items_narcissistic_personality_inventory: Narcissistic Personality Inventory Item Responses

Description Usage Format Details Data pre-processing Answer coding References


Narcissistic Personality Inventory Item Responses




An object of class matrix (inherits from array) with 11243 rows and 40 columns.


Items with their desired option response bolded:

Data pre-processing

We have applied list-wise deletion during pre-processing to remove any observations with missing values from the data set.

Answer coding

The subjects answered a set of assessment items seeking to determine the level of anxiety. Answers given in bold represent the desired response. If a subject matched this response, they were given a 1 inside of the item matrix, otherwise they received a zero.


Assessment Design:

Data originated from:

Data used in:

tmsalab/ecdmdata documentation built on Nov. 10, 2021, 4:45 a.m.