allocate_faf_to_zones: Allocate FAF daily truck flows to traffic analysis zones

Description Usage Arguments Details Examples


Allocate FAF daily truck flows to traffic analysis zones


allocate_faf_to_zones(daily_faf_trips, synthetic_firms, makeuse,
  intermodal_connectors, external_gateways, cluster_log = "cluster.log",
  save_to = NULL)



Data frame containing discrete daily FAF truck trips


Data frame containing the synthetic firms and their attributes, either exogenously specified or created within this platform


Data frame containing input-output make and use coefficient, previously translated from PECAS format to that usable by this platform


Data frame containing the location (traffic analysis zone) of air and sea ports within the modeled airport, and percentage of such flows originating and terminating within the FAF region they are situated in should be allocated to them


Data frame containing the external stations (traffic analysis zone) that truck flows to or from FAF regions outside of the modeled area enter or leave through


The filename of a file used to store output from the doParallel cluster (optional)


File name for saving the FAF trip records with traffic analysis zones appended in comma-separated value format (optional)


This function allocates discrete daily FAF (inter-regional) truck flows, coded to FAF regions, to traffic analysis zones within the modeled area. Input-output coefficients are used to map the commodity carried by each truck (or formerly or next carried, in case of empty trucks) to the industry type most likely to produce or consume it. Employment within the chosen industry within all zones situated within the FAF region are sampled to choose the internal trip end. Finally, the flows are assigned to external gateways entering or leaving the region. For trucks, external FAF regions are associated with a particular gateway. Note that through truck trips are coded to two external gateways. For import or export flows the appropriate intermodal connector (air or sea port) is chosen instead of internal zone within the modeled area. The result is a complete truck trip record at the traffic analysis zone level, for each daily truck trip in the dataset.


daily_faf_flows <- allocate_faf_to_zones(daily_faf_trips, synthetic_firms,
  makeuse, intermodal_connectors, external_gateways, "daily_faf_flows.csv")

tlumip/swimctr documentation built on May 31, 2019, 3:53 p.m.