
Defines functions model.matrix.eoar

Documented in model.matrix.eoar

#' @title model.matrix.eoa
#' @description Model matrix method for eoar objects produced
#' by the \code{eoar} function.
#' @param object An object of class \code{eoar}. In particular,
#' this object must have a $terms component.
#' @param \dots Included for compatability with other methods
#' @author Trent McDonald
#' @return The design matrix for an \code{eoar} object with all the factor
#' levels and interactions expanded.
#' @export
model.matrix.eoar <- function(object, data, ...){

  Terms <- delete.response(object$terms)
  if(missing(data) || is.null(data)){
    data <- object$data
  m <- model.frame(Terms, data)
  model.matrix.default(Terms, m)

tmcd82070/EoAR documentation built on July 13, 2021, 5:52 p.m.