dijkstra-methods: Shortest path using Dijkstra algorithm

dijkstra-methodsR Documentation

Shortest path using Dijkstra algorithm


The methods dijkstraFrom and dijkstraBetween are wrappers of procedures implemented in RBGL package, designed for gGraph and gData object.


dijkstraBetween(x, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'gGraph'
dijkstraBetween(x, from, to)

## S4 method for signature 'gData'

dijkstraFrom(x, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'gGraph'
dijkstraFrom(x, start)

## S4 method for signature 'gData'
dijkstraFrom(x, start)

## S3 method for class 'gPath'
plot(x, col = "rainbow", lwd = 3, ...)

gPath2dist(m, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE, res.type = c("dist", "vector"))



a gGraph or a gData object. For plotting method of gPath objects, a gPath object.


further arguments passed to the segments method.


a vector of character strings giving node names.


a vector of character strings giving node names.


a character string naming the 'source' node.


a character string indicating a color or a palette of colors to be used for plotting edges.


a numeric value indicating the width of edges.


a gPath object obtained by dijkstraBetween.

diag, upper

unused parameters added for consistency with as.dist.


a character string indicating what type of result should be returned: a dist object ('dist'), or a vector of distances ('vector'). Note that 'dist' should only be required for pairwise data, as output by dijkstraBetween (as opposed to dijkstraFrom).


dijkstraFrom finds minimum costs paths to nodes from a given 'source' node.

dijkstraBetween finds minimum costs paths between all possible pairs of nodes given two sets of nodes.

All these functions return objects with S3 class "gPath". These objects can be plotted using plot.gPath.

gPath2dist extracts the pairwise distances from the gPath returned by dijkstraBetween and returns a dist object. Note that if the gPath does not contain pairwise information, a warning will be issued, but the resulting output will likely be meaningless.

In 'dijkstraBetween', paths are seeked all possible pairs of nodes between 'from' and 'to'.


A "gPath" object. These are basically the outputs of RBGL's sp.between function (see ?sp.between), with a class attribute set to "gPath", and an additional slot 'xy' containing geographic coordinates of the nodes involved in the paths.


## Not run: 

## plotting
world <- worldgraph.40k
par(mar = rep(.1, 4))
plot(world, reset = TRUE)

## check connectivity
isConnected(hgdp) # must be ok

## Lowest cost path from an hypothetical origin
ori.coord <- list(33, 10) # one given location long/lat
points(data.frame(ori.coord), pch = "x", col = "black", cex = 3) # an 'x' shows the putative origin
ori <- closestNode(world, ori.coord) # assign it the closest node

myPath <- dijkstraFrom(hgdp, ori) # compute shortest path

## plotting
plot(world, pch = "") # plot the world
points(hgdp, lwd = 3) # plot populations
points(data.frame(ori.coord), pch = "x", col = "black", cex = 3) # add origin
plot(myPath) # plot the path

## End(Not run)

thibautjombart/geograph documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 10 p.m.