Man pages for thomasWeise/regressoR.functional.models
An R Package Providing an Blueprints and Tools for Functional Models for Regression

as.characterConvert a 'FunctionalModel' to a String
FunctionalModel-classA FunctionalModel for a Functional Model
FunctionalModel.constantObtain the Simple Constant Model 'y = f(x) = a'
FunctionalModel.cubicObtain the Simple Cubic Model 'y = f(x) = a + b*x + c*x^2 +...
FunctionalModel.cubic.from.four.pointsCompute the parameter values of a Cubic Function from four...
FunctionalModel.defaultObtain a List with the Default Functional Models Provided by...
FunctionalModel.expLogLinear.1Obtain the First Variant of the Exponential Log-Linear Model
FunctionalModel.expLogLinear.2Obtain the Second Variant of the Exponential Log-Linear Model
FunctionalModel.exponentialDecay.1Obtain the First Variant of the Generalized Exponential Decay...
FunctionalModel.exponentialDecay.2Obtain the Second Variant of the Generalized Exponential...
FunctionalModel.gompertz.1Obtain the First Variant of the Gompertz Model
FunctionalModel.gompertz.2Obtain the Second Variant of the Gompertz Model
FunctionalModel.linearObtain the Simple Linear Model 'y = f(x) = a+b*x'
FunctionalModel.linear.from.two.pointsCompute the parameter values of a Linear Function from two...
FunctionalModel.logistic.1Obtain the First Variant of the Logistic Model
FunctionalModel.logistic.2Obtain the Second Variant of the Logistic Model
FunctionalModel.mlpCreate a Multi-Layer Perceptron Model with the Given Layers...
FunctionalModel.mlp.defaultGet the List of Default MLP-based Models
FunctionalModel.mlp.monotonousGet the List of Default Monotonously Decreasing MLP-based...
FunctionalModel.monotonousObtain a List with the Default Monotonously Decreasing...
FunctionalModel.newCreate a new instance of 'FunctionalModel'
FunctionalModel.par.checkCheck that model parameters are acceptable for the functional...
FunctionalModel.par.estimateCreate a Parameter Estimate for a Given Functional Model
FunctionalModel.par.fixFix a Vector to be Contained in the Lower/Upper Boundaries
FunctionalModel.quadraticObtain the Simple Quadratic Model 'y = f(x) = a + b*x +...
FunctionalModel.quadratic.from.three.pointsCompute the parameter values of a Quadratic Function from...
thomasWeise/regressoR.functional.models documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:45 p.m.