
Defines functions tune_sim_anneal_workflow tune_sim_anneal.workflow tune_sim_anneal.model_spec tune_sim_anneal.formula tune_sim_anneal.recipe tune_sim_anneal.default tune_sim_anneal

Documented in tune_sim_anneal tune_sim_anneal.model_spec tune_sim_anneal.workflow

#' Optimization of model parameters via simulated annealing
#' [tune_sim_anneal()] uses an iterative search procedure to generate new
#'  candidate tuning parameter combinations based on previous results. It uses
#'  the generalized simulated annealing method of Bohachevsky, Johnson, and
#'  Stein (1986).
#' @param object A `parsnip` model specification or a [workflows::workflow()].
#' @param preprocessor A traditional model formula or a recipe created using
#'   [recipes::recipe()]. This is only required when `object` is not a workflow.
#' @param resamples An `rset()` object.
#' @param param_info A [dials::parameters()] object or `NULL`. If none is given,
#' a parameter set is derived from other arguments. Passing this argument can
#' be useful when parameter ranges need to be customized.
#' @param metrics A [yardstick::metric_set()] object containing information on how
#' models will be evaluated for performance. The first metric in `metrics` is the
#' one that will be optimized.
#' @param eval_time A numeric vector of time points where dynamic event time
#' metrics should be computed (e.g. the time-dependent ROC curve, etc). The
#' values must be non-negative and should probably be no greater than the
#' largest event time in the training set (See Details below).
#' @param iter The maximum number of search iterations.
#' @param initial An initial set of results in a tidy format (as would the result
#' of [tune_grid()], [tune_bayes()], [tune_race_win_loss()], or
#' [tune_race_anova()]) or a positive integer. If the initial object was a
#' sequential search method, the simulated annealing iterations start after the
#' last iteration of the initial results.
#' @param control The results of [control_sim_anneal()].
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @details
#' Simulated annealing is a global optimization method. For model tuning, it
#'  can be used to iteratively search the parameter space for optimal tuning
#'  parameter combinations. At each iteration, a new parameter combination is
#'  created by perturbing the current parameters in some small way so that they
#'  are within a small neighborhood. This new parameter combination is used to
#'  fit a model and that model's performance is measured using resampling (or a
#'  simple validation set).
#' If the new settings have better results than the current settings, they are
#'  accepted and the process continues.
#' If the new settings has worse performance, a probability threshold is
#'  computed for accepting these sub-optimal values. The probability is a
#'  function of _how_ sub-optimal the results are as well as how many iterations
#'  have elapsed. This is referred to as the "cooling schedule" for the
#'  algorithm. If the sub-optimal results are accepted, the next iterations
#'  settings are based on these inferior results. Otherwise, new parameter
#'  values are generated from the previous iteration's settings.
#' This process continues for a pre-defined number of iterations and the
#'  overall best settings are recommended for use. The [control_sim_anneal()]
#'  function can specify the number of iterations without improvement for early
#'  stopping. Also, that function can be used to specify a _restart_ threshold;
#'  if no globally best results have not be discovered within a certain number
#'  if iterations, the process can restart using the last known settings that
#'  globally best.
#' ## Creating new settings
#' For each numeric parameter, the range of possible values is known as well
#'  as any transformations. The current values are transformed and scaled to
#'  have values between zero and one (based on the possible range of values). A
#'  candidate set of values that are on a sphere with random radii between
#'  `rmin` and `rmax` are generated. Infeasible values are removed and one value
#'  is chosen at random. This value is back transformed to the original units
