items_taylor_manifest_anxiety_scale: Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale Item Responses

items_taylor_manifest_anxiety_scaleR Documentation

Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale Item Responses


Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale Item Responses




An object of class matrix (inherits from array) with 4468 rows and 50 columns.


Questions alongside of their correct answer is based off of Table 1 of the Taylor (1953) paper.

Items with their desired response bolded:

  • Q1: I do not tire quickly. (False)

  • Q2: I am troubled by attacks of nausea. (True)

  • Q3: I believe I am no more nervous than most others. (False)

  • Q4: I have very few headaches. (False)

  • Q5: I work under a great deal of tension. (True)

  • Q6: I cannot keep my mind on one thing. (True)

  • Q7: I worry over money and business. (True)

  • Q8: I frequently notice my hand shakes when I try to do something. (True)

  • Q9: I blush no more often than others. (False)

  • Q10: I have diarrhea once a month or more. (True)

  • Q11: I worry quite a bit over possible misfortunes. (True)

  • Q12: I practically never blush. (False)

  • Q13: I am often afraid that I am going to blush. (True)

  • Q14: I have nightmares every few nights. (True)

  • Q15: My hands and feet are usually warm. (False)

  • Q16: I sweat very easily even on cool days. (True)

  • Q17: Sometimes when embarrassed, I break out in a sweat. (True)

  • Q18: I hardly ever notice my heart pounding and I am seldom short of breath. (False)

  • Q19: I feel hungry almost all the time. (True)

  • Q20: I am very seldom troubled by constipation. (False)

  • Q21: I have a great deal of stomach trouble. (True)

  • Q22: I have had periods in which I lost sleep over worry. (True)

  • Q23: My sleep is fitful and disturbed. (True)

  • Q24: I dream frequently about things that are best kept to myself. (True)

  • Q25: I am easily embarrassed. (True)

  • Q26: I am more sensitive than most other people. (True)

  • Q27: I frequently find myself worrying about something. (True)

  • Q28: I wish I could be as happy as others seem to be. (True)

  • Q29: I am usually calm and not easily upset. (False)

  • Q30: I cry easily. (True)

  • Q31: I feel anxiety about something or someone almost all the time. (True)

  • Q32: I am happy most of the time. (False)

  • Q33: It makes me nervous to have to wait. (True)

  • Q34: I have periods of such great restlessness that I cannot sit long I a chair. (True)

  • Q35: Sometimes I become so excited that I find it hard to get to sleep. (True)

  • Q36: I have sometimes felt that difficulties were piling up so high that I could not overcome them. (True)

  • Q37: I must admit that I have at times been worried beyond reason over something that really did not matter. (True)

  • Q38: I have very few fears compared to my friends. (False)

  • Q39: I have been afraid of things or people that I know could not hurt me. (True)

  • Q40: I certainly feel useless at times. (True)

  • Q41: I find it hard to keep my mind on a task or job. (True)

  • Q42: I am usually self-conscious. (True)

  • Q43: I am inclined to take things hard. (True)

  • Q44: I am a high-strung person. (True)

  • Q45: Life is a trial for me much of the time. (True)

  • Q46: At times I think I am no good at all. (True)

  • Q47: I am certainly lacking in self-confidence. (True)

  • Q48: I sometimes feel that I am about to go to pieces. (True)

  • Q49: I shrink from facing crisis of difficulty. (True)

  • Q50: I am entirely self-confident. (False)

Data pre-processing

We have applied list-wise deletion during pre-processing to remove any observations with missing values from the data set.

Answer coding

The subjects answered a set of assessment items seeking to determine the level of anxiety. Answers given in bold represent the desired response. If a subject matched this response, they were given a 1 inside of the item matrix, otherwise they received a zero.


Assessment Design:

  • Taylor, J. A. (1953). A personality scale of manifest anxiety. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 48(2), 285–290. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1037/h0056264")}.

Data originated from:

Data used in:

  • TBA

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