db_check: Check and modify parameter database for consistency

View source: R/db_check.R

db_checkR Documentation

Check and modify parameter database for consistency


Function includes several options to check and correct the parameter database for completeness and consistency.


db_check(dbname, check = c("check_fix_fractions", "filter_small_areas",
  "tc_slope", "special_areas", "remove_water_svc", "compute_rocky_frac",
  "remove_impervious_svc", "proxy_frgw_delay", "delete_obsolete",
  "completeness", "subbasin_order"), option = list(area_thresh = 0.01,
  treat_slope = c(3, 0.01, 0.1), update_frac_impervious = F, overwrite = F,
  tbls_preserve = NULL), fix = F, verbose = TRUE)



Name of the data source (DSN) registered as ODBC-source.


Character vector specifying what shall be checked. See Details.


A list of options for certain checks. See Details for the different options and their meaning.


logical. If FALSE (the default) a report of the selected checks will be created. The database will not be modified. If TRUE, changes to the database according to the selected checks will be made. WARNING: fix = TRUE may irrevocably modify your database. If in doubt, make a backup before.


logical. Should detailed information during execution be printed? When TRUE (the default), output of writing updated values into database can be rather long so you might want to direct output into an external log file. Always set to TRUE if fix = FALSE.


The following checks / modifications are currently included and can be specified via argument checks. Execute checks in pre-defined order as some steps build upon each other and lead to erroneous results when interchanged. However, some steps might be unnecessary for your purpose and can be left out.

Check/fix that the fractions of all sub-entities sum to 1.

Tiny areas as result of landscape disaggregation considered irrelevant during model application will be removed and the areal fractions updated accordingly. The model will run faster by removing unnecessary computational burden. Namely, this affects LUs within subbasins, TCs within LUs and SVCs within TCs. If the fraction to be removed is greater than 10 % of the total area of the next higher spatial level's class, datasets will be kept. In this case you might try a smaller value for area_thresh'.
Option: 'area_thresh'
A threshold defining the minimum areal fraction of a certain spatial disaggregation unit within the next higher spatial level (e.g. LUs within subbasins). Default: 0.01.

In WASA (and other models probably as well) slopes equal to or less than zero are not allowed. This check helps to identify such TCs and provides the following option to solve the issue:
Option: 'treat_slope'
A numeric vector with two or three elements:
The first being one of {1,2,3}:
1: Remove TCs with slope <= 0 from 'r_lu_contains_tc' whereas areal fraction within the LU must be smaller than a defined threshold (second value of the vector).
2: Where slope is 0, change it to small positive value specified as second value of the vector (interpreted as slope in %).
3: A combination of the two former choices whereas option 1 is applied before option 2, the second value of the vector defining the areal threshold and the third giving the slope replacement value. This is the default setting with threshold = 0.01 and slope = 0.1 %.

(This check is unnecessary if you specified watermask) and imperviousmask in the workflow before) Define certain Soil-Vegetation Components as special areas via column 'special_area' in table 'soil_veg_components' inferred from table 'vegetation' and/or 'soils'. This columns is necessary for remove_water_svc and compute_rocky_frac to work. Currently values '0' for an ordinary SVC, '1' for water areas, and '2' for impervious surfaces are supported.
Option: 'special_area'
A data.frame with 3 named vectors:
'reference_tbl': character giving the name(s) of the database table(s) containing the special area(s) to be mapped to SVCs. Tables 'vegetation' and 'soils' are supported.
'ref_id': integer giving the 'pid' of the special area within the specified reference table.
'special_id': integer giving the flag of column 'special_area' in table 'soil_veg_components'. Currently recognised in further processing are '0' for ordinary SVCs, '1' for water areas, and '2' for impervious surfaces.
For instance, if within table 'vegetation' you have classes with pid 3 and 4 indicating water surfaces and in 'soils' pid 10 is an impervious surface specify the following: special_area = data.frame(reference_tbl= c("vegetation", "vegetation", "soils"), ref_id=c(3,4,10), special_id=c(1,1,2)).

