
passing queries in the dots!

Lucy D’Agostino McGowan 5/9/2017

This is all about those dots.

Most of the functions have ... which allow the user to input name-value pairs to query the API.


List files

We list files using drive_ls(). Possible parameters to pass to the ... can be found here. For example, by default files are listed in descending order by most recently modified.

Here is my list using the default:

## # A tibble: 100 × 3
##                                                name        type
##                                               <chr>       <chr>
## 1                           \U0001f33b Lucy & Jenny    document
## 2               Football Stadium Survey (Responses) spreadsheet
## 3                           Football Stadium Survey        form
## 4                                 Happy Little Demo    document
## 5                                    THIS IS A TEST      folder
## 6  Vanderbilt Graduate Student Handbook (Responses) spreadsheet
## 7                  WSDS Concurrent Session Abstract    document
## 8                 R-Ladies Nashville 6-Month Survey        form
## 9            Health Insurance Questions (Responses) spreadsheet
## 10                       Health Insurance Questions        form
## # ... with 90 more rows, and 1 more variables: id <chr>

Let's say I want to order them by folders, then modified time, then name. I can do that!

drive_ls(orderBy = "folder,modifiedTime desc,name" )
## # A tibble: 100 × 3
##                       name   type                           id
##                      <chr>  <chr>                        <chr>
## 1           THIS IS A TEST folder 0Bw9rJumZU4vER2lldjVBZ1I0SDA
## 2                 r-ladies folder 0Bw9rJumZU4vEVm5fbGtYVDVRYnc
## 3  public-health-hackathon folder 0Bw9rJumZU4vEd3NwclZQR0k4QWs
## 4                enar-2017 folder 0Bw9rJumZU4vETWJ1YWczc2NJVjA
## 5                     lucy folder 0Bw9rJumZU4vEWm9SY3FnemEwVTg
## 6                    rpubs folder 0Bw9rJumZU4vEVHh2OC1ta0tFbGc
## 7       folder 0Bw9rJumZU4vEeC1xb1RYQ2JoTWc
## 8    folder 0Bw9rJumZU4vEY2VtbXdfZ2NHOGs
## 9                 plot.Rmd folder 0Bw9rJumZU4vEODhlb2llYU1Jb1U
## 10              slides.Rmd folder 0Bw9rJumZU4vEX3otVkxzUEluUWc
## # ... with 90 more rows

As another example, by default, this will list 100 drive files. If we want to output more, we can pass the pageSize parameter.

drive_ls(pageSize = 200)
## # A tibble: 200 × 3
##                                                name        type
##                                               <chr>       <chr>
## 1                           \U0001f33b Lucy & Jenny    document
## 2               Football Stadium Survey (Responses) spreadsheet
## 3                           Football Stadium Survey        form
## 4                                 Happy Little Demo    document
## 5                                    THIS IS A TEST      folder
## 6  Vanderbilt Graduate Student Handbook (Responses) spreadsheet
## 7                  WSDS Concurrent Session Abstract    document
## 8                 R-Ladies Nashville 6-Month Survey        form
## 9            Health Insurance Questions (Responses) spreadsheet
## 10                       Health Insurance Questions        form
## # ... with 190 more rows, and 1 more variables: id <chr>

Publish files

To publish files, we use drive_publish(). Parameters found here can be passed to the ... of this function. For example, by default for Google Docs, subsequent revisions will be automatically republished. We can change this by passing the publishAuto parameter.

my_file <- drive_get_id("test") %>%
  drive_file %>%
## You have changed the publication status of 'remark-latest.min.js'.
## # A tibble: 1 × 5
##            check_time                                            revision
##                <dttm>                                               <chr>
## 1 2017-05-11 10:47:44 0Bw9rJumZU4vENmZLUno5djQxMldFcmwvU1h6UVZNVTNMOHBvPQ
## # ... with 3 more variables: published <lgl>, auto_publish <lgl>,
## #   last_user <chr>

Share files

To share files, we use drive_share(). Parameters that can be passed to the ... can be found here. For example, if we set the type parameter as anyone, we can pass the allowFileDiscovery through the ... to allow anyone to discover the file (this is equivalent to being "Public on the Web").

my_file <- my_file %>%
  drive_share(type = "anyone", role = "writer", allowFileDiscovery = TRUE)
## The permissions for file 'remark-latest.min.js' have been updated
## # A tibble: 3 × 9
##               kind                   id   type            emailAddress
##              <chr>                <chr>  <chr>                   <chr>
## 1 drive#permission 13813982488463916564   user
## 2 drive#permission               anyone anyone                    <NA>
## 3 drive#permission       anyoneWithLink anyone                    <NA>
## # ... with 5 more variables: role <chr>, displayName <chr>,
## #   photoLink <chr>, deleted <lgl>, allowFileDiscovery <lgl>

I also display this in the print method.

## File name: remark-latest.min.js 
## File owner: Lucy D'Agostino 
## File type: application/javascript 
## Last modified: 2017-05-11 
## Access: Anyone on the internet can find and access. No sign-in required.

Uploading a file

To upload a file we use drive_upload(). Parameters that can be passed to the ... can be found here. For example, if you would like to add a file to a specific folder, and do not want to use the drive_mv function after, you can use addParents.

Let's grab a folder to stick the file in.

folder <- drive_get_id("THIS IS A TEST") %>%

Make sure it's a folder.

## File name: THIS IS A TEST 
## File owner: Lucy D'Agostino 
## File type: folder 
## Last modified: 2017-05-08 
## Access: Shared with specific people.

Upload to the folder.

new_file <- drive_upload("demo.txt",addParents = folder$id)
## File uploaded to Google Drive: 
## demo.txt 
## As the Google document named:
## demo

clean up

new_file <- drive_delete(new_file)
## The file 'demo' has been deleted from your Google Drive

tidyverse/googledrive documentation built on Jan. 14, 2024, 3:44 a.m.