#'  and scale and are used as the new settings. The argument `radius` of
#'  [control_sim_anneal()] controls the range neighborhood sizes.
#' For categorical and integer parameters, each is changes with a pre-defined
#'  probability. The `flip` argument of [control_sim_anneal()] can be used to
#'  specify this probability. For integer parameters, a nearby integer value is
#'  used.
#' Simulated annealing search may not be the preferred method when many of the
#'  parameters are non-numeric or integers with few unique values. In these
#'  cases, it is likely that the same candidate set may be tested more than
#'  once.
#' ## Cooling schedule
#' To determine the probability of accepting a new value, the percent
#'  difference in performance is calculated. If the performance metric is to be
#'  maximized, this would be `d = (new-old)/old*100`. The probability is
#'  calculated as `p = exp(d * coef * iter)` were `coef` is a user-defined
#'  constant that can be used to increase or decrease the probabilities.
#' The `cooling_coef` of [control_sim_anneal()] can be used for this purpose.
#' ## Termination criterion
#' The restart counter is reset when a new global best results is found.
#' The termination counter resets when a new global best is located or when a
#' suboptimal result is improved.
#' ## Parallelism
#' The `tune` and `finetune` packages currently parallelize over resamples.
#' Specifying a parallel back-end will improve the generation of the initial
#' set of sub-models (if any). Each iteration of the search are also run in
#' parallel if a parallel backend is registered.
#' ## Censored regression models
#' With dynamic performance metrics (e.g. Brier or ROC curves), performance is
#' calculated for every value of `eval_time` but the _first_ evaluation time
#' given by the user (e.g., `eval_time[1]`) is used to guide the optimization.
#' Also, values of `eval_time` should be less than the largest observed event
#' time in the training data. For many non-parametric models, the results beyond
#' the largest time corresponding to an event are constant (or `NA`).
#' @return A tibble of results that mirror those generated by [tune_grid()].
#' However, these results contain an `.iter` column and replicate the `rset`
#' object multiple times over iterations (at limited additional memory costs).
#' @references
#' Bohachevsky, Johnson, and Stein (1986) "Generalized Simulated Annealing for
#' Function Optimization", _Technometrics_, 28:3, 209-217
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(finetune)
#' library(rpart)
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(tune)
#' library(rsample)
#' library(parsnip)
#' library(workflows)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' if (rlang::is_installed("modeldata")) {
#'   data(two_class_dat, package = "modeldata")
#'   set.seed(5046)
#'   bt <- bootstraps(two_class_dat, times = 5)
#'   ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#'   cart_mod <-
#'     decision_tree(cost_complexity = tune(), min_n = tune()) %>%
#'     set_engine("rpart") %>%
#'     set_mode("classification")
#'   ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#'   # For reproducibility, set the seed before running.
#'   set.seed(10)
#'   sa_search <-
#'     cart_mod %>%
#'     tune_sim_anneal(Class ~ ., resamples = bt, iter = 10)
#'   autoplot(sa_search, metric = "roc_auc", type = "parameters") +
#'     theme_bw()
#'   ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#'   # More iterations. `initial` can be any other tune_* object or an integer
#'   # (for new values).
#'   set.seed(11)
#'   more_search <-
#'     cart_mod %>%
#'     tune_sim_anneal(Class ~ ., resamples = bt, iter = 10, initial = sa_search)
#'   autoplot(more_search, metric = "roc_auc", type = "performance") +
#'     theme_bw()
#' }
#' }
#' @seealso [tune::tune_grid()], [control_sim_anneal()], [yardstick::metric_set()]
#' @export
tune_sim_anneal <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
tune_sim_anneal.default <- function(object, ...) {
  msg <- paste0(
    "The first argument to {.fn tune_sim_anneal} should be either ",
    "a model or workflow."

