
test_that("can create a modeling package", {
  local_options(usethis.quiet = TRUE)

  dir <- withr::local_tempdir("model")

  model <- "linear_regression"

  # `usethis.quiet = TRUE` silences most of the messages, but there is an
  # unavoidable `i Loading model` that we get from devtools if we don't do this
    create_modeling_package(dir, model, open = FALSE)

  top_level_files <- list.files(dir)
  script_files <- list.files(file.path(dir, "R"))

  expect_true("DESCRIPTION" %in% top_level_files)
  expect_true("R" %in% top_level_files)
  expect_true("man" %in% top_level_files)
  expect_true("NAMESPACE" %in% top_level_files)

  expect_true(glue::glue("{model}-constructor.R") %in% script_files)
  expect_true(glue::glue("{model}-fit.R") %in% script_files)
  expect_true(glue::glue("{model}-predict.R") %in% script_files)

test_that("can add a second model to a modeling package", {
  local_options(usethis.quiet = TRUE)

  dir <- withr::local_tempdir("model")

  model1 <- "linear_regression"
  model2 <- "random_forest"

  # `usethis.quiet = TRUE` silences most of the messages, but there is an
  # unavoidable `i Loading model` that we get from devtools if we don't do this
    create_modeling_package(dir, model1, open = FALSE)

  usethis::with_project(dir, use_modeling_files(model2))

  script_files <- list.files(file.path(dir, "R"))

  expect_true(glue::glue("{model1}-constructor.R") %in% script_files)
  expect_true(glue::glue("{model1}-fit.R") %in% script_files)
  expect_true(glue::glue("{model1}-predict.R") %in% script_files)

  expect_true(glue::glue("{model2}-constructor.R") %in% script_files)
  expect_true(glue::glue("{model2}-fit.R") %in% script_files)
  expect_true(glue::glue("{model2}-predict.R") %in% script_files)

test_that("no `model` aborts normally", {
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, create_modeling_package(path = "my/path"))

test_that("no `path` aborts normally", {
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, create_modeling_package(model = "my_model"))

test_that("`model` can only be a single string", {
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, create_modeling_package(path = "my/path", model = c("model1", "model2")))
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, create_modeling_package(path = "my/path", model = 1))
  expect_snapshot(error = TRUE, create_modeling_package(path = "my/path", model = "model with space"))
tidymodels/hardhat documentation built on Sept. 26, 2024, 11:38 p.m.