create_makeuse_coefficients: Create input-output make and use cofficients from PECAS AA...

Description Usage Arguments Details Examples


Create input-output make and use cofficients from PECAS AA accounts


create_makeuse_coefficients(pecas_makeuse, faf_data, save_to = NULL)



Data frame containing statewide input-output flows in annual dollars, generated by the PECAS AA module


Data frame containing the reformatted Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) annual flow data


File name for saving the derived make and use coefficients in comma-separated value format (optional)


This function converts the PECAS input-output flows by sector into make and use coefficients, used to map commodities produced or consumed by each sector (make and use coefficients, respectively). PECAS already splits flows between transportable and non-transportable commodities, making our job simpler. We simply have to put the data, which is produced for each year PECAS runs, into format we need. The transportable goods are defined using Standard Classification of Transportable Goods (SCTG) codes, which are also used in USDOT data, including their Freight Analysis Framework (FAF), which we uses to define inter-regional flows. We read the FAF data in this function to create a list of each commodity defined within it, which is compared to those found in the make-use data. An error is thrown if one or more commodities are found in the FAF that are not in the make-use data (although not vice-versa, for there might be local production not included in the inter-regional flows). The user can optionally save the derived coefficients in a text file in comma-separated value format.


make_use <- create_makeuse_coefficients(pecas_makeuse, faf_data,

tlumip/swimctr documentation built on May 31, 2019, 3:53 p.m.