Man pages for tilbud/rCTM
R-Cohort Marsh Equilibrium Model

addCohortAdd another cohort to the soil profile
animateCohortsAnimate sediment cohorts
animateCohortTransectAnimate sediment cohorts across an elevation transect
buildHighTideScenarioBuild high tides into scenario table
buildScenarioCurveBuild scenario sea-level curve
calculateDepthOfNonRootVolumeDepth of the given soil volume
convertProfileAgeToDepthConvert soil profile from age to depth based cohorts
convertZStarToZConvert from Z* to elevation
convertZToZstarConvert elevation to Z*
deliverSedimentCalculate delivered sediment over one or more types of tides
determineInitialCohortsDetermine the initial conditions for a set of cohorts
fillDepthCellsWithRootsCalculates a root mass depth profile
floodTimeLinearCalculate flood time using linear method
floodTimeTrigCalculate flood time using trigonometric method
massLiveRootsMass of living roots
predictBiomassPredict aboveground biomass
predictLunarNodalCyclePredict lunar nodal cycle
runCohortMemRun Marsh Equilibrium Model with Cohorts
runCohortMemTransectRun Marsh Equilibrium Model with Cohorts Across an Elevation...
runMultiSpeciesBiomassRun Multiple Species Biomass Functions
runToEquilibriumRun to equilibrium with proscribed surface mineral input
sedimentInputsAnnual mineral inputs into marsh surface
simulateSetDataSimulate SET Data
simulateSoilCoreSimulate a sediment core from a set of cohorts
trimCohortsTrim cohorts
tilbud/rCTM documentation built on March 30, 2024, 10:06 a.m.