Man pages for tlumip/swimctr
Oregon SWIM v2.5 Commercial Transport (CT) Model

allocate_faf_to_zonesAllocate FAF daily truck flows to traffic analysis zones
create_annual_faf_truckloadsGenerate annual truckload equivalents using FAF3 Traffic...
create_makeuse_coefficientsCreate input-output make and use cofficients from PECAS AA...
create_synthetic_firmsCreate synthetic pseudo-firms
ct_msgPrint a ct message
export_trip_listExport local and inter-regional trip records in a combined...
get_runtime_parametersRead the runtime parameters file and store them in...
local_truck_generationGenerate local truck trips (tour segments) from pseudo-firms
percentCalculate the percent value of a vector (stunning this isn't...
preprocess_faf4_databaseTransform FAF flow database distributed by FHWA into format...
read_skim_matricesConvert time and distance skim matrices in OMX format to data...
sample_daily_faf_truckloadsSample daily truck trips from annual FAF flow database
sample_local_truck_destinationsSimple destination choice model for local (internal) truck...
summarize_zonal_householdsSummarize number of households per traffic analysis zone
temporal_allocationCarry out temporal allocation for both intercity and local...
tlumip/swimctr documentation built on May 31, 2019, 3:53 p.m.