.threshold This is to prevent duplicate entries usually by
#' double clicking the
#'  save or update buttons. If the user clicks the save button again within
#'  this amount of
#'  time (in seconds), the subsequent click will be ignored. Set to zero to
#'  disable this
#'  feature. For developers, a message is printed using the warning function.
#' @param useairDatepicker use `shinyWidgets` package `airDatepickerInput`
#' @param datatable.options options passed to \code{DT::renderDataTable}.
#'  See \url{https://rstudio.github.io/DT/options.html} for more information.
#' @param datatable.rownames show rownames as part of the datatable? `TRUE` or
#' `FALSE`.
#'  Note that if datatable.call includes `DT::format*` calls,
#'  then `datatable.rownames` must equal `TRUE`
#' @param datatable.call pre-processing call when calling `DT::renderDataTable`.
#' Can be defined,
#'  for example, to include `DT::format*` calls.
#'  `dtedit` will pass several arguments to the `datatable.call` function.
#'  * `data` a dataframe. may have been processed to add `actionButtons`
#'  * `options` - `datatable.options`
#'  * `rownames` - `datatable.rownames`
#'  * `escape` - escape all columns except those with action buttons.
#'  * `selection` - `single`
#' @param ... arguments not recognized by DTedit are passed to
#' \code{DT::renderDataTable}
#'  By default, `datatable.call` uses `DT::dataframe`, so this limits the
#'  options that
#'  can be passed through this method.
#' @seealso
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item \code{\link{dteditmodUI}} : the companion user-interface function for
#'  \code{dteditmod}.\cr
#'  \item \code{example("dteditmodUI")} a simple module example with reactive
#'  dataframe
#'  \item \code{dteditmod_demo()} a more complex module example. Database
#'  interaction
#'    and interactions between the data of multiple datatables.
#'  \item \code{dteditmod_fileInput_demo()} a modular example including binary
#'  file input and action buttons.
#'  }
#' @rdname dtedit
dteditmod <- function(input, output, session,
                      view.cols = names(
                          if (shiny::is.reactive(thedata)) {
                          } else {
                      edit.cols = names(
                          if (shiny::is.reactive(thedata)) {
                          } else {
                      edit.label.cols = edit.cols,
                      delete.info.cols = view.cols,
                      delete.info.label.cols = delete.info.cols,
                      input.choices = NULL,
                      input.choices.reactive = NULL,
                      action.buttons = NULL,
                      selectize = TRUE,
                      modal.size = "m",
                      text.width = "100%",
                      textarea.width = "570px",
                      textarea.height = "200px",
                      date.width = "100px",
                      datetime.width = "200px",
                      numeric.width = "100px",
                      select.width = "100%",
                      defaultPageLength = 10,
                      max.fileInputLength = 100000000,
                      title.delete = "Delete",
                      title.edit = "Edit",
                      title.add = "New",
                      label.delete = "Delete",
                      label.edit = "Edit",
                      label.add = "New",
                      label.copy = "Copy",
                      label.save = "Save",
                      label.cancel = "Cancel",
                      icon.delete = NULL,
                      icon.edit = NULL,
                      icon.add = NULL,
                      icon.copy = NULL,
                      text.delete.modal =
                        "Are you sure you want to delete this record?",
                      show.delete = TRUE,
                      show.update = TRUE,
                      show.insert = TRUE,
                      show.copy = TRUE,
                      show.search = FALSE,
                      callback.delete = function(data, row) {
                      callback.update = function(data, olddata, row) {
                      callback.insert = function(data, row) {
                      callback.actionButton = function(data, row, buttonID) {
                      click.time.threshold = 3, # in seconds
                      useairDatepicker = FALSE,
                      datatable.options = list(pageLength = defaultPageLength),
                      datatable.rownames = FALSE,
                      datatable.call = function(...) {
                      ...) {
  if (!missing(session) && is.environment(session)) {
    # the function has been called as a module
    ns <- session$ns
    name <- "editdt"
    moduleMode <- TRUE # in 'module' mode #nolint
  } else if (is.character(session)) {
    # the function has not been called as a module
    # and 'session' is a character string,
    # then 'session' is the 'name' of the output
    name <- session
    ns <- function(x) {
    # 'ns' becomes a 'change nothing' function
    moduleMode <- FALSE # not in 'module' mode #nolint

