test_that("selected", {
# Check the function arguments
# Test data preparation
Paracou6_2016 <- dplyr::slice(Paracou6_2016, 1:2000)
inventory <- addtreedim(inventorycheckformat(Paracou6_2016),
volumeparameters = ForestZoneVolumeParametersTable)
inventory0 <- ONFGuyafortaxojoin(inventory, SpeciesCriteria)
harvestableOutputs <- harvestable(inventory0, diversification = TRUE, specieslax = FALSE,
topography = DTMParacou, plotslope = PlotSlope,
advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters(),
maintrails = MainTrails, harvestablepolygons = HarvestablePolygons)
inventory <- harvestableOutputs$inventory
HVinit <- harvestableOutputs$HVinit
VO <- 20
testinventory <- suppressMessages(selected(inventory, scenario = "manual", fuel = "0",
diversification = TRUE, specieslax = FALSE,
objectivelax = FALSE, topography = DTMParacou,
advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters(),
VO = VO, HVinit = HVinit))$inventory
MatrixInventory <- as.matrix(Paracou6_2016)
# Tests
regexp = "Argument 'inventory' of the 'selected' function must be a data.frame")
expect_error(suppressMessages(selected(inventory, diversification = "1",
specieslax = 2, objectivelax = "a")),
regexp = "Arguments 'diversification', 'specieslax' and 'objectivelax'
of the 'selected' function must be logical")
# expect_error(suppressMessages(selected(inventory, diversification = TRUE, scenario = "CL")),
# regexp = "The 'scenario' argument of the 'selected' function must be 'RIL1', 'RIL2broken', 'RIL2', 'RIL3', 'RIL3fuel', 'RIL3fuelhollow' or 'manual'")
# expect_error(suppressMessages(selected(inventory, scenario = "manual", diversification = TRUE, fuel = TRUE)),
# regexp = "The 'fuel' argument of the 'selected' function must be '0', '1', or '2'")
expect_error(suppressMessages(selected(inventory, scenario = "manual", fuel = "0", diversification = TRUE,
advancedloggingparameters = as.matrix(loggingparameters()))),
regexp = "Argument 'advancedloggingparameters' of the 'selected' function must be a list")
inventory, scenario = "manual", diversification = TRUE, fuel = "0",
advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters(),
VO = "20", HVinit = HVinit)),
regexp = "Arguments 'VO' and 'HVinit' of the 'selected' function must be numeric")
expect_error(suppressMessages(selected(inventory, scenario = "manual",
fuel = NULL, diversification = T)),
regexp = "If you choose the 'manual' mode,
you must fill in the arguments 'fuel' and 'diversification'")
expect_true(all(!is.na(testinventory$Selected))) # No NA is Selected colomn
# if HVinit == VO : all the "harvestable" trees are Selected == "1"
VO <- HVinit
testinventory <- suppressMessages(selected(inventory, scenario = "manual",
fuel = "0", diversification = TRUE, topography = DTMParacou,
advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters(),
VO = VO, HVinit = HVinit))$inventory
if (HVinit == VO){
TestRareWorld <- testinventory %>%
dplyr::filter(LoggingStatus == "harvestable")
expect_true(all(TestRareWorld$Selected == "1" |
(TestRareWorld$Selected == "0" & TestRareWorld$ProbedHollow == "1")))
# if HVinit < VO
## if (!diversification && specieslax)
harvestableOutputs <- harvestable(inventory0,
diversification = FALSE, specieslax = TRUE, topography = DTMParacou,
plotslope = PlotSlope, maintrails = MainTrails, harvestablepolygons = HarvestablePolygons)
inventory <- harvestableOutputs$inventory
HVinit <- harvestableOutputs$HVinit
VO <- HVinit + 20
testinventory <- suppressMessages(selected(inventory, scenario = "manual", fuel = "0",
diversification = FALSE, specieslax = TRUE, objectivelax = TRUE, topography = DTMParacou,
advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters(),
VO = VO, HVinit = HVinit))$inventory
Testspecieslax <- testinventory %>%
dplyr::filter(Selected == "1")
expect_true(any(Testspecieslax$LoggingStatus =="harvestable2nd")) # there are "harvestable2nd" among the Selected
### objectivelax = FALSE
expect_error(suppressMessages(selected(inventory, scenario = "manual", fuel = "0", diversification = FALSE, specieslax = TRUE, objectivelax = FALSE,
topography = DTMParacou,
advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters(),
VO = VO, HVinit = HVinit))$inventory,
"By default or because of your choice, the simulation stops")
# if (!diversification && !specieslax && objectivelax)
harvestableOutputs <- harvestable(inventory0,
diversification = FALSE, specieslax = FALSE,
topography = DTMParacou, plotslope = PlotSlope, maintrails = MainTrails,
harvestablepolygons = HarvestablePolygons)
inventory <- harvestableOutputs$inventory
HVinit <- harvestableOutputs$HVinit
VO <- HVinit + 20
expect_message(selected(inventory, scenario = "manual", fuel = "0",
diversification = FALSE, specieslax = FALSE, objectivelax = TRUE,
topography = DTMParacou, advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters(),
VO = VO, HVinit = HVinit)$inventory,
"You have chosen to continue logging without diversifying")
# if (diversification && objectivelax)
harvestableOutputs <- harvestable(inventory0,
diversification = TRUE, topography = DTMParacou, plotslope = PlotSlope,
maintrails = MainTrails,