#' @export
tune_sim_anneal.recipe <- function(object,
                                   iter = 10,
                                   param_info = NULL,
                                   metrics = NULL,
                                   eval_time = NULL,
                                   initial = 1,
                                   control = control_sim_anneal()) {

  control <- parsnip::condense_control(control, control_sim_anneal())

    preprocessor = object,
    resamples = resamples,
    iter = iter,
    param_info = param_info,
    metrics = metrics,
    eval_time = eval_time,
    initial = initial,
    control = control

#' @export
tune_sim_anneal.formula <- function(formula,
                                    iter = 10,
                                    param_info = NULL,
                                    metrics = NULL,
                                    eval_time = NULL,
                                    initial = 1,
                                    control = control_sim_anneal()) {

  control <- parsnip::condense_control(control, control_sim_anneal())

    preprocessor = formula,
    resamples = resamples,
    iter = iter,
    param_info = param_info,
    metrics = metrics,
    eval_time = eval_time,
    initial = initial,
    control = control

#' @export
#' @rdname tune_sim_anneal
tune_sim_anneal.model_spec <- function(object,
                                       iter = 10,
                                       param_info = NULL,
                                       metrics = NULL,
                                       eval_time = NULL,
                                       initial = 1,
                                       control = control_sim_anneal()) {
  if (rlang::is_missing(preprocessor) || !tune::is_preprocessor(preprocessor)) {
        "To tune a model spec, you must preprocess with a formula, recipe, \\
        or variable specification"


  control <- parsnip::condense_control(control, control_sim_anneal())

  wflow <- workflows::add_model(workflows::workflow(), object)

  if (tune::is_recipe(preprocessor)) {
    wflow <- workflows::add_recipe(wflow, preprocessor)
  } else if (rlang::is_formula(preprocessor)) {
    wflow <- workflows::add_formula(wflow, preprocessor)

  tune::initialize_catalog(control = control)

    resamples = resamples,
    iter = iter,
    param_info = param_info,
    metrics = metrics,
    eval_time = eval_time,
    initial = initial,
    control = control,

#' @export
#' @rdname tune_sim_anneal
tune_sim_anneal.workflow <-
           iter = 10,
           param_info = NULL,
           metrics = NULL,
           eval_time = NULL,
           initial = 1,
           control = control_sim_anneal()) {

    control <- parsnip::condense_control(control, control_sim_anneal())

    tune::initialize_catalog(control = control)

      resamples = resamples,
      iter = iter,
      param_info = param_info,
      metrics = metrics,
      eval_time = eval_time,
      initial = initial,
      control = control,

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

tune_sim_anneal_workflow <-
           resamples, iter = 10,
           param_info = NULL,
           metrics = NULL,
           eval_time = NULL,
           initial = 5,
           control = control_sim_anneal(),
           call = caller_env()) {
    start_time <- proc.time()[3]
    cols <- tune::get_tune_colors()

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Check various inputs

    rset_info <- tune::pull_rset_attributes(resamples)

    metrics <- tune::check_metrics_arg(metrics, object, call = call)
    opt_metric <- tune::first_metric(metrics)
    opt_metric_name <- opt_metric$metric
    maximize <- opt_metric$direction == "maximize"

    eval_time <- tune::check_eval_time_arg(eval_time, metrics, call = call)
    opt_metric_time <- tune::first_eval_time(
        metric = opt_metric_name,
        eval_time = eval_time,
        call = call

    if (is.null(param_info)) {
      param_info <- extract_parameter_set_dials(object)

    # In case mtry or other parameters with missing ranges need finalization
    param_info <- tune::check_parameters(
      wflow = object,
      pset = param_info,
      data = resamples$splits[[1]]$data,
      grid_names = character(0)

    tune::check_workflow(object, check_dials = !is.null(param_info), pset = param_info)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Check or generate initial results

    control_init <- parsnip::condense_control(control, tune::control_grid())
    control_init$save_workflow <- TRUE
    initial <-
        pset = param_info,
        wflow = object,
        resamples = resamples,
        metrics = metrics,
        eval_time = eval_time,
        ctrl = control_init
    if (any(dials::has_unknowns(param_info$object))) {
      param_info <- tune::.get_tune_parameters(initial)

    y_names <- get_outcome_names(object, resamples)
    # For the above, make changes to tune to get workflow from initial

    unsummarized <-
      initial %>%
        parameters = param_info,
        metrics = metrics,
        eval_time = eval_time,
        eval_time_target = opt_metric_time,
        outcomes = y_names,
        rset_info = rset_info,
        workflow = object
      ) %>%
      update_config(prefix = "initial", save_pred = control$save_pred)

    mean_stats <- tune::estimate_tune_results(unsummarized)

    tune::check_time(start_time, control$time_limit)

