
#' Australian Election Study 1990
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Total sample: 3,606
#'   \item Valid responses: 2,020
#'   \item Effective response rate: 58.0
#' }
#' @details
#' The Australian Election Study is the second in the series initiated in 1987, and builds on the
#' data collected earlier in the 1967 and 1979 Australian Political Attitudes Surveys. The series
#' provides a long-term perspective on stability and change in the political attitudes and behaviour
#' of the Australian electorate, and investigates the changing social bases of Australian politics
#' as the economy and society modernise and change character. In addition to these long-term
#' perspectives it examines the political issues prevalent in the election and assesses their
#' importance for the election result.
#' Two major themes are covered in the survey, the economy and the environment. Questions on the
#' economy include retrospective and prospective evaluations of the country's economy and the
#' individual's own personal household situation; wages and price controls; attitudes to particular
#' economic issues; and the position of the major parties and party leaders on the main economic
#' issues. Questions on the environment include attitudes to the protection of the environment and
#' to environmental issues in general; the role of industry and the government in ensuring
#' environmental protection; rankings of the most urgent environmental issues and the respondent's
#' assessment of their likely future importance; and attitudes toward environmental pressure and
#' interest groups, including current or likely membership.
#' As in the 1987 AES, a range of questions are included in the survey which cover election issues
#' and the respondent's assessment of the most effective party to handle them, as well as questions
#' on specific political issues such as government spending and the pilots' dispute. A section on
#' social policy includes questions on around 30 contemporary social and moral issues, including
#' abortion, Aboriginal rights, pornography, health care and many others. A section on industrial
#' policy focuses on attitudes towards the control of the economy, attitudes to trade unions and big
#' business, and to industrial conflict in general. In addition to the standard questions on vote in
#' the current election, recalled vote in the 1987 federal election, and party identification, the
#' survey contains an extensive section dealing with attitudes to the major parties and to the party
#' leaders. Finally, a range of demographic data are collected for each respondent and their spouse
#' or partner, if applicable.
#' \strong{Useful links}
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \href{http://ada.edu.au/ADAData/codebooks/ADA.CODEBOOK.00445.pdf.zip}{Original codebook}
#'    \item \href{http://ada.edu.au/ADAData/questionnaires/ADA.QUESTIONNAIRE.00445.pdf.zip}{Original questionnaire}
#' }
#' @source \url{http://www.australianelectionstudy.org/voter_studies.html}
#' @section Variables:
#' Note: this documentation has been autogenerated from the dataset labels not the original codebook.
#' \describe{
#'  \item{id}{Respondent Id Number}
#'  \item{a1tv}{Followed election news on TV}
#'  \item{a1papers}{Followed election news in the newspapers}
#'  \item{a1radio}{Followed election news on the radio}
#'  \item{a2tv}{Watched campaign ads on TV}
#'  \item{a2papers}{Read campaign ads in the newspapers}
#'  \item{a2radio}{Listened campaign ads on the radio}
#'  \item{a3}{Notice taken of polls}
#'  \item{a4}{Interest in politics}
#'  \item{a5}{Watched televised debate}
#'  \item{a6}{Who performed better in televised debate}
#'  \item{a7}{Watched formal election policy launches}
#'  \item{a8}{Most impressive party launch}
