Man pages for tidymass/metid
Metabolite identification based on MS1 and MS2 spectra

annotate_metabolitesAnnotate Metabolites
annotate_metabolites_mass_datasetAnnotate Metabolites in a mass_dataset Object
annotate_peaks_mz_rt_ms2Annotate Peaks Based on MS1, Retention Time (RT), and MS2
annotate_single_peak_mass_datasetAnnotate a Single Peak in a mass_dataset Object
calculate_confidence_levelCalculate Confidence Level for Metabolite Annotations
calculate_dotproductCalculate Dot Product Score for MS2 Spectra
calculate_ms2_matching_scoreCalculate MS2 Spectra Matching Score
calculate_mz_match_scoreCalculate m/z Match Score
calculate_rt_match_scoreCalculate Retention Time (RT) Match Score
calculate_total_scoreCalculate the Total Annotation Score
check_adduct_tableValidate the Adduct Table
check_databaseValidate a Database Object for Metabolite Annotation
check_mass_datasetValidate the mass_dataset Object for Metabolite Annotation
check_ms1_ms2_infoValidate MS1 and MS2 Information
check_parameters4annotate_metabolitesValidate Parameters for Metabolite Annotation
check_parameters4calculate_total_scoreValidate Parameters for Calculating Total Score
construct_databaseConstruct a Mass Spectra Database
construct_massbank_databaseConstruct a Spectral Database from MassBank Data
construct_mona_databaseConstruct a Spectral Database from MoNA Data
correct_database_rtCorrect Retention Time (RT) in a Spectral Database
databaseClass-classClass for Managing Spectral Database Information
extract_database_nameExtract the Name of the Database
extract_ms1_databaseExtract MS1 Information from a Database
extract_ms1_infoExtract MS1 Information from a mass_dataset Object
extract_ms2_databaseExtract MS2 Spectra from a Database
extract_ms2_infoExtract MS2 Information from a mass_dataset Object
filter_adductsFilter adducts.
filter_identificationFilter identifications according to m/z error, RT error, MS...
get_iden_infoGet identification information from a metIdentifyClass object
get_identification_tableGet identification table from a metIdentifyClass object
getIdentificationTable2Get identification table from a mzIdentifyClass object
get_ms2_spectrumRetrieve MS2 Spectrum from a Database
getMS2spectrumGet MS2 spectra of peaks from databaseClass object
get_ms2_spectrum_from_objectGet spectra of peaks from metIdentifyClass object
get_parametersGet parameters from a metIdentifyClass object
get_parameters_metidGet parameters from a metIdentifyClass object
hilic.negHILIC negative mode adduct table
hilic.posHILIC positive mode adduct table
identify_metabolite_allIdentify metabolites using multiple databases one time
identify_metabolitesIdentify metabolites based on MS1 or MS/MS database
identify_metabolites_paramsGenerate the parameter list for identify_metabolites function
identify_ms2_onlyIdentify metabolites based on MS/MS database
identify_peakIdentify a Peak in a Mass Spectrometry Dataset
identify_single_peakIdentify single peak based on database.
load_adduct_tableLoad the Adduct Table Based on Polarity and Column Type
match_ms2_fragmentsMatch MS2 Fragments Between Experimental and Library Spectra
match_ms2_tempMatch MS2 Spectra to Database Compounds
metidShow the base information of metid pacakge
metid_conflictsConflicts between the metid and other packages
metIdentificationMetabolite Identification Using MS1 and MS2 Data
metIdentifyIdentify metabolites based on MS/MS database.
metIdentifyClass-classAn S4 class to represent annotation result.
metIdentify_mass_datasetMetabolite Identification in a mass_dataset Object Using MS1...
metid_logoDisplay the metid Logo and Information
metid_packagesList all packages in the metid
ms2plotGet MS2 match plots from a metIdentifyClass object
ms2_plot_mass_datasetPlot MS2 Spectra for a Single Peak in a mass_dataset Object
msDatabase_hilic0.0.2Michael Snyder lab RPLC database 0.0.2
msDatabase_rplc0.0.2Michael Snyder lab RPLC database 0.0.2
mzIdentifyIdentify peaks based on MS1 database
mzIdentify_mass_datasetMetabolite Identification in a mass_dataset Object Using MS1...
mzIdentifyParamGenerate the mzIdentify parameter list
plot_ms2_matchingPlot MS2 Matching Between Experimental and Library Spectra
read_mgf_experimentRead MGF Data from Experimental Files
read_mgf_gnpsThis function reads Mass Spectrometry (MS) data in MGF format...
read_mgf_monaRead MGF Data from MoNA
read_mspRead MSP Data
read_msp_databaseRead MSP Database
read_msp_gnps—————– Read MSP Data from GNPS
read_msp_mona—————– Read MSP Data from MoNA
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remove_impossible_annotationsRemove Impossible Annotations Based on Adducts
remove_noiseRemove Noise from MS2 Spectrum
rp.negReverse phase negative mode adduct table
rp.posReverse phase positive mode adduct table
snyder_database_hilic0.0.3Michael Snyder lab RPLC database
snyder_database_rplc0.0.3Michael Snyder lab RPLC database
summary_annotation_tableSummary of Annotation Table with Plot
trans_to_new_styleTransform old style identification table to new style
which_has_identificationGet the peak names which have identifications
write_mgf_gnpsWrite GNPS Spectra to MGF Format
write_mgf_massbankWrite MassBank Spectra to MGF Format
write_mgf_monaWrite MoNA Spectra to MGF Format
write_mspWrite MSP Data to a File
write_msp_gnpsWrite GNPS Spectra to MSP Format
write_msp_massbankWrite MassBank Spectra to MSP Format
write_msp_monaWrite MoNA Spectra to MSP Format
tidymass/metid documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 4:43 p.m.