    i <- max(unsummarized$.iter) # In case things fail before iteration.
    iter <- iter + i
    if (i > 0 && control$verbose_iter) {
      cli::cli_inform(cols$message$info("There were ", i, " previous iterations"))

      if (i < iter) {
        cli::cli_alert_danger("Optimization stopped prematurely; returning current results.")
      out <-
          parameters = param_info,
          metrics = metrics,
          eval_time = eval_time,
          eval_time_target = opt_metric_time,
          outcomes = y_names,
          rset_info = rset_info,
          workflow = object


    if (control$verbose_iter) {
      msg <- paste("Optimizing", opt_metric_name)
      if (!is.null(opt_metric_time)) {
        msg <- paste(msg, "at evaluation time", format(opt_metric_time, digits = 3))

    ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    result_history <- initialize_history(unsummarized, opt_metric_time)
    best_param <-
      tune::select_best(unsummarized, metric = opt_metric_name, eval_time = opt_metric_time) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(.parent = NA_character_)
    grid_history <- best_param
    current_param <- best_param
    current_parent <- best_param$.config
    global_param <- current_param

    result_history$global_best <- result_history$.config == current_parent

    existing_iter <- i

    ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    count_improve <- count_restart <- 0

      x = result_history,
      max_iter = iter,
      maximize = maximize,
      metric = opt_metric_name

    for (i in (existing_iter + 1):iter) {
      new_grid <-
          hist_values = grid_history,
          radius = control$radius,
          flip = control$flip
        ) %>%
          .config = paste0("iter", i),
          .parent = current_parent
      grid_history <- dplyr::bind_rows(grid_history, new_grid)

      res <-
        object %>%
          resamples = resamples,
          grid = new_grid %>% dplyr::select(-.config, -.parent),
          metrics = metrics,
          eval_time = eval_time,
          control = control_init
        ) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(.iter = i) %>%
        update_config(config = paste0("Iter", i), save_pred = control$save_pred)

      result_history <-
        result_history %>%
        update_history(res, i, eval_time = opt_metric_time) %>%
          parent = new_grid$.parent,
          metric = opt_metric_name,
          maximize = maximize,
          coef = control$cooling_coef

      m <- nrow(result_history)

      if (result_history$results[m] == "new best") {
        global_param <- new_grid
        current_param <- new_grid
        current_parent <- current_param$.config
        best_param <- new_grid
        count_restart <- 0
        count_improve <- 0
      } else if (result_history$results[m] == "better suboptimal") {
        current_param <- new_grid
        current_parent <- current_param$.config
        best_param <- new_grid
        count_improve <- 0
        count_restart <- count_restart + 1
      } else if (result_history$results[m] == "accept suboptimal") {
        current_param <- new_grid
        current_parent <- current_param$.config
        count_improve <- count_improve + 1
        count_restart <- count_restart + 1
      } else { # discard
        count_improve <- count_improve + 1
        count_restart <- count_restart + 1

      ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

      if (count_restart >= control$restart) {
        result_history$results[m] <- "restart from best"
        current_param <- global_param
        current_parent <- current_param$.config
        count_restart <- 0

      ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

      unsummarized <-
        dplyr::bind_rows(unsummarized, res) %>%
          parameters = param_info,
          metrics = metrics,
          eval_time = eval_time,
          eval_time_target = opt_metric_time,
          outcomes = y_names,
          rset_info = rset_info,
          workflow = object

      ## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

        x = result_history,
        max_iter = iter,
        maximize = maximize,
        metric = opt_metric_name

      if (count_improve >= control$no_improve) {
            paste0("Stopping; no best in ", control$no_improve, " iterations.")

    if (control$save_history) {
      result_history <-
        result_history %>%
        dplyr::full_join(grid_history %>% dplyr::select(.config, .parent), by = ".config") %>%
        dplyr::arrange(.iter, .config)
      save(result_history, file = file.path(tempdir(), "sa_history.RData"))


    # Note; this line is probably not executed due to on.exit():
tidymodels/finetune documentation built on March 23, 2024, 6:50 p.m.