#'  \item{a9ad}{Awareness of Aust Democrats campaign}
#'  \item{a9greens}{Awareness of Greens campaign}
#'  \item{b1}{Party identification}
#'  \item{b2}{Strength of party identification}
#'  \item{b3}{Left-right position}
#'  \item{b4}{When decided which way to vote}
#'  \item{b5}{Which party would win election}
#'  \item{b6reps}{Vote in House of Representatives}
#'  \item{b6senate}{Vote in Senate}
#'  \item{b7}{Thought of changing vote during campaign}
#'  \item{b8reps}{Vote in House of Representatives in 1987}
#'  \item{b8senate}{Vote in Senate in 1987}
#'  \item{b9}{Previous vote}
#'  \item{c1bh}{Feelings about Bob Hawke}
#'  \item{c1ap}{Feelings about Andrew Peacock}
#'  \item{c1cb}{Feelings about Charles Blunt}
#'  \item{c1janh}{Feelings about Janine Haines}
#'  \item{c1pk}{Feelings about Paul Keating}
#'  \item{c1johnh}{Feelings about John Howard}
#'  \item{c2}{Like about Bob Hawke}
#'  \item{c3}{Dont like about Bob Hawke}
#'  \item{c4}{Like about Andrew Peacock}
#'  \item{c5}{Dont like about Andrew Peacock}
#'  \item{c6alp}{ALP extreme or moderate}
#'  \item{c6lib}{Coalition extreme or moderate}
#'  \item{c7alp}{ALP capable of strong government or not}
#'  \item{c7lib}{Coalition capable of strong government o}
#'  \item{c8alp}{ALP united or divided}
#'  \item{c8lib}{Coalition united or divided}
#'  \item{c9alp}{ALP has clear or vague policies}
#'  \item{c9lib}{Coalition has clear or vague policies}
#'  \item{d1unem}{Party closest to own view unemployment}
#'  \item{d1inflat}{Party closest to own view on inflation}
#'  \item{d1health}{Party closest to own view on health}
#'  \item{d1wages}{Party closest to own view on wages}
#'  \item{d1intr}{Party closest to own view interest rates}
#'  \item{d1educ}{Party closest to own view on education}
#'  \item{d1envir}{Party closest to own view on environment}
#'  \item{d1tax}{Party closest to own view on taxation}
#'  \item{d1gspend}{Party closest to own view on government}
#'  \item{d2unem}{Importance of unemployment issue}
#'  \item{d2inflat}{Importance of inflation issue}
#'  \item{d2health}{Importance of health issue}
#'  \item{d2wages}{Importance of wages issue}
#'  \item{d2intr}{Importance of interest rates issue}
#'  \item{d2educ}{Importance of education issue}
#'  \item{d2envir}{Importance of environment issue}
#'  \item{d2tax}{Importance of taxation issue}
#'  \item{d2gspend}{Importance of government spending issue}
#'  \item{d2i1}{Issue of most concern}
#'  \item{d2i2}{Second issue of concern}
#'  \item{d3less1}{Top priority for less govt spending}
#'  \item{d3less2}{Second priority for less govt spending}
#'  \item{d3more1}{Top priority for more govt spending}
#'  \item{d3more2}{Second priority for more govt spending}
#'  \item{e1hhold}{Financial situation of hhold cf 1 year a}
#'  \item{e1cntry}{Economic situation of country cf 1 year}
#'  \item{e2hhold}{Effect of govt policies on hhold situati}
#'  \item{e2cntry}{Effect of govt policies on country situa}
#'  \item{e3hhold}{Financial situation of hhold cf 1 yr ahe}
#'  \item{e3cntry}{Economic situation of country cf 1 yr ah}
#'  \item{e4hhold}{Effect of govt policies on hhold situati}
#'  \item{e4cntry}{Effect of govt policies on country situa}
#'  \item{e5wages}{Control of wages by legislation}
#'  \item{e5prices}{Control of prices by legislation}
#'  \item{e5hlthed}{Reduce expenditure on health & education}
#'  \item{e5import}{Increasing controls on imports}
#'  \item{e5subpi}{Increase Govt subsidies for private indu}
#'  \item{e5defnce}{Reducing expenditure on defence}
#'  \item{e6tax}{High tax makes people less willing to wo}
#'  \item{e6equal}{Income & wealth should be redistributed}
#'  \item{e6pind}{Private industry keep more of its profit}
#'  \item{e6profit}{Modern society without profit motive}