  thedataCopy <- if (shiny::is.reactive(shiny::isolate(thedata))) {
  } else {
  # if a reactive has been passed, obtain the value
  # Some basic parameter checking
  if (!is.data.frame(thedataCopy) || ncol(thedataCopy) < 1) {
    stop("Must provide a data frame with at least one column.")
  } else if (length(edit.cols) != length(edit.label.cols)) {
    stop("edit.cols and edit.label.cols must be the same length.")
  } else if (length(delete.info.cols) != length(delete.info.label.cols)) {
    stop("delete.info.cols and delete.info.label.cols must be the same length.")
  } else if (!all(view.cols %in% names(thedataCopy))) {
    stop("Not all view.cols are in the data.")
  } else if (!all(edit.cols %in% names(thedataCopy))) {
    stop("Not all edit.cols are in the data.")
  } else if (!all(delete.info.cols %in% names(thedataCopy))) {
    stop("Not all delete.info.cols are in the data.")

  DataTableName <- paste0(name, "dt")

  result <- shiny::reactiveValues()
  result$thedata <- thedataCopy
  result$view.cols <- view.cols
  result$edit.cols <- edit.cols
  result$edit.count <- 0 # number of edits (Add/Delete/Edit/Copy) through dtedit
  result$rows_selected <- NULL # no row selected initially

  dt.proxy <- DT::dataTableProxy(DataTableName)

  selectInputMultiple <- function(...) {
    shiny::selectInput(multiple = TRUE, selectize = selectize, ...)

  valid.input.types <- c(
    "dateInput", "datetimeInput", "selectInput", "numericInput",
    "textInput", "textAreaInput", "passwordInput", "selectInputMultiple",
    "selectInputReactive", "selectInputMultipleReactive", "fileInput"
  inputTypes <- sapply(thedataCopy[, edit.cols], FUN = function(x) {
      list = "selectInputMultiple",
      character = "textInput",
      Date = "dateInput",
      POSIXct = "datetimeInput",
      factor = "selectInput",
      integer = "numericInput",
      numeric = "numericInput",
      blob = "fileInput"
  if ("datetimeInput" %in% inputTypes && !useairDatepicker) {
    # standard dateInput does not have a time picker
      "'datetimeInput', or POSIXct types, are not available",
      "if 'useairDatepicker' is set to false."
  if (!missing(input.types)) {
    if (!all(names(input.types) %in% edit.cols)) {
        "input.types column not a valid editing column: ",
        paste0(names(input.types)[!names(input.types) %in% edit.cols])
    if (!all(input.types %in% valid.input.types)) {
        "input.types must only contain values of: ",
        paste0(valid.input.types, collapse = ", ")
    inputTypes[names(input.types)] <- input.types
  # Convert any list columns to characters before displaying
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(thedataCopy))) {
    if (nrow(thedataCopy) == 0) {
      thedataCopy[, i] <- character()
    } else if (is.list(thedataCopy[, i])) {
      thedataCopy[, i] <- sapply(thedataCopy[, i], FUN = function(x) {
        paste0(x, collapse = ", ")

  addActionButtons <- function(data, action.buttons) {
    # data : dataframe
    # action.buttons : named list of lists
    #  each list contains
    #   $columnLabel - the name of the created column
    #   $buttonLabel - the label to use for each button
    #   $buttonPrefix - the prefix of the button ID
    #    the suffix is a number
    #   $afterColumn - (optional)
    #    the name of the column after which created column is placed
    # returns list
    #  $dataframe
    #  $button.colNames - the column names of the action buttons

