sheet_resize: Change the size of a (work)sheet

View source: R/sheet_resize.R

sheet_resizeR Documentation

Change the size of a (work)sheet


Changes the number of rows and/or columns in a (work)sheet.


sheet_resize(ss, sheet = NULL, nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL, exact = FALSE)



Something that identifies a Google Sheet:

  • its file id as a string or drive_id

  • a URL from which we can recover the id

  • a one-row dribble, which is how googledrive represents Drive files

  • an instance of googlesheets4_spreadsheet, which is what gs4_get() returns

Processed through as_sheets_id().


Sheet to resize, in the sense of "worksheet" or "tab". You can identify a sheet by name, with a string, or by position, with a number.

nrow, ncol

Desired number of rows or columns, respectively. The default of NULL means to leave unchanged.


Logical, indicating whether to impose nrow and ncol exactly or to treat them as lower bounds. If exact = FALSE, sheet_resize() can only add cells. If exact = TRUE, cells can be deleted and their contents are lost.


The input ss, as an instance of sheets_id

See Also

Makes an UpdateSheetPropertiesRequest:

Other worksheet functions: sheet_add(), sheet_append(), sheet_copy(), sheet_delete(), sheet_properties(), sheet_relocate(), sheet_rename(), sheet_write()


# create a Sheet with the default initial worksheet
(ss <- gs4_create("sheet-resize-demo"))

# see (work)sheet dims

# no resize occurs
sheet_resize(ss, nrow = 2, ncol = 6)

# reduce sheet size
sheet_resize(ss, nrow = 5, ncol = 7, exact = TRUE)

# add rows
sheet_resize(ss, nrow = 7)

# add columns
sheet_resize(ss, ncol = 10)

# add rows and columns
sheet_resize(ss, nrow = 9, ncol = 12)

# re-inspect (work)sheet dims

# clean up
gs4_find("sheet-resize-demo") %>%

tidyverse/googlesheets4 documentation built on July 24, 2024, 1:40 a.m.