
Defines functions inhull

inhull <- function(testpts, calpts, hull=convhulln(calpts),
  ## #++++++++++++++++++++
  ## # R implementation of the Matlab code by John D'Errico 04 Mar 2006 (Updated 30 Oct 2006)
  ## # downloaded from

  ## # with some modifications and simplifications
  ## #
  ## # Efficient test for points inside a convex hull in n dimensions
  ## #
  ## #% arguments: (input)
  ## #% testpts - nxp array to test, n data points, in p dimensions
  ## #% If you have many points to test, it is most efficient to
  ## #% call this function once with the entire set.
  ## #%
  ## #% calpts - mxp array of vertices of the convex hull, as used by
  ## #% convhulln.
  ## #%
  ## #% hull - (OPTIONAL) tessellation (or triangulation) generated by convhulln
  ## #% If hull is left empty or not supplied, then it will be
  ## #% generated.
  ## #%
  ## #% tol - (OPTIONAL) tolerance on the tests for inclusion in the
  ## #% convex hull. You can think of tol as the distance a point
  ## #% may possibly lie outside the hull, and still be perceived
  ## #% as on the surface of the hull. Because of numerical slop
  ## #% nothing can ever be done exactly here. I might guess a
  ## #% semi-intelligent value of tol to be
  ## #%
  ## #% tol = 1.e-13*mean(abs(calpts(:)))
  ## #%
  ## #% In higher dimensions, the numerical issues of floating
  ## #% point arithmetic will probably suggest a larger value
  ## #% of tol.
  ## #%
  ## # In this R implementation default


  ## # DEFAULT: tol = 1e-6
  ## #
  ## # VALUE: Matlab returns a vector of TRUE (inside/on) or FALSE (outside)
  ## # This R implementation returns an integer vector of length n
  ## # 1 = inside hull
  ## # -1 = inside hull
  ## # 0 = on hull (to precision indicated by tol)
  ## #--------------------------------------------------------

  ## ensure arguments are matrices (not data frames) and get sizes

  require("geometry", quietly=TRUE) # for convhulln
  require("MASS", quietly=TRUE) # for Null

  calpts <- as.matrix(calpts)
  testpts <- as.matrix(testpts)
  p <- dim(calpts)[2] # columns in calpts
  cx <- dim(testpts)[1] # rows in testpts
  nt <- dim(hull)[1] # number of simplexes in hull
                                        # find normal vectors to each simplex

  nrmls <- matrix(NA, nt, p) # predefine each nrml as NA, degenerate

  degenflag <- matrix(TRUE, nt, 1)
  for (i in 1:nt)
      nullsp <- t(Null(t(calpts[hull[i,-1],] - matrix(calpts[hull[i,1],],p-1,p,

      if (dim(nullsp)[1] == 1)
          nrmls[i,] <- nullsp
          degenflag[i] <- FALSE
                                        # Warn of degenerate faces, and remove
                                        # corresponding normals

  if(length(degenflag[degenflag]) > 0) warning(length(degenflag[degenflag])," degenerate faces in convex hull")

  nrmls <- nrmls[!degenflag,]
  nt <- dim(nrmls)[1]
                                        # find center point in hull, and any (1st) point
                                        # in the plane of each simplex

  center = apply(calpts, 2, mean)
  a <- calpts[hull[!degenflag,1],]
                                        # scale normal vectors to unit length and ensure
                                        # pointing inwards

  nrmls <- nrmls/matrix(apply(nrmls, 1, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))), nt, p)
  dp <- sign(apply((matrix(center, nt, p, byrow=TRUE)-a) * nrmls, 1, sum))
  nrmls <- nrmls*matrix(dp, nt, p)
                                        # if min across all faces of dot((x - a),nrml) is
                                        # +ve then x is inside hull
                                        # 0 then x is on hull
                                        # -ve then x is outside hull
                                        # Instead of dot((x - a),nrml) use dot(x,nrml) -
                                        # dot(a, nrml)

  aN <- diag(a %*% t(nrmls))
  val <- apply(testpts %*% t(nrmls) - matrix(aN, cx, nt, byrow=TRUE), 1,min)
                                        # code values inside 'tol' to zero, return sign as
                                        # integer

  val[abs(val) < tol] <- 0
thiyangt/fformpp documentation built on Jan. 5, 2024, 5:44 a.m.