
#' Simple function to format HTML output to pass back to shiny
#' @description{
#' output_HTML Called by the server.R script to send HTML output to screen
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples

output_HTML <- function(){
  output$total_profit <- renderUI({
    HTML(paste0("Total return: $", print_money(tot_profit)))
  output$avg_prof_trade <- renderUI({
    HTML(paste0("Average return/trade: $", print_money(round(avg_profit, digits = 2))))
  output$avg_days <- renderUI({
    HTML(paste0("Average # days held: ", round(avg_days, digits = 0)))
  output$avg_prof_day <- renderUI({
    HTML(paste0("Average return/day: $", print_money(round(avg_prof_day, digits = 2))))
  output$percent_winners <- renderUI({
    HTML(paste0("Percent winners: ", percent_winners))
  output$exit.profit.target <- renderUI({
    HTML(paste0("Profit target: ", exit_profit_target))
  output$exit.loss.limit <- renderUI({
    HTML(paste0("Loss limit: ", exit_loss_limit))
  output$exit.expiration <- renderUI({
    HTML(paste0("Expiration: ", exit_expiration))
  output$exit.gamma.risk <- renderUI({
    HTML(paste0("Gamma risk: ", exit_gamma_risk))
  # output$exit.earnings <- renderUI({
  #   HTML(paste0("Earnings: ", exit.earnings))
  #   })
  output$max_loss <- renderUI({
    HTML(paste0("Max loss: $", print_money(maximum_loss)))
  output$max_win <- renderUI({
    HTML(paste0("Max win: $", print_money(max_win)))
  # output$avg.exit.roc <- renderUI({
  #   HTML(paste0("Avg Exit ROC: ", round(avg.exit.roc, digits = 2), "%"))
  #   })
  output$avg_entry_margin <- renderUI({
    HTML(paste0("Avg Entry Margin: $", print_money(round(avg_entry_margin, digits = 2))))
themechanicalbear/options.data documentation built on May 31, 2019, 9:48 a.m.