
Defines functions render_text_explanations text_explanations_output interactive_text_explanations

Documented in interactive_text_explanations render_text_explanations text_explanations_output

#' Interactive explanations
#' Display text explanation in an interactive way.
#' You can :
#' * send a new sentence
#' * update the parameters of the explainer
#' @param explainer parameters
#' @param window_title,title,place_holder,minimum_lentgh_error text to be displayed on the page
#' @param minimum_lentgh don't update display if text is shorter than this parameter
#' @param max_feature_to_select up limit to the number of words that can be selected
#' @rdname interactive_text_explanations
#' @importFrom stringi stri_count_words stri_replace_all_fixed
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that is.string is.count
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(text2vec)
#' library(xgboost)
#' data(train_sentences)
#' data(test_sentences)
#' get_matrix <- function(text) {
#'   it <- itoken(text, progressbar = FALSE)
#'   create_dtm(it, vectorizer = hash_vectorizer())
#' }
#' dtm_train = get_matrix(train_sentences$text)
#' xgb_model <- xgb.train(list(max_depth = 7, eta = 0.1, objective = "binary:logistic",
#'                  eval_metric = "error", nthread = 1),
#'                  xgb.DMatrix(dtm_train, label = train_sentences$class.text == "OWNX"),
#'                  nrounds = 50)
#' sentences <- head(test_sentences[test_sentences$class.text == "OWNX", "text"], 1)
#' explainer <- lime(train_sentences$text, xgb_model, get_matrix)
#' # The explainer can now be queried interactively:
#' interactive_text_explanations(explainer)
#' }
interactive_text_explanations <- function(explainer, window_title = "Text model explainer",
                                          title = "Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations",
                                          place_holder = "Put here the text to explain",
                                          minimum_lentgh = 3,
                                          minimum_lentgh_error = "Text provided is too short to be explained (>= 3).",
                                          max_feature_to_select = 20) {
  if (!requireNamespace('shiny', quietly = TRUE) || !requireNamespace('shinythemes', quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop('shiny and shinythemes are required for this functionality', call. = FALSE)

  shared_states <- list()

  feature_selection_strategy <- local({
    strategies <- feature_selection_method()
    strategies_clean <- stri_replace_all_fixed(strategies, "_", " ")
    names(strategies) <- strategies_clean

  ui <- shiny::fluidPage(title = window_title,
                  theme = shinythemes::shinytheme("superhero"),
                  shiny::titlePanel(title = title),
                    shiny::textAreaInput("text_to_explain", label = NULL, resize = "both", placeholder = place_holder, height = "200px"),
                    shiny::numericInput("number_permutations", label = shiny::h5("Quantity of permutations to generate"), value = 5000, step = 1000),
                    shiny::selectInput("feature_selection_strategy", label = shiny::h5("Word selection strategies"), choices = feature_selection_strategy, selected = "auto"),
                    shiny::sliderInput("number_features_to_explain", label = shiny::h5("Number of words to select"), min = 1, max = max_feature_to_select, value = 2, ticks = FALSE)

  # Define server logic for slider examples ----
  server <- function(input, output) {
    output$text_explanations_plot <- render_text_explanations({
        shiny::need(stri_count_words(input$text_to_explain) >= minimum_lentgh, message = minimum_lentgh_error)
      shared_states$explanations <<- explain(input$text_to_explain, explainer, n_labels = 1, n_features = input$number_features_to_explain, feature_select = input$feature_selection_strategy, n_permutations = input$number_permutations)
    # output$feature_weight_plot <- renderPlot({
    #   validate(
    #     need(stri_count_words(input$text_to_explain) >= minimum_lentgh, message = minimum_lentgh_error)
    #   )
    #   plot_features(shared_states$explanations)
    # })
  shiny::shinyApp(ui, server)

#' Shiny widget output
#' Create an output to insert text explanation plot in Shiny application.
#' @param outputId output variable to read from
#' @param width,height Must be a valid CSS unit or a number, which will be coerced to a string and have "px" appended.
#' @return An output function that enables the use of the widget within Shiny applications.
#' @rdname interactive_text_explanations
#' @export
text_explanations_output <- function(outputId, width = "100%", height = "400px") {
  if (!requireNamespace('htmlwidgets', quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop('htmlwidgets is required for this functionality', call. = FALSE)
  htmlwidgets::shinyWidgetOutput(outputId, "plot_text_explanations", width, height, package = "lime")

#' Shiny widget render
#' Render the text explanations in Shiny application.
#' @param expr An expression that generates an HTML widget
#' @param env The environment in which to evaluate `expr`.
#' @param quoted Is `expr` a quoted expression (with [quote()])? This
#'   is useful if you want to save an expression in a variable.
#' @return A render function that enables the use of the widget within Shiny applications.
#' @rdname interactive_text_explanations
#' @export
render_text_explanations <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE) {
  if (!requireNamespace('htmlwidgets', quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop('htmlwidgets is required for this functionality', call. = FALSE)
  if (!quoted) { expr <- substitute(expr) } # force quoted
  htmlwidgets::shinyRenderWidget(expr, text_explanations_output, env, quoted = TRUE)
thomasp85/lime documentation built on Aug. 19, 2022, 5 p.m.