    # create a vector of shiny inputs
    # of length 'len'
    # input IDs have prefix 'id', a numeric suffix from '1' to 'len'
    #  separated by an underscore '_'
    shinyInput <- function(FUN, len, id, ...) {
      inputs <- character(len)
      for (i in seq_len(len)) {
        inputs[i] <- as.character(FUN(paste0(id, "_", i), ...))

    view.cols.andButtons <- names(data) # used to store the order of columns
    # by default, view columns 'and buttons' are the same as view.cols
    button.colNames <- NULL # later will store vector of button column names
    if (!is.null(action.buttons)) {
      for (i in action.buttons) {
        button.colNames <- append(button.colNames, i$columnLabel)
        data[, i$columnLabel] <- shinyInput(
          label = i$buttonLabel,
          onclick = paste0(
            '\", this.id, {priority: \"event\"})'
        if (is.null(i$afterColumn)) {
          # this button column has no defined position,
          #  so place at end of view column vector
          view.cols.andButtons <- append(
        } else {
          # this button column has a defined position
          view.cols.andButtons <- append(
            after = which(view.cols.andButtons == i$afterColumn)
    data <- data[, view.cols.andButtons, drop = FALSE]
    # re-order columns as necessary
    # drop = FALSE necessary to stop converting single column
    #  data-frame to a vector
    return(list(data = data, button.colNames = button.colNames))

  thedataWithButtons <- addActionButtons(
    thedataCopy[, view.cols, drop = FALSE], action.buttons
  # was "thedata[,view.cols]", but requires drop=FALSE
  # to prevent return of vector (instead of dataframe)
  # if only one column in view.cols
  output[[DataTableName]] <- DT::renderDataTable(
        data = thedataWithButtons$data,
        options = datatable.options,
        rownames = datatable.rownames,
        escape = which(
          !names(thedataWithButtons$data) %in%
        # 'escaped' columns are those without HTML buttons etc.
        # escape the 'data' columns
        # but do not escape the columns which
        #  have been created by addActionButtons()
        selection = "single"
    server = TRUE,
  shiny::outputOptions(output, DataTableName, suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
  # without turning off suspendWhenHidden, changes are
  #  not rendered if containing tab is not visible

  # if a row is selected in the dataframe named in 'DataTableName'
  # then set result$rows_selected to that row
  # this will be returned to the caller
    input[[paste0(DataTableName, "_rows_selected")]],
      result$rows_selected <- input[[paste0(DataTableName, "_rows_selected")]]

  getFields <- function(typeName, values) {
    # creates input fields when adding or editing a row
    # 'typeName' is either '_add_' or '_edit_'
    # 'values' are current values of the row
    #  (if already existing, or being copied)
    # if adding a 'new' row, then 'values' will be 'missing'
    # returns a list of shiny inputs, 'fields'

