Man pages for tkonopka/famr
Families of multiple regression models

famrPerform a family of multiple regression analyses on a dataset
famrModelsPrepare an object with a definition of models
famrPrepPrepare a dataset for mr analysis.
mrdata1Toy dataset for multiple regression analysis
mrdata2Toy dataset for multiple regression analysis
mrdata3Toy dataset for multiple regression analysis
mrdata4Toy dataset for multiple regression analysis
mrdata5Toy dataset for multiple regression analysis
plot.famrProduce a visual representation of a multiple regression
plotFamrPvaluesPlot a x-y scatter chart with model p-values
plotFamrScatterPlot a x-y scatter chart with linear models
print.famrDisplay basic information about the model family
summary.famrDisplay a matrix of information summarizing the models
tkonopka/famr documentation built on May 6, 2019, 10:52 p.m.