knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = "#>", collapse = TRUE)

Let's consider some word recognition eyetracking data from a Visual World style experiment. On each trial, an array of images appears. For example:


Among these images is a target (here, bell), a phonological competitor (bee), a semantic competitor (drum), and an unrelated word (swing). The listener hears a prompt to view one of images: Find the bell. The operative experimental question is how does the probability of fixating on the named image change over time.

The package provides some example eyetracking data from this experiment for one participant. Each row is a sample from an eyetracker running at a rate of 60 Hz (60 frames per second). Time is in milliseconds. We have already mapped the x-y gaze coordinates onto screen locations. These gaze locations are coded in the GazeByImageAOI column as looks to the "Target", "PhonologicalFoil", "SemanticFoil", or "Unrelated" images, or as "tracked" (ambiguous/intermediate location) or NA (offscreen or missing).

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

Response definitions

To deal with eyetracking data in a generic way, we need a way to describe eyetracking responses. We assume that there are four basic gaze types.

A response definition is a programmatic way of describing these response types. In the code below, response_def is a response definition for the four-image experiment with a "Target" image and the three competing images lumped together in the "Others", and other looks are either "tracked" or missing (NA).

response_def <- create_response_def(
  primary = "Target",
  others = c("PhonologicalFoil", "SemanticFoil", "Unrelated"),
  elsewhere = "tracked",
  missing = NA,
  label = "looks to target"

Aggregating looks

These response definitions allow us to aggregate looking data in a generic way. The function aggregate_looks() counts the number of looks to each of the four response categories using an aggregation formula. For example, we can count looks by participant. There are several columns here, so we use glimpse() to look at some values from every column.

four_image_data %>% 
  aggregate_looks(response_def, Subject ~ GazeByImageAOI) %>% 

Or looks by participant by trial. Here we just print the dataframe as is.

four_image_data %>% 
  aggregate_looks(response_def, Subject + TrialNo ~ GazeByImageAOI)

We can also perform other kind of aggregations using different response definitions. For instance, we can compare image locations by writing a new response definition.

location_def <- create_response_def(
  primary = "LowerLeftImage",
  others = c("UpperRightImage", "UpperLeftImage", "LowerRightImage"),
  elsewhere = "tracked",
  missing = NA

aggregate_looks(four_image_data, location_def, Subject ~ GazeByAOI) %>% 

We can perform multiple aggregations at once. First, cycle_response_def() can create a set of response definitions where each response acts as the primary outcome.

all_defs <- cycle_response_def(response_def)

When given a list of response definitions, aggregate_looks() does the right thing and computes the aggregation for each one.

four_image_data %>% 
  aggregate_looks(all_defs, Subject ~ GazeByImageAOI) %>% 
  select(ResponseDef = .response_def, Subject, Primary, 
         Others, Prop, PropSE, PropNA) %>% 

Growth curve analysis is aggregating looks over time

With aggregate_looks(), we can estimate growth curves of looking probabilities. First, for this dataset, we need to adjust the eyetracking timestamps so that time 0 occurs at target onset. We are also going to bin and downsample the eyetracking data to have an effective sampling rate of 10 frames per second---just for plotting.

growth_curves <- four_image_data %>% 
  adjust_times(Time, TargetOnset, Subject, BlockNo, TrialNo) %>% 
  filter(-1005 <= Time, Time <= 2000) %>% 
  assign_bins(6, Time, Subject, BlockNo, TrialNo) %>% 
  # Set a time for each bin
  group_by(Subject, BlockNo, TrialNo, .bin) %>% 
  mutate(BinTime = round(min(Time))) %>% 
  aggregate_looks(all_defs, Subject + BinTime ~ GazeByImageAOI) %>% 
  rename(Time = BinTime)

We now have four growth curves, one for each image type, in a single dataframe.


We can plot these growth curves.

ggplot(growth_curves) +
  aes(x = Time, y = Prop, color = .response_def) +
  geom_hline(size = 2, color = "white", yintercept = .25) +
  geom_vline(size = 2, color = "white", xintercept = 0) +
  geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = Prop - PropSE, ymax = Prop + PropSE)) +
  labs(y = "Proportion of looks",
       x = "Time relative to target onset [ms]",
       color = "Image")

tjmahr/littlelisteners documentation built on June 3, 2021, 2:10 p.m.