    fields <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(edit.cols)) {
      if (inputTypes[i] == "dateInput") {
        value <- ifelse(missing(values),
          as.character(values[, edit.cols[i]])
        if (!useairDatepicker) {
          fields[[i]] <- shiny::dateInput(
            ns(paste0(name, typeName, edit.cols[i])),
            label = edit.label.cols[i],
            value = value,
            width = date.width
        } else {
          fields[[i]] <- shinyWidgets::airDatepickerInput(
            ns(paste0(name, typeName, edit.cols[i])),
            label = edit.label.cols[i],
            value = value,
            timepicker = FALSE,
            addon = "none",
            width = date.width
      } else if (inputTypes[i] == "datetimeInput") {
        # note that this uses shinyWidgets::airDatepickerInput
        value <- ifelse(missing(values),
          as.character(values[, edit.cols[i]])
        fields[[i]] <- shinyWidgets::airDatepickerInput(
          ns(paste0(name, typeName, edit.cols[i])),
          label = edit.label.cols[i],
          value = value,
          timepicker = TRUE,
          addon = "none",
          width = datetime.width
      } else if (inputTypes[i] == "selectInputMultiple") {
        value <- ifelse(missing(values), "", values[, edit.cols[i]])
        if (is.list(value)) {
          value <- value[[1]]
        choices <- ""
        if (!is.null(input.choices) &&
          edit.cols[i] %in% names(input.choices)) {
          choices <- input.choices[[edit.cols[i]]]
        } else if (nrow(result$thedata) > 0) {
          choices <- unique(unlist(result$thedata[, edit.cols[i]]))
          # no choices explicitly defined
          # use choices defined in other rows, if available
          # this is a bad choice. even if a column starts
          # with just 'Yes/No', it is quite possible that with
          # further table editing valid choices will become
          # unavailable if, after editing, no rows have that valid choice
            "No choices explicitly defined for ", edit.cols[i],
            ". Specify them using the input.choices parameter"
        if (length(choices) == 1 && choices[[1]] == "") {
            "No choices available for ", edit.cols[i],
            ". Specify them using the input.choices parameter"
        fields[[i]] <- selectInputMultiple(
          ns(paste0(name, typeName, edit.cols[i])),
          label = edit.label.cols[i],
          choices = choices,
          selected = value,
          width = select.width
      } else if (inputTypes[i] == "selectInput") {
        value <- ifelse(
          as.character(values[, edit.cols[i]])
        if (is.list(value)) {
          value <- value[[1]]
        choices <- ""
        if (!is.null(input.choices) &&
          edit.cols[i] %in% names(input.choices)) {
          choices <- input.choices[[edit.cols[i]]]
        } else if (is.factor(result$thedata[, edit.cols[i]])) {
          choices <- levels(result$thedata[, edit.cols[i]])
        } else if (nrow(result$thedata) > 0) {
          choices <- unique(unlist(result$thedata[, edit.cols[i]]))
          # no choices explicitly defined
          # use choices defined in other rows, if available
          # this is a bad choice. even if a column starts
          # with just 'Yes/No', it is quite possible that with
          # further table editing valid choices will become
          # unavailable if, after editing, no rows have that valid choice
            "No choices explicitly defined for ", edit.cols[i],
            ". Specify them using the input.choices parameter"
        if (length(choices) == 1 && choices[[1]] == "") {
            "No choices available for ", edit.cols[i],
            ". Specify them using the input.choices parameter"
        fields[[i]] <- shiny::selectInput(
          ns(paste0(name, typeName, edit.cols[i])),
          label = edit.label.cols[i],
          choices = choices,
          selected = value,
          width = select.width
      } else if (inputTypes[i] == "selectInputMultipleReactive") {
        value <- ifelse(missing(values), "", values[, edit.cols[i]])
        if (is.list(value)) {
          value <- value[[1]]
        choices <- NULL
        if (!is.null(input.choices.reactive)) {
          if (edit.cols[i] %in% names(input.choices)) {
            choices <- input.choices.reactive[[input.choices[[edit.cols[i]]]]]()
            # it is the responsiblity of the
            #  calling functions/reactive variable handlers
            # that the list of choices includes all CURRENT choices
            #  that have already been chosen in the data.
        if (is.null(choices)) {
            "No choices available for ", edit.cols[i], ". ",
            "Specify them using the input.choices and ",
            "input.choices.reactive parameter"
        fields[[i]] <- selectInputMultiple(
          ns(paste0(name, typeName, edit.cols[i])),
          label = edit.label.cols[i],
          choices = choices,
          selected = value,
          width = select.width
      } else if (inputTypes[i] == "selectInputReactive") {
        value <- ifelse(
          as.character(values[, edit.cols[i]])
        choices <- NULL
        if (!is.null(input.choices.reactive)) {
          if (edit.cols[i] %in% names(input.choices)) {
            choices <- input.choices.reactive[[input.choices[[edit.cols[i]]]]]()
            # it is the responsiblity of
            #  the calling functions/reactive variable handlers
            # that the list of choices includes all CURRENT choices
            #  that have already been chosen in the data.
        if (is.null(choices)) {
            "No choices available for ", edit.cols[i], ". ",
            "Specify them using the input.choices and ",
            "input.choices.reactive parameter"
        fields[[i]] <- shiny::selectInput(
          ns(paste0(name, typeName, edit.cols[i])),
          label = edit.label.cols[i],
          choices = choices,
          selected = value,
          width = select.width
      } else if (inputTypes[i] == "numericInput") {
        value <- ifelse(missing(values), 0, values[, edit.cols[i]])
        fields[[i]] <- shiny::numericInput(
          ns(paste0(name, typeName, edit.cols[i])),
          label = edit.label.cols[i],
          value = value,
          width = numeric.width
      } else if (inputTypes[i] == "textAreaInput") {
        value <- ifelse(missing(values), "", values[, edit.cols[i]])
        fields[[i]] <- shiny::textAreaInput(
          ns(paste0(name, typeName, edit.cols[i])),
          label = edit.label.cols[i],
          value = value,
          width = textarea.width, height = textarea.height
      } else if (inputTypes[i] == "textInput") {
        value <- ifelse(missing(values), "", values[, edit.cols[i]])
        fields[[i]] <- shiny::textInput(
          ns(paste0(name, typeName, edit.cols[i])),
          label = edit.label.cols[i],
          value = value,
          width = text.width
      } else if (inputTypes[i] == "passwordInput") {
        value <- ifelse(missing(values), "", values[, edit.cols[i]])
        fields[[i]] <- shiny::passwordInput(
          ns(paste0(name, typeName, edit.cols[i])),
          label = edit.label.cols[i],
          value = value,
          width = text.width
      } else if (inputTypes[i] == "fileInput") {
        # current value(if not 'missing') is actually irrelevant!
        # will always present a file selector
        fields[[i]] <- shiny::fileInput(
          ns(paste0(name, typeName, edit.cols[i])),
          label = edit.label.cols[i],
          accept = input.choices[[edit.cols[i]]]
          # acceptable file input choices
          # e.g. case insensitive file extension '.csv'
          #      MIME types "text/plain"
      } else {
        stop("Invalid input type!")