harvestablepolygons = HarvestablePolygons)
inventory <- harvestableOutputs$inventory
HVinit <- harvestableOutputs$HVinit
VO <- HVinit + 20
expect_message(selected(inventory, scenario = "manual", fuel = "0", diversification = TRUE,
objectivelax = TRUE,
topography = DTMParacou, advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters(),
VO = VO, HVinit = HVinit)$inventory,
"You have chosen to continue logging in this case")
## if ((!specieslax & !objectivelax) | (diversification && !objectivelax))
expect_error(suppressMessages(selected(inventory, scenario = "manual", fuel = "0",
diversification = TRUE, objectivelax = FALSE,
topography = DTMParacou,
advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters(),
VO = VO, HVinit = HVinit))$inventory,
"By default or because of your choice, the simulation stops")
# if HVinit > VO
harvestableOutputs <- harvestable(inventory0,
diversification = TRUE, topography = DTMParacou, plotslope = PlotSlope,
maintrails = MainTrails,
harvestablepolygons = HarvestablePolygons)
inventory <- harvestableOutputs$inventory
HVinit <- harvestableOutputs$HVinit
VO <- HVinit - 20
testinventory <- suppressMessages(selected(inventory, scenario = "manual", fuel = "0",
diversification = FALSE, objectivelax = FALSE,
topography = DTMParacou,
advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters(),
VO = VO, HVinit = HVinit))$inventory
TestUp <- testinventory %>%
dplyr::filter(Commercial == "1") %>%
dplyr::filter(DBH >= UpMinFD & DBH <= MaxFD) %>%
dplyr::filter(LoggingStatus != "non-harvestable") %>%
dplyr::filter(ProbedHollow == "0")
TestDBHUp <- testinventory %>%
dplyr::filter(LoggingStatus == "harvestableUp")
expect_true(all(TestUp$LoggingStatus == "harvestableUp")) # There are harvestableUp among the Commercial = "1"
expect_true(all(TestDBHUp$DBH >= TestDBHUp$UpMinFD)) # DBH >= UpMinFD
expect_true(all(TestDBHUp$Up =="1")) # Up = "1"
## if (!diversification)
expect_false(any(TestDBHUp$Commercial == "2")) # no Commercial = "2" among the harvestableUp
### if (HVupCommercial1 == VO)
### if (HVupCommercial1 > VO)
### if (HVupCommercial1 < VO)
## if (diversification)
### if HVupCommercial1 == VO
### if HVupCommercial1 < VO
### if HVupCommercial1 > VO
#### if HVupCommercial12 == VO
#### if HVupCommercial12 !== VO
# Hollow (Rotten model)
testinventory <- suppressMessages(selected(inventory, scenario = "manual", fuel = "0",
diversification = TRUE,
topography = DTMParacou,
advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters(),
VO = VO, HVinit = HVinit))$inventory
TestHollow <- testinventory %>%
dplyr::filter(LoggingStatus == "harvestable" | LoggingStatus == "harvestable2nd")
expect_true(all(!is.na(TestHollow$ProbedHollowProba))) # ProbedHollowProba for harvestable trees
expect_true(all(TestHollow$ProbedHollow %in% c("0","1"))) # ProbedHollow = "0" ou "1" if !is.na(ProbedHollowProba)
expect_true(all(TestHollow$ProbedHollow == "0" | TestHollow$ProbedHollow == "1")) # doest works with the check..
# if fuel =="2" et que il y a des ProbedHollow == "1" : there are "hollowfuel" in DeathCause
testinventory <- suppressMessages(selected(inventory, scenario = "manual", fuel = "2",
diversification = TRUE, topography = DTMParacou,
advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters(),
VO = VO, HVinit = HVinit))$inventory
if (any(inventory$ProbedHollow == "1", na.rm = TRUE)) {
expect_true(any(testinventory$DeathCause == "hollowfuel"))
# # 2 points vectors with coordinates of the probed hollow trees: "HollowTreesPoints" and "EnergywoodTreesPoints"
# check args
# inventory (data.frame)
# scenario "RIL1", "RIL2broken", "RIL2", "RIL3", "RIL3fuel", "RIL3fuelhollow" or "manual"(character)
# fuel "0","1"ou "2" (character)
# diversification (logical)
# specieslax (logical)
# objectivelax (logical)é
# advancedloggingparameters (list)
# VO (numeric value)
# HVinit (numeric value)
# if HVinit == VO : tous les "harvestable" sont Selected == "1"
# if HVinit < VO
## if !diversification && specieslax : : il y a des "harvestable2nd" parmi les Selected
## if !diversification && !specieslax && objectivelax : message
## if diversification && objectivelax : message
## if (!specieslax & !objectivelax) | (diversification && !objectivelax) : erreur
# if HVinit > VO : ya des harvestableUp dans les commercial = "1" & DBH >= UpMinFD, Up = "1"
## if !diversification : : pas de commercial = "2" dans les harvestableUp
### if HVupCommercial1 == VO
### if HVupCommercial1 > VO
### if HVupCommercial1 < VO
## if diversification
### if HVupCommercial1 == VO
### if HVupCommercial1 < VO
### if HVupCommercial1 > VO
#### if HVupCommercial12 == VO
#### if HVupCommercial12 !== VO
# ProbedHollowProba !is.na pour les Selected == "1" ou == "deselected" (Rotten) ah non ils ont été déselectionnés
# ProbedHollown = "0" ou "1" if !is.na(ProbedHollowProba)
# if scenario == "RIL3fuelhollow"| (scenario == "manual"& fuel =="2") : ya des "hollowfuel" dans DeathCause
# 2 points vectors with coordinates of the probed hollow trees: "HollowTreesPoints" and "EnergywoodTreesPoints"
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