#'  \item{e7resp}{Distribution of wealth - Rs position}
#'  \item{e7alp}{Distribution of wealth - ALP position}
#'  \item{e7lib}{Distribution of wealth - Coalition posit}
#'  \item{e7bh}{Distribution of wealth - Hawkes position}
#'  \item{e7ap}{Distribution of wealth - Peacocks positi}
#'  \item{f1resp}{Taxes v. social services - Rs position}
#'  \item{f1alp}{Taxes v. social services - ALP position}
#'  \item{f1lib}{Taxes v. social services - Coalition pos}
#'  \item{f1bh}{Taxes v. social services - Hawkes positi}
#'  \item{f1ap}{Taxes v. social services - Peacocks posi}
#'  \item{f2}{Private medical treatment}
#'  \item{f3}{Abortion}
#'  \item{f4}{Government help for Aborigines}
#'  \item{f5equop}{Equal opportunities for women}
#'  \item{f5nudsex}{Nudity and sex in films and magazines}
#'  \item{f5ethnid}{Migrants keeping their ethnic identity}
#'  \item{f5aborlr}{Transfer of land rights to Aborigines}
#'  \item{f5migeo}{Equal opportunities for migrants}
#'  \item{f5protes}{The right to protest and demonstrate}
#'  \item{f5immig}{No. of migrants allowed into Australia}
#'  \item{f6deathp}{Death penalty reintroduced for murder}
#'  \item{f6homlaw}{Stricter laws against homosexuality}
#'  \item{f6marij}{Decriminalise smoking of marijuana}
#'  \item{f6polpow}{The police should be given more power}
#'  \item{f6lawbrk}{Stiffer sentences if break the law}
#'  \item{f6hlthtx}{Increase taxes and spend more on health}
#'  \item{f6govhnd}{Too many rely on government handouts}
#'  \item{f6redpov}{More money spent on reducing poverty}
#'  \item{f6succes}{In Australian society anyone can succeed}
#'  \item{f6wifhom}{Husband bread-winner and wife home}
#'  \item{f6eductx}{Increase taxes & spend more on education}
#'  \item{f6unemp}{Most of the unemployed dont want to work}
#'  \item{f6govser}{Govt serves the interests of Australians}
#'  \item{f7smkgov}{Ban smoking: in government departments}
#'  \item{f7smkwrk}{Ban smoking: The workplace generally}
#'  \item{f7smkeat}{Ban smoking: Public eating places}
#'  \item{f7smkshp}{Ban smoking: Shops and supermarkets}
#'  \item{f7smkpub}{Ban smoking: All public places}
#'  \item{f8}{Whether currently a smoker}
#'  \item{f9aims1}{First choice Australian aims}
#'  \item{f9aims2}{Second choice Australian aims}
#'  \item{f10aim1}{First choice national aims}
#'  \item{f10aim2}{Second choice national aims}
#'  \item{g1resp}{Logging in N. Est. Forests - Rs position}
#'  \item{g1alp}{Logging in N. Est. Forests - ALP positio}
#'  \item{g1lib}{Logging in N. Est. Forests - Coalition p}
#'  \item{g1bh}{Logging in N. Est. Forests - Hawkes posi}
#'  \item{g1ap}{Logging in N. Est. Forests - Peacocks po}
#'  \item{g2}{Views on prices and the environment}
#'  \item{g3}{Views on taxes and the environment}
#'  \item{g4}{Nuclear power - danger or resource}
#'  \item{g5pollut}{Pollution urgent envir. concern}
#'  \item{g5pop}{Overpopulation urgent envir. concern}
#'  \item{g5waste}{Waste disposal urgent envir. concern}
#'  \item{g5uran}{Uranium mining urgent envir. concern}
#'  \item{g5log}{Logging urgent envir. concern}
#'  \item{g5wild}{Wildlife urgent envir. concern}
#'  \item{g5soil}{Soil urgent envir. concern}
#'  \item{g5ghouse}{Greenhouse urgent envir. concern}
#'  \item{g5urg1}{Most urgent envir. concern}
#'  \item{g5urg2}{Second most urgent envir. concern}
#'  \item{g6pollut}{Pollution worse in 10 years}
#'  \item{g6pop}{Overpopulation worse in 10 years}
#'  \item{g6waste}{Waste disposal worse in 10 years}
#'  \item{g6uran}{Uranium mining worse in 10 years}
#'  \item{g6log}{Logging worse in 10 years}
#'  \item{g6wild}{Wildlife worse in 10 years}
#'  \item{g6soil}{Soil degredation worse in 10 years}
#'  \item{g6ghouse}{Greenhouse worse in 10 years}
#'  \item{g7tu}{Trust Trade Unions}