  output[[paste0(name, "_message")]] <- shiny::renderUI("")

  updateData <- function(proxy, data, ...) {
    # updates data displayed in DT datatable
    # will reference 'global' action.buttons variable
    #  when callling function 'addActionButtons'

    # Convert any list columns to characters before displaying
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(data))) {
      if (is.list(data[, i])) {
        data[, i] <- as.character(sapply(data[, i], FUN = function(x) {
          paste0(x, collapse = ", ")
        # convert to as.character, because if data[,i] is empty,
        # sapply can return an empty list
        # cannot assign empty list() to data[,i], because that
        # causes data[,i] column to be deleted!

    DT::replaceData(proxy, addActionButtons(data, action.buttons)$data, ...)
    result$rows_selected <- NULL # no row selected after each edit

  populate_search_results <- function(email, typeName) {
        ldap_results <- wudap::wudap_quick_query("mail", email)
        if (nrow(ldap_results == 1)) {
          for (i in seq_along(names(ldap_results))) {
              inputId = paste0(name, typeName, names(ldap_results[i])),
              value = ldap_results[[1, i]]
        } else {
          stop(sprintf("No LDAP record found for %s.", email))
      error = function(e) {
        shinyalert::shinyalert("LDAP Query Failed...", e$message, "warning")

    icts_results <- washu::icts_directory(email)
    icts_member_selected <- ifelse(nrow(icts_results) == 1, "Yes", "No")
      inputId = paste0(name, typeName, "icts_member"),
      selected = icts_member_selected

  search_row <- function(typeName = c("add", "edit")) {
    typeName <- match.arg(typeName)

    if (show.search) {
          width = 10,
            sprintf("%s_search_email", name),
            placeholder = "someone@wustl.edu"
          width = 2,
          shiny::actionButton(sprintf("%s_%s_search", name, typeName), "Search")
    } else {

