Man pages for thomasgredig/RAWdataR
Scientifically Reproducible RAW Data Processing

fig2texSave ggplot Figure to TeX Snippet
makeRAWtestFolderMakes a RAW test folder
path.goUpOneDirReturn path up one directory
raw.checkNoSubfoldersSubfolders in RAW path
raw.dataATECreate dataATE Table
raw.dataFilesAFMCreate dataFilesAFM Table
raw.dataMakerCreates a maker file inside the data-raw folder
raw.dataProjectmakes a data R project
raw.dataXRDCreate dataXRD Table
raw.findDuplicatesFind duplicate RAW files
raw.findFilesreturns a list of files provided the search criteria
raw.fixInvalidFileFix invalid data filename
raw.getDatabaseManage SQL Database with Data Package
raw.getFileByIDReturn filename by ID
raw.getFilenameOBSOLETE: return filename from MD5
raw.getFilenameByMD5returns the filename with certain MD5sum
raw.getIDbyFileReturn filename by ID
raw.getInvalidFilesReturns all invalid RAW files
raw.getMD5returns the MD5sum of a filename
raw.getMD5strreturns a string with all MD5 files
raw.getNamesSeparate projects, dates, and users
raw.getNoImagesreturns the number of images
raw.getNoSamplesreturns approximate number of samples that were made
raw.getPartialMD5returns the MD5sum of a filename
raw.getPartialMD5strreturns a string with all MD5 files
raw.getSampleFilesSample Files from RAW folder
raw.getSamplePathSample path to RAW folder
raw.getValidFilesReturns all valid RAW files
raw.initInitialize R package with RAW data concept
raw.inspectFolderInspect RAW data folder
raw.isValidcheck whether a RAW data file has a valid filename
raw.RAWIDfileFull Path of RAW-ID File
raw.readRAWIDfileReads an RAW ID file
raw.readRAWIDheaderReads an RAW ID header
raw.splitFilenamesplits filename into fields
raw.texArticleLaTeX Article with all Fig2TeX figures
raw.tryFixInvalidFilesuggests a new filename for an invalid filename
raw.updateIDAssigns a Unique ID to each RAW Data File
raw.writeRAWIDfileWrites an RAW ID file with Header
raw.writeRAWIDheaderWrites a RAW ID Header
thomasgredig/RAWdataR documentation built on Nov. 6, 2024, 9:46 a.m.