Man pages for thibautjombart/geograph
Walking through the geographic space using graphs

auxiliaryAuxiliary methods for geoGraph
bufferCompute buffers around locations for gGraph and gData objects
closestNodeFind the closest node to a given location
combineCostsCombine the costs of two gGraph objects
connectivityCheck connectivity of a gGraph object
dijkstra-methodsShortest path using Dijkstra algorithm
dropDeadEdgesGet rid of some 'dead' edges or nodes
extractFromLayerRetrieves node attributes from a layer
findLandFind which nodes are on land
gData-classFormal class "gData"
geo.add.edgesAdd and remove edges from a gGraph object
geo.change.attrChange values of a node attribute
geoGraph-packageThe geoGraph package
getColorsGet colors associated to edges of a gGraph object
getCostsGet costs associated to edges of a gGraph object
getEdgesGet edges from a gGraph object
getNodesAttrGet nodes attributes from gGraph/gData object
gGraph-classFormal class "gGraph"
hgdpHuman genome diversity panel - georeferenced data
isInAreaFind which nodes fall in a given area
makeGridBuild a regular grid gGraph
plot-gDataPlot a gData object.
plot-gGraphPlot a gGraph object.
setCostsSet friction in a gGraph object
setDistCostsSet costs associated to edges based on geographic distances
setEdgesAdd and remove edges from a gGraph object
worldgraphWorldwide geographic graphs
zoomNavigate in the plot of a gGraph object
thibautjombart/geograph documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 10 p.m.