
#' @title Glance at a(n) <%= class %> object
#' @description Glance accepts a model object and returns a [tibble::tibble()]
#'   with exactly one row of model summaries. The summaries are typically
#'   goodness of fit measures, p-values for hypothesis tests on residuals,
#'   or model convergence information.
#'   Glance never returns information from the original call to the modeling
#'   function. This includes the name of the modeling function or any
#'   arguments passed to the modeling function.
#'   Glance does not calculate summary measures. Rather, it farms out these
#'   computations to appropriate methods and gathers the results together.
#'   Sometimes a goodness of fit measure will be undefined. In these cases 
#'   the measure will be reported as `NA`.
#'   Glance returns the same number of columns regardless of whether the
#'   model matrix is rank-deficient or not. If so, entries in columns
#'   that no longer have a well-defined value are filled in with an `NA`
#'   of the appropriate type.
#' @md
tidyverse/broom documentation built on May 21, 2024, 10:56 a.m.