

Lucy D’Agostino McGowan 5/11/2017

very brief demo


here is what my most recent files look like:

## # A tibble: 100 × 4
##                 name     type                                           id
##                <chr>    <chr>                                        <chr>
## 1                 yo   folder                 0Bw9rJumZU4vEQUFXQkZFbVZFNUU
## 2                 yo   folder                 0Bw9rJumZU4vESVNLemFsQ3c1bGc
## 3                bar   folder                 0Bw9rJumZU4vEd3d4ajJEQUdtUE0
## 4                baz   folder                 0Bw9rJumZU4vEVXgzVWpTM2llN0U
## 5                baz   folder                 0Bw9rJumZU4vEQlkyWlphTlZjYWc
## 6            my_file document 1fihkmyC76HCxvjYq6bVC4N2vG90G25FzfTBI6xe9sXg
## 7                bar   folder                 0Bw9rJumZU4vEU3dfY2lDZ21JRDQ
## 8                baz   folder                 0Bw9rJumZU4vEWEY5MjVFY0JnZG8
## 9                foo   folder                 0Bw9rJumZU4vEaTRsXzdhZkRtbEE
## 10 Untitled document document 1aJVWT_Yesc1hbzIx2JHZP32AzdWU2bcW2DavymisJ3Q
## # ... with 90 more rows, and 1 more variables: gfile <list>

Notice I have lots of folders named the same name!

now we can query by path

drive_ls(path = "foo/bar/baz")
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
##      name     type                                           id
##     <chr>    <chr>                                        <chr>
## 1      yo   folder                 0Bw9rJumZU4vESVNLemFsQ3c1bGc
## 2 my_file document 1fihkmyC76HCxvjYq6bVC4N2vG90G25FzfTBI6xe9sXg
## # ... with 1 more variables: gfile <list>

In this subdirectory, I have 2 things, a folder named yo and a file named my_file.

can still pass other query parameters

drive_ls(path = "foo/bar/baz",q = "mimeType='application/'")
## # A tibble: 1 × 4
##    name   type                           id       gfile
##   <chr>  <chr>                        <chr>      <list>
## 1    yo folder 0Bw9rJumZU4vESVNLemFsQ3c1bGc <list [27]>

can also pass patterns

drive_ls(path = "foo/bar/baz", pattern = "my_file")
## # A tibble: 1 × 4
##      name     type                                           id
##     <chr>    <chr>                                        <chr>
## 1 my_file document 1fihkmyC76HCxvjYq6bVC4N2vG90G25FzfTBI6xe9sXg
## # ... with 1 more variables: gfile <list>

tidyverse/googledrive documentation built on Aug. 7, 2024, 11:34 a.m.