  ##### Insert functions #######################################################

  shiny::observeEvent(input[[paste0(name, "_add")]], {
    # if the 'Add' button is clicked then
    # the 'addModal' popup is generated, with 'missing' values
    if (!is.null(row)) {

  addModal <- function(row, values) {
    # 'addModal' popup is generated when
    # the '_add' button event is observed (with missing 'values')
    # the '_copy' button event is observed (with prefilled 'values')
    # other than being closed/cancelled
    # the 'addModal' popup can create an '_insert' event
    output[[paste0(name, "_message")]] <- shiny::renderUI("")
    fields <- getFields("_add_", values)
      title = title.add,
          ns(paste0(name, "_message"))
        style = "color:red"
      footer = shiny::column(
        shiny::actionButton(ns(paste0(name, "_insert")), label.save),
        width = 12
      size = modal.size

  shiny::observeEvent(input[[sprintf("%s_add_search", name)]], {
    populate_search_results(input[[sprintf("%s_search_email", name)]], "_add_")

  insert.click <- NA # click timer (to avoid overly fast double-click)

  shiny::observeEvent(input[[paste0(name, "_insert")]], {
    # '_insert' event generated from the 'addModal' popup
    if (!is.na(insert.click)) {
      lastclick <- as.numeric(Sys.time() - insert.click, units = "secs")
      if (lastclick < click.time.threshold) {
            "Double click detected. Ignoring insert call for ",
            name, "."
    insert.click <<- Sys.time()
    newdata <- result$thedata
    row <- nrow(newdata) + 1 # the new row number
    new_row <- list() # to contain a 'blank' new row
    # the following loop can be tested on the following dataframes
    # data.frame(a = character(), b = numeric(),
    #            x = as.Date(numeric(), origin = "1970-01-01"), y = raw())
    # data.frame(a = "a", b = 7,
    #            x = as.Date(NA, origin = "1970-01-01"), y = raw(1))
    #  'raw(1)' can be changed to as.blob(raw(0))
    #  but as.blob can't be used to create a NULL blob object!
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(newdata))) {
      new_row[[i]] <- switch(class(newdata[, i])[[1]],
        "factor" = as.factor(NA),
        "Date" = as.Date(NA, origin = "1970-01-01"),
        "raw" = list(blob::as.blob(raw(1))),
        "blob" = list(blob::as.blob(raw(1))),
        "character" = as.character(NA),
        "numeric" = as.numeric(NA),
        "POSIXct" = as.POSIXct(NA),
        "AsIs" = as.list(NA), # for lists
        methods::as(NA, class(newdata[, i])[[1]])
    newdata[row, ] <- data.frame(new_row, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    # create a new empty row, compatible with blob columns
    # the new row is ready for filling
    for (i in edit.cols) {
      if (inputTypes[i] %in%
        c("selectInputMultiple", "selectInputMultipleReactive")) {
        newdata[[i]][row] <- list(input[[paste0(name, "_add_", i)]])
      } else if (inputTypes[i] == "fileInput") { # file read into binary blob
        datapath <- input[[paste0(name, "_add_", i)]]$datapath
        if (!is.null(datapath)) {
          newdata[[i]][row] <- blob::blob(
              what = "raw",
              n = max.fileInputLength
      } else {
        newdata[row, i] <- input[[paste0(name, "_add_", i)]]
        callback.data <- callback.insert(data = newdata, row = row)
        if (!is.null(callback.data) && is.data.frame(callback.data)) {
          result$thedata <- callback.data
        } else {
          result$thedata <- newdata
          result$thedata[, view.cols, drop = FALSE],
          # was "result$thedata[,view.cols]",
          # but that returns vector if view.cols is a single column
          rownames = datatable.rownames
        result$edit.count <- result$edit.count + 1
      error = function(e) {
        output[[paste0(name, "_message")]] <<-

  ##### Copy functions #########################################################

  shiny::observeEvent(input[[paste0(name, "_copy")]], {
    # if '_copy' event is observed, call the 'addModal' popup
    # with pre-filled values
    # (the same 'addModal' popup is used with missing values for '_insert')
    row <- input[[paste0(name, "dt_rows_selected")]]
    if (!is.null(row)) {
      if (row > 0) {
        shiny::showModal(addModal(values = result$thedata[row, , drop = FALSE]))