Remove SVCs marked as water from table 'r_tc_contains_svc', i.e. those SVCs where in table 'soil_veg_components' column 'special_area' is equal to 1. Areal fractions will be updated (normalized to 1). Requires column 'special_area' to be set correctly (e.g. by running option 'special_area' before)

Compute rocky fractions, i.e. fractions of impervious surfaces, for TCs (table 'terrain_components', column 'frac_rocky') from impervious SVCs (column 'special_area' in 'soil_veg_components' equal to 2) and topmost soil horizons (in table horizons' column 'position' equal to 1 and 'coarse_frag' equal to 1). These undergo special treatment in the WASA model. SVCs with soil profile containing 100% coarse fragments in topmost horizon will be marked as impervious. If the column 'frac_rocky' already contains values, the computed values are added to these. In any case, this step should be followed by 'remove_impervious_svc'.

Remove SVCs marked as impervious from table 'r_tc_contains_svc', i.e. those SVCs where in table 'soil_veg_components' column 'special_area' is equal to 2.
Option: 'update_frac_impervious'
Value of type logical:
FALSE (default): Areal fractions will not be updated. I.e., the sum of 'fraction' for a specific 'tc_id' plus 'frac_rocky' of table 'terrain_components' of that specific TC (calculated by check 'compute_rocky_frac') sums up to unity. This is a requirement of the WASA-SED model.
TRUE: Areal fractions will be updated such that 'fraction' for a specific 'tc_id' sums to unity.

Estimate storage coefficient for groundwater delay ('frgw_delay') in days for each LU based on a proxy and manually specified total mean groundwater delay in days. The proxy is estimated from average slope length, slope and rocky fraction according to empirical formulas:
proxy = slopelength * (1 - frac_rocky) / slope. and
frgw_delay = proxy * total_mean_delay / mean(proxy). Existing values of 'frgw_delay' will be overwritten.
Option: 'total_mean_delay'
Total mean groundwater delay in days estimated a priori for the whole catchment (e.g. from baseflow analysis). All proxy values are scaled, so their mean matches this value (see formula above).

Check for (and optionally delete) obsolete datasets. I.e. LUs not in any subbasin, TCs not in any LU, SVCs not in any TC from the contains- and the parent tables, and datasets in 'rainy_season' with obsolete subbasins (if table 'rainy_season' exists). Dependencies are respected. Areal fractions will be updated in case obsolete datasets are removed.
Option: 'tbls_preserve'
Vector of type character giving the names of tables where obsolete datasets will NOT be removed. Default: NULL.

Check database for completeness. I.e. check if all entities in a higher hierarchy are used and specified in the related tables of lower hierarchy. Reports only, ignores fix=T and does no changes to the database.

Compute subbasin order for WASA's routing input file routing.dat. Order will be derived from column 'drains_to' and written to 'a_stream_order' of table 'subbasins'.
Option: 'overwrite': Overwrite existing vaues.


In case the default value of option 'update_frac_impervious' shall NOT be used, you should always explicitly specify it, even when check 'remove_impervious_svc' is not applied, to make sure, 'fraction' of table 'r_tc_contains_svc' is always correctly calculated.

Database will only be touched (if fix = TRUE) after all checks are completed successfully. If the function stops with an error during checks, the database will be left unchanged.


Tobias Pilz tpilz@uni-potsdam.de, Till Francke francke@uni-potsdam.de


lumpR package introduction with literature study and sensitivity analysis:
Pilz, T.; Francke, T.; Bronstert, A. (2017): lumpR 2.0.0: an R package facilitating landscape discretisation for hillslope-based hydrological models. Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3001-3023, doi: 10.5194/gmd-10-3001-2017


## Not run: 
verbose=T, option=list(overwrite=FALSE))

## End(Not run)

tpilz/lumpR documentation built on Aug. 5, 2023, 1:31 a.m.