#'  \item{g7envir}{Trust Environmental groups}
#'  \item{g7comgov}{Trust Commonwealth Government}
#'  \item{g7stgov}{Trust State Governments}
#'  \item{g7polpar}{Trust Political parties}
#'  \item{g7ind}{Trust Industry}
#'  \item{g7scitec}{Trust Scientists and technologists}
#'  \item{g7public}{Trust general public}
#'  \item{g8envir}{Approve environmental groups}
#'  \item{g8uran}{Approve anti-uranium mining groups}
#'  \item{g8war}{Approve anti-war and anti-nuclear groups}
#'  \item{g9envir}{Member of environment group}
#'  \item{g9uran}{Member of anti-uranium mining group}
#'  \item{g9war}{Member of anti-war and anti-nuclear grou}
#'  \item{g10nship}{Ban nuclear powered warships}
#'  \item{g10nengy}{Nuclear energy a necessity}
#'  \item{g10techg}{Good effects of technology outweigh bad}
#'  \item{g10scit}{Science & technology best hope for futur}
#'  \item{g10uran}{Australia should mine its uranium}
#'  \item{g10envir}{Our society is abusing the environment}
#'  \item{g10pop}{Approaching world overpopulation}
#'  \item{g10natok}{Other things more important than Nature}
#'  \item{g10presn}{Nature most precious in life}
#'  \item{g10prote}{Could do more to protect the environment}
#'  \item{g10govte}{Govt could do more to protect environmen}
#'  \item{h1}{Employee control of industry}
#'  \item{h2}{Sympathy for or against strikers}
#'  \item{h3}{Government handling of pilot dispute}
#'  \item{h4}{Coalition handling of pilot dispute}
#'  \item{h5jobs}{Govt ensure jobs for all who want work}
#'  \item{h5regtu}{Stricter regulation of trade unions}
#'  \item{h5strke}{Workers strike without good reason}
#'  \item{h5tupowr}{Trade union power}
#'  \item{h5buspwr}{Big business power}
#'  \item{h5tuprot}{Trade unions protect workers}
#'  \item{h5busben}{Big business exploits workers}
#'  \item{h5pvtis}{Privatisation of industry}
#'  \item{h5wrksay}{Workers say in workplace}
#'  \item{h5scabs}{Scab labour prohibited by law}
#'  \item{h5class}{No class differences in Australia}
#'  \item{i1}{Age left School}
#'  \item{i2}{Private or Non-private school education}
#'  \item{i3}{No. years of tertiary education}
#'  \item{i4}{Highest qual obtained since leaving scho}
#'  \item{i5}{Occupation in past week}
#'  \item{i6}{Occupation}
#'  \item{i6d}{Employer}
#'  \item{i7}{Supervisory responsibility}
#'  \item{i8}{Belong to a trade union or staff associa}
#'  \item{i9}{Self assessed social class}
#'  \item{j1}{Sex}
#'  \item{j2}{Year of Birth}
#'  \item{j3own}{Country of Birth}
#'  \item{j3mum}{Mothers Country of Birth}
#'  \item{j3dad}{Fathers Country of Birth}
#'  \item{j4}{Age R came to Australia}
#'  \item{j5}{Fathers Occupation at R Age 14}
#'  \item{j6dad}{Fathers political preference at R Age 14}
#'  \item{j6mum}{Mothers political preference at R Age 14}
#'  \item{j7}{Religion}
#'  \item{j8}{Religious attendance}
#'  \item{j9}{Marital Status}
#'  \item{j10}{Occupation of Spouse}
#'  \item{j11}{Occupation of Spouse}
#'  \item{j12}{Employer of Spouse}
#'  \item{j13}{Does Spouse supervise people at work}
#'  \item{j14}{Spouse member of a trade union}
#'  \item{j15}{Spouses political identification}
#'  \item{d3spend1}{Spending on Education}
#'  \item{d3spend2}{Spending on Defence}
#'  \item{d3spend3}{Spending on Aged Pensions}
#'  \item{d3spend4}{Spending on Health}
#'  \item{d3spend5}{Spending on Roads}
#'  \item{d3spend6}{Spending on Police}
#'  \item{d3spend7}{Spending on Unemployment Benefits}
#'  \item{d3spend8}{Spending on Help for industry}
#'  \item{d3spend9}{Spending on Protecting the Environment}
#'  \item{postcode}{Postcode of Residence}
#'  \item{elecdiv}{Electoral Division}
#'  \item{state}{State of Residence}
#'  \item{statemap}{State mapping variable}
#' }
thmcmahon/aes documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:44 a.m.