  ##### Update functions #######################################################

  shiny::observeEvent(input[[paste0(name, "_edit")]], {
    # if '_edit' event is observed, call the 'editModal' popup
    row <- input[[paste0(name, "dt_rows_selected")]]
    if (!is.null(row) && row > 0) {

  editModal <- function(row) {
    # 'editModal' popup created when '_edit' event is observed
    # other than being closed/cancelled, the 'editModal' popup
    # can also be closed when the '_update' event is observed
    output[[paste0(name, "_message")]] <- shiny::renderUI("")
    fields <- getFields("_edit_", values = result$thedata[row, , drop = FALSE])
      title = title.edit,
          if (datatable.rownames) { # rownames are being displayed
            ns(paste0(name, "_message"))
          style = "color:red"
      footer = shiny::column(
        shiny::actionButton(ns(paste0(name, "_update")), label.save),
        width = 12
      size = modal.size

  shiny::observeEvent(input[[sprintf("%s_edit_search", name)]], {
    populate_search_results(input[[sprintf("%s_search_email", name)]], "_edit_")

  update.click <- NA # a timer to avoid 'double-clicks'

  shiny::observeEvent(input[[paste0(name, "_update")]], {
    # the '_update' event is observed from the 'editModal' popup

    if (!is.na(update.click)) {
      lastclick <- as.numeric(Sys.time() - update.click, units = "secs")
      if (lastclick < click.time.threshold) {
          "Double click detected. Ignoring update call for ",
          name, "."
    update.click <- Sys.time()

    row <- input[[paste0(name, "dt_rows_selected")]]
    if (!is.null(row) && row > 0) {
      newdata <- result$thedata
      for (i in edit.cols) {
        if (inputTypes[i] %in% c(
        )) {
          newdata[[i]][row] <- list(input[[paste0(name, "_edit_", i)]])
        } else if (inputTypes[i] == "fileInput") {
          datapath <- input[[paste0(name, "_edit_", i)]]$datapath
          if (!is.null(datapath) && file.exists(datapath)) {
            # only if file actually uploaded, otherwise we won't update
            newdata[[i]][row] <- blob::blob(
              readBin( # file read into binary raw (blob) column
                what = "raw",
                n = max.fileInputLength
        } else {
          newdata[row, i] <- input[[paste0(name, "_edit_", i)]]
          callback.data <- callback.update(
            data = newdata,
            olddata = result$thedata,
            row = row
          if (!is.null(callback.data) && is.data.frame(callback.data)) {
            result$thedata <- callback.data
          } else {
            result$thedata <- newdata
            result$thedata[, view.cols, drop = FALSE],
            # was "result$thedata[,view.cols]",
            # but that returns vector (not dataframe) if
            # view.cols is only a single column
            rownames = datatable.rownames
          result$edit.count <- result$edit.count + 1
        error = function(e) {
          output[[paste0(name, "_message")]] <<-

  ##### Delete functions #######################################################

  shiny::observeEvent(input[[paste0(name, "_remove")]], {
    # if the '_remove' event is observed, the 'deleteModal' popup is opened
    row <- input[[paste0(name, "dt_rows_selected")]]
    if (!is.null(row)) {
      if (row > 0) {

  deleteModal <- function(row) {
    # if the '_remove' event is observed, the 'deleteModal' popup is opened
    # other than being closed/cancelled, the 'deleteModal' popup
    # can also be closed if the '_delete' event is observed
    fields <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(delete.info.cols)) {
      fields[[i]] <- shiny::div(paste0(
        delete.info.label.cols[i], " = ",
        result$thedata[row, delete.info.cols[i]]
    output[[paste0(name, "_message")]] <- shiny::renderUI("")
      title = title.delete,
          if (datatable.rownames) { # rownames are being displayed
            ns(paste0(name, "_message"))
          style = "color:red"
      footer = shiny::column(shiny::modalButton(label.cancel),
          ns(paste0(name, "_delete")), label.delete
        width = 12
      size = modal.size

