lt_rule_4a1_cd: Coale-Demeny 4a1 as function of M(0), region, and sex.

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lt_rule_4a1_cdR Documentation

Coale-Demeny 4a1 as function of M(0), region, and sex.


Coale-Demeny 4a1. This is a rule of thumb. In this and some other older texts, 4a1 is known as a 'separation factor'. These coefficients were pulled from the PAS spreadsheets LTPOPDTH.XLS and not located in the original Manual X.


  a0rule = "ak",
  IMR = NA,
  Sex = "m",
  region = "w",
  SRB = 1.05



numeric. Event exposure infant mortality rate.


character. Either "ak" (default) or "cd".


numeric. Optional. q0, the death probability in first year of life, in case available separately.


character. "m", "f" or "b" for male, female, or both.


character. "n", "e", "s" or "w" for North, East, South, or West.


sex ratio at birth.


If sex is given as both, "b", then we calculate the male and female results separately, then weight them together using SRB. This is bad in theory, but the leverage is trivial, and it's better than using male or female coefs for the total population. If IMR is not given, then M0 is used in its stead.


The average age at death between ages 1-4, 4a1.



united1983manualDemoTools \insertRefPASDemoTools


m0 <- seq(.001,.2,by =.001)
## Not run: 

# using Andreev-Kingkade for a0 (it makes no difference if you use cd actually...)
plot(m0, sapply(m0, lt_rule_4a1_cd, Sex = "m", region = "e"), ylab = "4a1",
		type = 'l', ylim = c(1,2), lty = 2, col = "blue")
lines(m0,sapply(m0, lt_rule_4a1_cd, Sex = "m", region = "w"), col = "blue")
lines(m0,sapply(m0, lt_rule_4a1_cd, Sex = "m", region = "n"), col = "blue", lty = "8383",lwd=2)
lines(m0,sapply(m0, lt_rule_4a1_cd, Sex = "m", region = "s"), col = "blue", lty = "6464",lwd=2)
lines(m0,sapply(m0, lt_rule_4a1_cd, Sex = "f", region = "e"), lty = 2, col = "red")
lines(m0,sapply(m0, lt_rule_4a1_cd, Sex = "f", region = "w"), col = "red")
lines(m0,sapply(m0, lt_rule_4a1_cd, Sex = "f", region = "n"), col = "red", lty = "8383",lwd=2)
lines(m0,sapply(m0, lt_rule_4a1_cd, Sex = "f", region = "s"), col = "red", lty = "6464",lwd=2)

text(.05, lt_rule_4a1_cd(.05,Sex = "m", region = "e"),"males E",font=2,pos=4)
text(.05, lt_rule_4a1_cd(.05,Sex = "m", region = "w"),"males W",font=2,pos=4)
text(.05, lt_rule_4a1_cd(.05,Sex = "m", region = "s"),"males S",font=2,pos=4)
text(.05, lt_rule_4a1_cd(.05,Sex = "m", region = "n"),"males N",font=2,pos=4)

text(0, lt_rule_4a1_cd(.01,Sex = "f", region = "e"),"females E",font=2,pos=4)
text(0, lt_rule_4a1_cd(.01,Sex = "f", region = "w"),"females W",font=2,pos=4)
text(0, lt_rule_4a1_cd(.01,Sex = "f", region = "s"),"females S",font=2,pos=4)
text(0, lt_rule_4a1_cd(.01,Sex = "f", region = "n"),"females N",font=2,pos=4)

## End(Not run)

timriffe/DemoTools documentation built on Dec. 9, 2024, 8:17 a.m.