binary_pct: Percentage summary for a Binary Row

View source: R/binary_pct.R

binary_pctR Documentation

Percentage summary for a Binary Row


Summarizes a binary row using counts and column percentages.


binary_pct(dt, ...)



the name of the dataframe object.


Additional arguments supplied within the package row functions.


This is an internal function of tangram.pipe. Additional arguments should be supplied for this function to work properly.

reference : the name of the row category to use as the reference. Default will use alphabetical first category

ref.label : choice of whether you want the reference label to be in the table. Default is on and includes reference label; off switches it off.

rowlabel : the label for the table row name, if different from row_var.

compact : if TRUE, data displayed in one row.

missing : if TRUE, missing data is considered; FALSE only uses complete cases.

digits : significant digits to use.


A dataframe with summary statistics for a binary variable.

See Also

Possible summary functions for binary data:binary_default, binary_count, binary_jama

thomasgstewart/tangram.pipe documentation built on Aug. 18, 2022, 8:41 p.m.