
Defines functions vis_dat

Documented in vis_dat

#' Visualises a data.frame to tell you what it contains.
#' `vis_dat` gives you an at-a-glance ggplot object of what is inside a
#'   dataframe. Cells are coloured according to what class they are and whether
#'   the values are missing. As `vis_dat` returns a ggplot object, it is very
#'   easy to customize and change labels, and customize the plot
#' @param x a data.frame object
#' @param sort_type logical TRUE/FALSE. When TRUE (default), it sorts by the
#'   type in the column to make it easier to see what is in the data
#' @param palette character "default", "qual" or "cb_safe". "default" (the
#'   default) provides the stock ggplot scale for separating the colours.
#'   "qual" uses an experimental qualitative colour scheme for providing
#'   distinct colours for each Type. "cb_safe" is a set of colours that are
#'   appropriate for those with colourblindness. "qual" and "cb_safe" are drawn
#'   from http://colorbrewer2.org/.
#' @param warn_large_data logical - warn if there is large data? Default is TRUE
#'   see note for more details
#' @param large_data_size integer default is 900000 (given by
#'   `nrow(data.frame) * ncol(data.frame)``). This can be changed. See
#'   note for more details.
#' @param facet bare variable name for a variable you would like to facet
#'   by. By default there is no facetting. Only one variable can be facetted.
#'   You can get the data structure using `data_vis_dat` and the facetted
#'   structure by using `group_by` and then `data_vis_dat`.
#' @return `ggplot2` object displaying the type of values in the data frame and
#'   the position of any missing values.
#' @seealso  [vis_miss()] [vis_guess()] [vis_expect()] [vis_cor()]
#'   [vis_compare()]
#' @note Some datasets might be too large to plot, sometimes creating a blank
#'   plot - if this happens, I would recommend downsampling the data, either
#'   looking at the first 1,000 rows or by taking a random sample. This means
#'   that you won't get the same "look" at the data, but it is better than
#'   a blank plot! See example code for suggestions on doing this.
#' @examples
#' vis_dat(airquality)
#' # experimental colourblind safe palette
#' vis_dat(airquality, palette = "cb_safe")
#' vis_dat(airquality, palette = "qual")
#' # if you have a large dataset, you might want to try downsampling:
#' \dontrun{
#' library(nycflights13)
#' library(dplyr)
#' flights %>%
#'   sample_n(1000) %>%
#'   vis_dat()
#' flights %>%
#'   slice(1:1000) %>%
#'   vis_dat()
#' @export
vis_dat <- function(x,
                    sort_type = TRUE,
                    palette = "default",
                    warn_large_data = TRUE,
                    large_data_size = 900000,
                    facet) {

  test_if_large_data(x, large_data_size, warn_large_data)

  if (sort_type) {

    type_sort <- order(
      # get the class, if there are multiple classes, combine them together
      purrr::map_chr(.x = x,
                     .f = function(x) glue::glue_collapse(class(x),
                                                          sep = "\n"))
    # get the names of those columns
    col_order_index <- names(x)[type_sort]

  } else {
    # this means that the order remains the same as the dataframe.
    col_order_index <- names(x)


  # reshape the dataframe ready for geom_raster
  if (!missing(facet)){
    vis_dat_data <- x %>%
      dplyr::group_by({{ facet }}) %>%

    col_order_index <- update_col_order_index(

  } else {
    vis_dat_data <- data_vis_dat(x)

  # do the plotting
  vis_dat_plot <-
    # add the boilerplate
    vis_create_(vis_dat_data) +
    # change the limits etc.
    ggplot2::guides(fill = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = "Type")) +
    # add info about the axes
    ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(limits = col_order_index,
                              position = "top") +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0))

  if (!missing(facet)) {
    vis_dat_plot <- vis_dat_plot +
      ggplot2::facet_wrap(facets = dplyr::vars( {{ facet }} ))

  # specify a palette ----------------------------------------------------------
  add_vis_dat_pal(vis_dat_plot, palette)

  } # close function
tierneyn/visdat documentation built on July 21, 2024, 10:32 p.m.