HMD_old_logquad: HMD pattern for adult ages.

View source: R/log_quad_augm.R

HMD_old_logquadR Documentation

HMD pattern for adult ages.


Adjust rates in oldest ages using HMD pattern, based on log-quad method.


  Age = NULL,
  Sex = "b",
  q0_5 = NULL,
  q15_45 = NULL,
  q60_15 = NULL,
  Age_transition = 80,
  window_transition = 3,
  plot_comparison = FALSE,
  fitted_logquad = NULL,



numeric. Vector of mortality rates in abridged age classes.


integer. Single ages (abridged not allowed).


character. Either male "m", female "f", or both "b".


numeric. Probability of death from born to age 5. By default implicit values in nMx should be entered.


numeric. Probability of death from age 15 to age 60. By default implicit values in nMx should be entered.


numeric. Probability of death from age 60 to age 75. When external information on those ages level is available, can be included to increase parameter ax from log-quad model in last ages (Li, 2003).


integer. Form which age should transition to HMD pattern starts.


integer. Number of ages to the left and to the right of Age_transition to do a log-linear transition in rates.


Show or not a plot with the result.


Optional, defaults to NULL. An object of class wilmoth. If full HMD is not enough, one can fit a Log-Quadratic ( model based on any other collection of life tables;


Other arguments to be passed on to the lt_single function.


One possible scenario when mortality data on last ages is not reliable, is to use a mortality pattern with some known index in previous ages. This function gives a HMD pattern based on 5q0 and 45q15, using log-quad model. Additionally, a value on mortality between 60 and 75 can be included to make a better adjustment in level.


life table as in lt_single function.


# Mortality rates from UN Chilean with e0=70. Wat would be the rates based on HMD pattern? 
# In this case making a transition of 10 years at age 80, and returning an OAG=100.
## Not run: 
lt <- DemoToolsData::modelLTx1
lt <- lt[lt$family == "Chilean" & lt$sex == "female" & lt$e0 == 70,]
chilean70_adjHMD <- HMD_old_logquad(nMx = lt$mx1, 
                                         Age = lt$age, 
                                       Sex = "f", 
                                       q0_5 = 1 - lt$lx1[lt$age==5]/lt$lx1[lt$age==0], 
                                       q15_45 = 1 - lt$lx1[lt$age==60]/lt$lx1[lt$age==15],
                                       Age_transition = 80, 
                                       window_transition = 10, 
                                       plot_comparison = TRUE,
                                       OAnew = 100)
# We know (as an example) that q60_15 is .5 higher than  what HMD pattern would be.
chilean70_adjHMD_augm <- HMD_old_logquad(nMx = lt$mx1, 
                                       Age = lt$age, 
                                       Sex = "f", 
                                       q0_5 = 1 - lt$lx1[lt$age==5]/lt$lx1[lt$age==0], 
                                       q15_45 = 1 - lt$lx1[lt$age==60]/lt$lx1[lt$age==15],
                                        q60_15 = (1 - lt$lx1[lt$age==75]/lt$lx1[lt$age==60]) * 1.5, 
                                        Age_transition = 80, window_transition = 10,
                                       OAnew = 100, plot_comparison = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

timriffe/DemoTools documentation built on Dec. 9, 2024, 8:17 a.m.