
LANG = list(
  "ES" = list(
    "language" = "Lenguaje",
    "equation_n" = "Cantidad de ecuaciones",
    "set_eqs" = "Fijar ecuaciones",
    "unlock_eqs" = "Desbloquear ecuaciones",
    "set_params" = "Fijar parametros",
    "unlock_params" = "Desbloquear parametros",
    "get_plot" = "Obtener grafico",
    "dwnld_plot" = "Descargar grafico",
    "state1" = "Estado 1",
    "state1_min" = "Limite inferior",
    "state1_max" = "Limite superior",
    "state2" = "Estado 2",
    "state2_min" = "Limite inferior",
    "state2_max" = "Limite superior",
    "get_code" = "Obtener codigo",
    "dwnld_code" = "Descargar codigo",
    "selected_states" = "Estados",
    "state_placeholder" = "Uno o mas valores separados por ','"
  "EN" = list(
    "language" = "Language",
    "equation_n" = "Number of equations",
    "set_eqs" = "Set equations",
    "unlock_eqs" = "Unset equations",
    "set_params" = "Set parameters",
    "unlock_params" = "Unset parameters",
    "get_plot" = "Get plot",
    "dwnld_plot" = "Download plot",
    "state1" = "State 1",
    "state1_min" = "Lower limit",
    "state1_max" = "Upper limit",
    "state2" = "State 2",
    "state2_min" = "Lower limit",
    "state2_max" = "Upper limit",
    "get_code" = "Get code",
    "dwnld_code" = "Download code",
    "selected_states" = "States",
    "state_placeholder" = "One or more values separated by ','"

LANG_MSG = list(
  "ES" = list(
    "choose_two_different_states" = "Debes elegir dos estados distintos.",
    "choose_at_least_one_state" = "Selecciona al menos un estado.",
    "solver_warning" = "El solver informa un warning:",
    "bad_limits1" = "El limite inferior de la variable independiente debe ser menor al limite superior.",
    "need_two_components" = "La expresion debe tener dos componentes, el diferencial y la ecuacion.",
    "need_one_differential" = "La expresion del diferencial debe tener una sola fraccion, pero hay ",
    "need_leibniz" = "Ambos componentes del diferencial deben empezar con 'd'. Por ejemplo, 'dx/dt'.",
    "empty_var" = "Al menos una variable independiente o dependiente esta vacia.",
    "need_one_equation" = "No puede haber mas una ecuacion para cada variable dependiente.",
    "need_one_independent" = "La variable independiente debe ser la misma para todas las ecuaciones.",
    "need_non_empty_state" = "El estado inicial no puede estar vacio.",
    "use_commas" = "Utilice ',' para indicar mas de un estado inicial.",
    "unrecognized_initial_states" = "No se pudo reconocer a los estados iniciales.",
    "need_non_empty_params" = "Ningun parametro puede estar vacio.",
    "empty_equation" = "Hay al menos una ecuacion vacia.",
    "need_parameters" = "No se detectaron parametros en ninguna de las ecuaciones."
  "EN" = list(
    "choose_two_different_states" = "Choose two different states.",
    "choose_at_least_one_state" = "Select at least one state.",
    "solver_warning" = "The solver raised a warning:",
    "bad_limits1" = "Independent variable lower limit must be smaller than upper limit.",
    "need_two_components" = "The expression must have two components, the differential and the equation.",
    "need_one_differential" = "The expression for the differential must contain a single fraction, but there are ",
    "need_leibniz" = "Both components in the differential must start with 'd'. For example, 'dx/dt'.",
    "empty_var" = "At least one independent or dependent variable is empty.",
    "need_one_equation" = "There must be one and only one equation for each dependent variable.",
    "need_one_independent" = "The independent variable must be the same for all the equations.",
    "need_non_empty_state" = "The initial state cannot be empty.",
    "use_commas" = "Use ',' to pass more than one initial state.",
    "unrecognized_initial_states" = "Initial states could not be recognized.",
    "need_non_empty_params" = "Parameters cannot be empty.",
    "empty_equation" = "There is at least one empty equation.",
    "need_parameters" = "No parameters found in any of the equations."

  "ES" = list(
    "graphics" = "Graficos",
    "code" = "Codigo",
    "initial_states" = "Estados iniciales",
    "parameters" = "Parametros",
    "ind_var" = "Variable independiente"
  "EN" = list(
    "graphics" = "Plots",
    "code" = "Code",
    "initial_states" = "Initial states",
    "parameters" = "Parameters",
    "ind_var" = "Independent variable"
tomicapretto/sdeshiny documentation built on Nov. 14, 2020, 1:41 a.m.