  shiny::observeEvent(input[[paste0(name, "_delete")]], {
    # the '_delete' event is observed from the 'deleteModal' popup

    row <- input[[paste0(name, "dt_rows_selected")]]
    if (!is.null(row) && row > 0) {
          callback.data <- callback.delete(data = result$thedata, row = row)
          if (!is.null(callback.data) && is.data.frame(callback.data)) {
            result$thedata <- callback.data
          } else {
            result$thedata <- result$thedata[-row, , drop = FALSE]
            # 'drop=FALSE' prevents the dataframe being reduced to a vector
            # especially if only a single column
            result$thedata[, view.cols, drop = FALSE],
            # was "result$thedata[,view.cols]",
            # but that only returns a vector (instead of dataframe)
            # if view.cols is single column
            rownames = datatable.rownames
          result$edit.count <- result$edit.count + 1
        error = function(e) {
          output[[paste0(name, "_message")]] <<-

  ##### Action button callbacks ################################################

  shiny::observeEvent(input$select_button, {
    x <- strsplit(input$select_button, "_")[[1]]
    selectedRow <- as.numeric(x[length(x)])

    newdata <- result$thedata
        callback.data <- callback.actionButton(
          data = result$thedata,
          row = selectedRow,
          buttonID = input$select_button
        if (!is.null(callback.data) && is.data.frame(callback.data)) {
          result$thedata <- callback.data
        } else {
          result$thedata <- newdata
          # 'drop=FALSE' prevents the dataframe being reduced to a vector
          # especially if only a single column
          result$thedata[, view.cols, drop = FALSE],
          # was "result$thedata[,view.cols]",
          # but that only returns a vector (instead of dataframe)
          # if view.cols is single column
          rownames = datatable.rownames
        result$edit.count <- result$edit.count + 1
      error = function(e) {
        output[[paste0(name, "_message")]] <<-

  ##### React to changes in 'thedata' if that variable is a reactive ###########

  if (shiny::is.reactive(thedata)) {
    shiny::observeEvent(thedata(), {
      result$thedata <- as.data.frame(shiny::isolate(thedata()))
        result$thedata[, view.cols, drop = FALSE],
        # was "result$thedata[,view.cols]",
        # but that returns vector (not dataframe)
        # if view.cols is only a single column
        rownames = datatable.rownames

  ##### Build the UI for the DataTable and buttons #############################

  output[[name]] <- shiny::renderUI({
      if (show.insert) {
          ns(paste0(name, "_add")), label.add,
          icon = icon.add
      if (show.update) {
          ns(paste0(name, "_edit")), label.edit,
          icon = icon.edit
      if (show.delete) {
          ns(paste0(name, "_remove")), label.delete,
          icon = icon.delete
      if (show.copy) {
          ns(paste0(name, "_copy")), label.copy,
          icon = icon.copy
      shiny::br(), shiny::br(), DT::dataTableOutput(ns(DataTableName))
  shiny::outputOptions(output, name, suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
  # if suspendWhenHidden is true, then
  # the table is not rendered if the tab is hidden

  # $edit.count only incremented by changes made through dtedit GUI
  # does not include edits created through response
  #  to changes in reactiveval 'thedata'
  # this might help determine the source of changes in result$thedata

#' Create a DataTable with Add, Edit and Delete buttons.
#' dteditmodUI - user-interface function for module use
#' Use in conjunction with \code{callModule} and \code{dtedit} to create
#' editable datatables. \code{dteditUI} is used in the 'user interface'
#' component of the shiny app.
#' @param id the namespace of the module
#' @family Datatable Edit functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{dteditmod}} : the companion server function.\cr
#'  \itemize{
#'  \item \code{example("dteditmodUI")} a simple example
#'   with a reactive dataframe
#'  \item \code{dteditmod_demo()} a more complex example.
#'   Includes database interaction and interactions between
#'   the data of multiple datatables.
#'  }
dteditmodUI <- function(id) {
  ns <- shiny::NS(id)

the-mad-statter/washu documentation built on May 5, 2024, 10:26 a.m.