
# Include a link to the following data-masking doc by prefixing an
# argument anchor with: <[`data-masking`][rlang::args_data_masking]>

#' Argument type: data-masking
#' @description
#' This page describes the `<data-masking>` argument modifier which
#' indicates that the argument uses tidy evaluation with **data masking**.
#' If you've never heard of tidy evaluation before, start with
#' `vignette("programming", package = "dplyr")`.
#' # Key terms
#' The primary motivation for tidy evaluation in tidyverse packages is that it
#' provides **data masking**, which blurs the distinction between two types of
#' variables:
#' * __env-variables__ are "programming" variables and live in an environment.
#'   They are usually created with `<-`. Env-variables can be any type of R
#'   object.
#' * __data-variables__ are "statistical" variables and live in a data frame.
#'   They usually come from data files (e.g. `.csv`, `.xls`), or are created by
#'   manipulating existing variables. Data-variables live inside data frames,
#'   so must be vectors.
#' # General usage
#' Data masking allows you to refer to variables in the "current" data frame
#' (usually supplied in the `.data` argument), without any other prefix.
#' It's what allows you to type (e.g.) `filter(diamonds, x == 0 & y == 0 & z == 0)`
#' instead of `diamonds[diamonds$x == 0 & diamonds$y == 0 & diamonds$z == 0, ]`.
#' # Indirection in wrapper functions
#' The main challenge of data masking arises when you introduce some
#' indirection, i.e. instead of directly typing the name of a variable you
#' want to supply it in a function argument or character vector.
#' There are two main cases:
#' *  If you want the user to supply the variable (or function of variables)
#'    in a function argument, embrace the argument, e.g. `filter(df, {{ var }})`.
#'    ```
#'    dist_summary <- function(df, var) {
#'      df %>%
#'        summarise(n = n(), min = min({{ var }}), max = max({{ var }}))
#'    }
#'    mtcars %>% dist_summary(mpg)
#'    mtcars %>% group_by(cyl) %>% dist_summary(mpg)
#'    ```
#' *  If you have the column name as a character vector, use the `.data`
#'    pronoun, e.g. `summarise(df, mean = mean(.data[[var]]))`.
#'    ```
#'    for (var in names(mtcars)) {
#'      mtcars %>% count(.data[[var]]) %>% print()
#'    }
#'    lapply(names(mtcars), function(var) mtcars %>% count(.data[[var]]))
#'    ```
#'    (Note that the contents of `[[`, e.g. `var` above, is never evaluated
#'    in the data environment so you don't need to worry about a data-variable
#'    called `var` causing problems.)
#' # Dot-dot-dot (...)
#' When this modifier is applied to `...`, there is one other useful technique
#' which solves the problem of creating a new variable with a name supplied by
#' the user. Use the interpolation syntax from the glue package: `"{var}" :=
#' expression`. (Note the use of `:=` instead of `=` to enable this syntax).
#' ```
#' var_name <- "l100km"
#' mtcars %>% mutate("{var_name}" := 235 / mpg)
#' ```
#' Note that `...` automatically provides indirection, so you can use it as is
#' (i.e. without embracing) inside a function:
#' ```
#' grouped_mean <- function(df, var, ...) {
#'   df %>%
#'     group_by(...) %>%
#'     summarise(mean = mean({{ var }}))
#' }
#' ```
#' @seealso
#' - `r link("topic_data_mask")`.
#' - `r link("topic_data_mask_programming")`.
#' @keywords internal
#' @name args_data_masking
tidyverse/rlang documentation built on Jan. 26, 2025, 2:12 a.m.