
Playing with drive_upload() and drive_update()

Lucy D’Agostino McGowan 7/14/2017


Let's upload a file.

## Auto-refreshing stale OAuth token.
x <- drive_upload(system.file("DESCRIPTION"), "test-upload-lucy")
## File uploaded:
##   * test-upload-lucy
## with MIME type:
##   * text/plain

Overwrite using a dribble

Let's try to upload a file into that same location, using the x dribble object. This won't work with drive_upload().

## this should error
y <- drive_upload(system.file("DESCRIPTION"), x)
## Error: Requested parent folder does not exist:
## test-upload-lucy

Let's use drive_update(). Now this should work.

y <- drive_update(system.file("DESCRIPTION"), x)
## File updated with new media:
##   * test-upload-lucy
## with id:
##   * 0B0Gh-SuuA2nTRzlBVDhvM2NkRkE

The ids for x and y should be identical.

identical(y$id, x$id)
## [1] TRUE

Overwrite using a character path

y <- drive_update(system.file("DESCRIPTION"), "test-upload-lucy")
## File updated with new media:
##   * test-upload-lucy
## with id:
##   * 0B0Gh-SuuA2nTRzlBVDhvM2NkRkE
identical(y$id, x$id)
## [1] TRUE

If we use drive_upload(), it should still create the file. Now we will have 2 files in the same location with the same name.

y <- drive_upload(system.file("DESCRIPTION"), "test-upload-lucy")
## File uploaded:
##   * test-upload-lucy
## with MIME type:
##   * text/plain

Now the ids should no longer be identical.

!identical(x$id, y$id)
## [1] TRUE
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
##               name                           id files_resource
## *            <chr>                        <chr>         <list>
## 1 test-upload-lucy 0B0Gh-SuuA2nTT2JQbHBqVGJhY0E    <list [32]>
## 2 test-upload-lucy 0B0Gh-SuuA2nTRzlBVDhvM2NkRkE    <list [33]>

If we try to overwrite again, we should receive an error, since we don't know which to overwrite.

z <- drive_update(system.file("DESCRIPTION"),
## Error: Path to update is not unique:
##   * test-upload-lucy: 0B0Gh-SuuA2nTT2JQbHBqVGJhY0E
##   * test-upload-lucy: 0B0Gh-SuuA2nTRzlBVDhvM2NkRkE


Let's make sure this plays nice with folders

folder <- drive_mkdir("test-folder-lucy")
## Folder created:
##   * test-folder-lucy
a <- drive_upload(system.file("DESCRIPTION"), folder, "test-upload-lucy")
## File uploaded:
##   * test-upload-lucy
## with MIME type:
##   * text/plain

Let's make sure a is actually in folder.

a_parent <- unlist(a$files_resource[[1]]$parents)
identical(a_parent, folder$id)
## [1] TRUE
b <- drive_update(system.file("DESCRIPTION"), a)
## File updated with new media:
##   * test-upload-lucy
## with id:
##   * 0B0Gh-SuuA2nTdk5nTVFBcnRtRE0

b should also exist in folder.

b_parent <- unlist(b$files_resource[[1]]$parents)
identical(b_parent, folder$id)
## [1] TRUE

If I try to stick it in a folder that does not exist, it should complain that the path is not on Drive. You will receive this error if you give any path but it does not exist on your Drive.

c <- drive_upload(system.file("DESCRIPTION"), "this is not a real folder", name = "new_name")
## Error: Input does not hold exactly one Drive file:
## path

Note: if you want to update AND give it a new name, you have to use drive_rename().

clean up

drive_rm(c("test-upload-lucy", "test-folder-lucy"))
## Files deleted:
##   * test-upload-lucy: 0B0Gh-SuuA2nTdk5nTVFBcnRtRE0
##   * test-upload-lucy: 0B0Gh-SuuA2nTT2JQbHBqVGJhY0E
##   * test-upload-lucy: 0B0Gh-SuuA2nTRzlBVDhvM2NkRkE
##   * test-folder-lucy: 0B0Gh-SuuA2nTbFNtc3dyNVlGWTQ

tidyverse/googledrive documentation built on Aug. 7, 2024, 11:34 a.m.